- 英文校閲サービスの概要
- サービス品質
- 英文校閲レベル、オプションサービス、および校閲費用
- ご利用料金計算の例 (日本円)
- CHECK コメントシステム
- 校閲チームについて
- 英文スタイル
- 英文校閲の見積り
- 原稿のご提出 (見積り、または翻訳サービス)
- お取り扱い可能なファイル形式
- 英文校閲サンプル
- 守秘義務とプライバシーについて
- 所要時間とスピードサービス
- フォローアップサービス
- 再校閲サービス
- 満足保障
- 英文校閲証明書の発行について
- 最高品質の校閲のために
- ジャーナル選択サービス
- English Version
Uni-editは、特に学術分野 (法学、社会科学、科学、技術等)の文章・論文を専門とした英文校閲サービスを提供いたしております。お客様の書かれた英文を見直し、お客様の意図がしっかりと反映されるよう英語を編集することにより、出版への手助けをすることが私たちの使命です。
国際学術論文誌向け投稿原稿 (添付カバーレターおよびレビュアーコメントに対する返信を含みます) | |
会議用資料 | アブストラクト・サマリー |
書籍・出版関連 | プレゼンテーション用資料 |
ジャーナル投稿論文・研究論文 | 政府報告書 |
記事 | ビジネスレポート |
テクニカルレポート | ウェブサイト |
研究計画書 | その他科学、学術、技術論文 |
- 文法を修正し、著者の表現したい意図を明確化
- アメリカ、イギリス、カナダ出身の英語ネイティブスピーカーの校閲者たち
- お客様の研究内容を理解する、各分野の専門知識を持った校閲者たち
- 本文、タイトル、見出し、用紙、図表、参考文献、補足資料の校閲
- お客様のニーズとご予算に合った校閲レベルの選択
- さらなる品質向上のための、2人の校閲者による校閲プロセス(レベル2以上)
サービス | 詳細 | 校閲の成果 | 校閲費用* |
英文校閲 レベル1 |
句読点、綴り、文法、基本的な接続詞及び表現 | 大きな誤り無し | 5円/ワード |
英文校閲 |
レベル 1 + 文章の構造と一貫性 | 英語ネイティブスピーカーにとって閲読が容易。 | 8円/ワード |
英文校閲 レベル3 |
レベル 2 + 段落と全文の構造、論点の組み立て及びレベルの高い語法 | 英語ネイティブスピーカーが作成した、同分野の水準の高い論文と同程度。 | 10円/ワード |
英文リライト Rewrite |
英語のミスが多く含まれる論文を校閲スタッフが全力をつくし、一から徹底的に書き直します。 |
分かり難い英語を、英語ネイティブスピーカーレベルの英語に変えます。 | 12円/ワード |
* 英文校閲サービスにつきましては、最低受注額は9,000円とさせていただいております。
*お送りいただくファイル形式 (例:LaTeX等)によっては、手数料をいただく場合がございます。手数料は見積書に記載されます。
レベル1、レベル2とレベル3の校閲における違いの比較は比較する をクリックしてください。 Can't decide between Level 2 and Level 3? Watch this video for guidance.
