How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not. After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar. However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper. Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more. The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.
Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
私は、英語の投稿論文執筆で苦労されている方々に、University English Editing and Translation Service (Uni-edit)をお勧めしたいと思っています。編集長のOzyさんは、とてもプロフェッショナルな校閲チームを組んで、私の英語論文の問題点を取り除くのに協力してくれました。Ozyさんと彼の校閲チームのおかげで、私の最初のIEEE論文が今月出版されます。もしあなたが、英語論文の品質を向上させてくれるサービスを探しているならば、Ozyさんに連絡してください。彼らがすばらしいサービスを提供してくれることを保証します。
国立交通大学 運輸物流管理学科教授 韓復華
Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers. Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules. It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics. The algorithm concept is very specific. It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences. Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English. The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning. Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors. The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient. Sometimes, it took 2 days only. I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@
- Professor Anthony F. Han,
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University,
VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan
Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.
Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published. The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.
Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University
Ozyさんこんにちは。前回英文校閲をお願いした、EESDに投稿した論文 "ISEE: Internet-Based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering Part II: The Application Approach" はおかげさまで無事アクセプトされました。私は貴社のサービスをとても気に入っております。特にオプションのTarget Tutor(個人指導)は、英語の表現において私が今まで知らなかった細かな違いや用法を教えてくれました。また将来英文校閲が必要な際は必ず貴社に連絡いたします。どうもありがとうございました。
VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou
Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors
AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly. I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit. They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services. When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native. The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers. Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.