オプションサービス | 詳細 | 校閲費用 |
個人指導 TUTOR |
英語の用法とライティング能力をより高めるアイデアを提供します。 サンプルはこちら 。 | +3円/ワード |
コンテンツアイデア IDEA |
論文の内容をより良くするアドバイスを提供します。 サンプルはこちら 。 | +3円/ワード |
Formatting to journal guidelines ジャーナル投稿規定に合わせるフォーマッティングサービス |
投稿先ジャーナルの投稿規定に合ったレイアウト、フォーマットになるよう調整し、任意で本文中の引用部分および参考文献欄の修正を行います。 | +15000円/1時間 |
Journal Selection ジャーナル選択サービス |
Uni-editチームがお客様の論文発表にふさわしい投稿先ジャーナルを見つけるお手伝いをいたします | +14000円~40000円 |
ご利用料金計算の例 (日本円)
合計ワード数 = 6500
参考文献部分のワード数 = 800
図表部分のワード数 = 700
合計(支払い発生)ワード数 = 5000
1ワードあたりの料金 = 7 + 3 = 10円
合計料金 = 5000 x 10 = 50,000 円
CHECK コメントシステム
Uni-editは、特に学術分野 (法学、社会科学、科学、技術等)文書(研究論文を含む)を専門とした英文校閲サービスを提供いたします。弊社校閲チームは50名を超える校閲スタッフを抱え、その全員が英語ネイティブスピーカーであり、学術研究について献身的で情熱的なプロフェッショナルです。
Uni-editは特に学術分野 (社会科学、科学、技術等)の文章をお取り扱いしております。弊社校閲チームはアメリカ英語、イギリス英語、オーストラリア英語での執筆(校閲)が可能です。
見積りご希望のお客様は、原稿をEメールでuniedit.japan@gmail.com までお送りください。無料にて見積りさせていただきます。お客様に見積書をご確認いただき、ご承諾いただいた時点で作業を開始致します。通常、最終的なご利用料金は見積書に記載の料金と同じですが、もしも何らかの理由で最終的な料金が変更になる場合は、まず、あらかじめご連絡の上、状況についてお客様とご相談させていただきます。
原稿のご提出 (見積り、または翻訳サービス)
一般的なお問い合わせはEメールでuniedit.japan@gmail.com まで、日本語あるいは英語でお寄せください。見積りのための原稿ご提出、英文校閲のための原稿ご提出に関しては、こちらの手順 をご参照ください。
Microsoft Word(.doc and .docx), Excel, PowerPoint, HTML and LaTeX
Uni-editの学術英文校閲のサンプルはこちらからダウンロードできます 。
- 再校閲オプション1: 原稿全体を再校閲 (1ワードあたり5円)。(原稿のトータルワード数が10%以上増加した場合、追加料金が発生します。)
- 再校閲オプション2: 再校閲をご希望の箇所を黄色でハイライトしてください。文、段落、あるいは章全体でも結構です。1ワードあたりの再校閲料金は、元の校閲レベル(レベル1、2、または3)のお値段が適用されますが、ハイライトされた部分の文字数のみが料金計算対象となります。
* 再校閲サービスの最低受注額は9,000円とさせていただいております。
- 関連する表、図、チャートなどを全て添付願います(原稿とは別ファイルでもかまいません)。Uni-editの校閲スタッフが原稿内容をより深く理解するのに役立ちます。なお、これらの表、図、チャートの部分の校閲が必要ない場合は原稿ご提出時にその旨お知らせください。これらは、お見積り料金には含めません。
- 関連するウェブサイトがあれば、そのURLリンクをお送りください。
- 今までお客様が英文校閲サービスを利用されてきた際に感じた不満点、ご心配な点などございましたら、どうぞご遠慮なく私達にお知らせ願います。
English Editing Service Overview
Uni-edit offers English editing services specifically for academic, social science, scientific and technical texts. Our goal is to support you publish your material by improving the usage of English to make the author’s intended meaning clear.
The services are suitable for: journal papers for publication in international journals (including cover letters and response to reviewer letters), journal manuscripts, conference papers, research reports, articles, technical reports, abstracts, presentations, books, book chapters, monographs, websites, and other scientific, academic and technical texts.
Service quality
- Fix grammar and focus on clarifying the author's meaning
- Native-speaker Editors from USA, UK, Canada
- Editors with subject specialization who understand your research
- Edit main text, title, headings, abstract, figures, tables, references, supporting materials
- Choose the level that suits your needs and budget
- Two-Editor process for extra thoroughness (Level 2 and up)
Step 1: Choose an editing level.
Service | Details | Result after English Editing | English Editing Fee* |
English editing Level 1 | Punctuation, spelling, grammar, basic conjunctions and phrasing | No obvious mistakes | 5 Yen/English Word |
English editing Level 2 |
Level 1 + sentence structuring and consistencies | Easy for a native-speaker of English to read | 8 Yen/English Word |
English editing Level 3 | Level 2 + Paragraph and document structure, argument formation and advanced phrasing | Like a good native-speaker who is competent in the field of study | 10 Yen/English Word |
English Rewrite |
For poorly written papers |
“Turns stone into gold” | 12 Yen/English Word |
* Legal documents incur a surcharge. Please ask for a quotation.
* For English editing services, a minimum total fee of 9000 Yen usually applies.
* For some file formats (eg. LaTeX), a file-handling charge may apply and will be listed in the quotation.
To see a comparison of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 editing, click comparison . Can't decide between Level 2 and Level 3? Watch this video for guidance.
Step 2 (optional): Choose one or more optional services.
Optional Service | Details | Fee |
Target Tutor | Techniques of how to improve English usage and writing style. Click here for a sample. | 3 Yen/English Word |
Content Ideas | Ideas of how to improve the content of the paper. Click here for a sample. | 3 Yen/English Word |
Formatting to journal guidelines | adjustment of layout and formatting to match your target journal for submission, and optionally the correction of in-text citations and the Reference Section. | +15000円/1時間 |
Journal Selection Service | The Uni-edit team can help you choose which journals to target for publishing your paper. | +14000円~40000円 |
Example of fee calculation (in Japanese Yen)
A file contains 6500 English words and the order is for Level 2 English editing and Target Tutor.
Total words = 6500
Words in Reference section = 800
Word count of data in tables = 700
Billable words = 5000
Per word rate = 7 + 3 = 10
Total fee = 5000 x 10 = 50,000 Yen
Editing Process
CHECK comment system for clarification
The editors wish to work with you to express ideas and concepts clearly and accurately. Sometimes the editors might not be completely sure of the intended meaning or perhaps feel the writing has an ambiguity. In these instances, the editor will add a CHECK comment and describe the problem and will try to give a suggestion on how to resolve the problem. The CHECK comments are provided in the electronic file using standard word processor functions so that they are convenient for you to read and resolve. The CHECK comment system is a kind of dialogue between the author and the editors that allows for the clarification of the meaning of delicate or complex parts of the text. All levels of service include CHECK comments wherever the editors feel they are required.
About the team of editors
Uni-edit specializes in the English editing of academic, scientific and technical texts, including research papers. The team has over 50 editors. Each is a native-speaker of English and is dedicated and passionate about the challenges of preparing academic works.
The team consists of both subject matter experts and academic writing experts. The project manager will typically assign a team of two editors to your manuscript: a subject matter expert editor and an academic writing expert. The combination of skills means we can understand and clarify the intended meaning using the correct domain-specific terminology, and we can polish the academic style of writing in preparation for submission.
Style of English
The Uni-edit team specializes in academic, technical and business English. The team can write in US, UK and Australian styles English.
Quotations for English editing
Please email your manuscript to uniedit.japan@gmail.com for a quotation. The quotation is provided free of charge and there is no obligation to proceed. We will proceed with the work only after receiving your instruction to proceed. Typically the final price is the same as the quotation. If for any reason the price should differ, we will contact you beforehand to discuss the situation with you.
Also, you may request to see resumes of the English editors who would be responsible for your manuscript. In that way you can feel confident that a suitably qualified person is taking care of your research.
Submit a manuscript for a quotation or translation
For general inquiries, please email uniedit.japan@gmail.com in Japanese or in English. To submit your manuscript for a quotation or for English editing, please follow the procedures. Click here to see the procedures.
Accepted File formats
We accept these formats: Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx), Excel, PowerPoint; HTML and LaTeX. If you have a different file format, please ask and we will try to accommodate your preference. You are welcome to provide any files, including PDFs and websites, for us to consult during editing.
Samples of English editing
To help build trust between Uni-edit and the author, Uni-edit will gladly perform a sample of English editing of one or two paragraphs for no charge. Please send us your full manuscript though so that we can properly understand the topic. Your manuscript will be treated confidentially.
Some samples of Uni-edit’s English editing of manuscripts can be downloaded by clicking academic English editing samples .
Confidentiality and privacy
Uni-edit understands that authors entrust us with their research, which has taken months or years to produce and is often highly confidential. We respect the trust authors place in us and reciprocate by treating each and every text as confidential. All Uni-edit editors and staff have agreed to confidentiality conditions. Your manuscript will only be seen by Uni-edit staff and will never be posted anywhere public. Furthermore, each customer's identity will remain confidential. Uni-edit will never contact your colleagues (e.g. coauthors) without your permission.
Turnaround times and urgent service
Standard speed service
Uni-edit understands that you may be working to tight deadlines. With the quotation, we will set a deadline and promise to finish before that deadline. Most English editing jobs take between 5 and 14 days to complete. For example, a conference paper with Level 1 editing would take 5 days. A 25-page journal paper for Level 3 editing with Target Tutor would take 14 days typically.
Urgent service
An urgent service is available. A typical abstract can be edited within 48 hours. A full journal paper can be edited in 3-5 days for an additional fee. When you choose the urgent service, we will prioritize your manuscript.
Follow-up service
We appreciate that your research is complex. We will do the best we can to produce a high quality result; however, there is always a chance some ideas will be misinterpreted. This is due to the difficulty of using English to accurately express complex ideas. Uni-edit's goal is to support you, so we offer a follow-up service. After you receive the edited manuscript and review it, you may like to make revisions to the text. After making revisions, send us the manuscript again and we will revise the English. You can even insert comments to explain the text in more detail to the editor. Your commentary should be in English. This all helps to improve the result.
If your changes are to clarify the originally intended meaning then there is no extra charge for the follow up service, as long as it occurs within 2 weeks. If your changes are new text for new ideas, concepts or changes to the original ideas, then there will be an additional fee. For example, changes based on journal reviewer suggestions, the newly edited parts will incur additional, yet reasonable, charges. Please see below about re-editing
Re-editing service
You may like Uni-edit to edit the manuscript again, of parts of it, after you have revised it. This if often the case where the research results have been updated or the journal has suggested some revisions. Uni-edit offers two suitable services:
- Re-edit option 1: The whole manuscript is edited again at a rate of 5 Yen per word. (If the total word count of your manuscript has increased by more than 10% an additional fee will apply.)
- Re-edit option 2: Highlight the text you want edited in yellow. You can highlight sentences, paragraphs or whole sections. The editing fee is calculated at the original English editing Level 1, 2 or 3 rate, but only the highlighted words are counted.
* For re-editing services, a minimum total fee of 9000 Yen usually applies.
Guarantee of satisfaction
We will rectify any problems you find with the editing, free of charge. We understand it might take you a week or two to revise the work, and we will wait up to 2 weeks. If you are not satisfied with the overall editing work, please inform us why you think the work is sub-standard, providing examples, and you will not need to pay for the services provided.
We hope to build trusting relationships with authors based on mutual understanding and cooperation with the challenges involved in manuscript preparation.
Certificate for proof of English correction
For Level 2 and Level 3 editing, Uni-edit will provide a certificate to prove that your manuscript has been edited for English correction by a native-speaker of English. Such a certificate is sometimes required by the journal reviewers. The certificate is valid as long as no further changes are made after editing, or if changes are made, they are checked for grammatical correctness again by Uni-edit. Please request the certificate when placing your order.
How to get a top English editing result
Accurate manuscript editing is a challenging exercise, and some collaboration between Uni-edit and the author(s) can significantly improve the quality of the outcome. These are optional, but there are several recommended ways in which authors can help:
- Include all figures and tables with the manuscript. The editor will read these to better understand the text. If you don't need the figures or tables edited, please specify that when submitting, and it will not be included in the fee. Figures and tables can be in the same file or in a different file.
- Website links: Please supply any related website links if they exist.
- Share with us any concerns you have such as unsatisfactory experiences with other editing services.
Journal Selection Service
The Uni-edit team can help you choose which journals to target for publishing your paper. You will receive a comprehensive report with suggested target journal clearly ranked. The analysis will take into account your current citations and references as well as each journal's impact factor and other publication statistics. By carefully choosing the journal that best matches for your research, your chances of being accepted for publication are increased, and you will likely publish sooner. The fee for the journal selection service typically ranges from US$150 to US$500, depending on the amount of investigation conducted by our team.