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Welcome to Uni-Edit

안녕하세요. 편집장 Ozy입니다. Uni-edit은 최고의 과학, 기술, 그리고 여러 학문분야에 대한
편집 서비스를 제공하며 저희가 하는 일은 다음과 같습니다. 

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  • 저희는 다음과 같은 분야에 영어 원어민 번역 및 편집 서비스를 제공합니다:
       - 학술 저널 원고
       - 컨퍼런스 논문, 프리젠테이션, 리포트, 웹사이트
       - 석사 및 박사 학위 논문
       - 학교 및 취직 지원서류
  • 문의와 견적에서부터 작업 완료 및 결제에 이르기까지 친절하고 믿음이 가는 서비스를 제공해 드리겠습니다.

이메일︰ (한국어 또는 영어)
한 국  ︰070–7847–5815 (한국어 서비스)
전 화  ︰+886–987–161–221 (대만) (Ozy – 편집장 영어서비스 제공)
Skype︰ozysmile (Ozy 영어서비스)


北京清华大学电子工程系, 何能强

我是北京清华大学电子工程系的一名四年级博士研究生。我分别在IEEE ICC和Globecom两个会议中发表过学术论文。为了在有影响力的世界顶级学术杂志上发表论文,我找到了征文翻译社(Uni-edit)进行专业英语编辑服务,以便进一步提高文章的英语水平。Uni-edit是我的师兄师姐介绍的,他们向我推荐Uni-edit, 说Uni-edit 具有学术界严谨的审稿制度和截止日,他们的编辑工作绝对准时交件,值得信赖。这一点在我经历的这次稿件编辑过程中得到了验证。我这次提交的稿件原来是定在7日内返回稿件编辑版本,令我满意的是Uni-edit在第5日下午就返回给我编辑后的稿件,这种服务确实让用户感到Uni-edit值得信赖。同时修改后的稿件确实在不改变原来文章主旨的前提下提升了英语水平,让我能够体会到阅读更加流畅的感觉。

- 何能强

My name is Professor Ren Yong from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China. I publish around 20 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional help with writing English fluently to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are undoubtedly reliable and always deliver completed jobs on time.

Chief Editor Ozy and the Uni-edit team respect the work of every author and sincerely wish to help researchers correct the English of their manuscripts and ensure their intended meaning is expressed clearly and professionally. During the process of translation and editing if questions or issues arise, Uni-edit always contacts me to ensure the author’s meaning is preserved. Such attention to detail is critical for professional academic manuscripts. Furthermore, Uni-edit has a team of native-speaker editors and assigns editors who have a related academic background to the researcher or author for each manuscript; they therefore have a good grasp of the subject matter.

I have now been working with Ozy and his team for over 10 months. They always reply promptly and resolve problems quickly, and the fee is also calculated in a very reasonable way. Ozy came to meet me and my team to understand our requirements. This adds the human touch to the relationship, so the service is not only professional but also friendly. I definitely recommend the Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.”

- Ren Yong, Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China

北京清華大學電子工程部 任勇

私は北京清華大学電気工学科の教授、任勇と申します。私は毎年20本前後の論文を出版して います。出版プロセスをスムーズにし、論文の品質も確かなものにするためには、プロフェッショナルな英文校閲サービスの利用が必要不可欠です。Uni-editは、学術論文投稿における厳しいスケジュール(締切)についてもよく理解してくれています。納品日もきちんと守ってくれる、信頼のおける校閲会社 です。 編集長のOzy氏とUni-editの校閲チームは、各著者の論文に敬意を払い、論文の英文を修正し、著者の意図が原稿に正確かつプロフェッショナルに反映されるよう誠実に取り組んでくれます。  翻訳・校閲作業中に、不明な点や問題点が発生した場合、Uni-editはいつも私に連絡をくれ、文中の著者の意図がしっかりと維持されるよう努めてくれます。このように、細部まで注意を払うことは学術論文執筆において非常に重要です。  Uni-editの校閲チームには、英語ネイティブスピーカーの校閲者が揃っており、研究者の著した原稿に関連する学術分野のバックグラウンドを持った校閲者が校閲を担当してくれます。彼らは論文の内容についてよく把握してくれています。  私は10か月以上にわたってOzy氏および彼のチームにお世話になっていますが、彼らはこちらのリクエストに対し常に迅速に返信をくれ、問題も素早く解決してくれます。料金の計算方法もとてもリーズナブルです。  さらにOzy氏は、私と私のグループが必要としているものをよりよく理解するために、私たちに会いにきてくれました。彼らのサービスはプロフェッショナルなだけでなく、フレンドリーでもあるのです。  私は、Uni-editを他の教授、研究者の皆さんに自信を持ってお勧めします。

- 任勇 教授

저처럼 영문으로 학술 전문지 원고를 작성할 때 어려움을 겪는 학자들께 저는 Uni-edit을 추천해 드리고 싶습니다. 편집장 Ozy와 그의 전문 팀은 영어와 관련된 저의 문제들을 해결해 주었습니다. 그들의 도움으로 저의 첫 번째 IEEE논문이 이미 통과되어 이번 달에 출간될 예정입니다! 만약 전문가를 통한 논문의 품격 향상이 필요하시다면, 다른 누구보다도 먼저 Ozy에게 연락하셔야 할 것입니다. 그와 그의 팀의 서비스에 만족하실 것이라고 제가 보증합니다.

홍밍총 (국립 중흥대학교 재료공학과)

大葉大學, 工業工程與管理學系, 葉子明


- 葉子明

저는 Harbin Institute of Technology의 School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering Wang Li 교수입니다. 저는 매년 5건의 원고를 출판하며 따라서 출판 과정의 속도를 높이고 원고의 질을 높이기 위해 전문적인 영어 편집 서비스가 필요합니다. Uni-edit은 학술인들이 지켜야만 하는 엄격한 제출 마감일을 잘 이해하고 있으며 납기를 잘 준수하여 항상 정확한 시간에 원고를 되돌려줍니다.

지금까지 Uni-edit은 제 원고 2건을 편집하였습니다. 편집 과정에서 Ozy와 Uni-edit 팀은 저의 코멘트에 늘 신속하게 응답하고 매우 훌륭한 편집 서비스를 제공합니다. 부과하는 요금도 매우 합리적입니다. 서비스는 Uni-edit과 고객 사이의 신뢰와 존중을 바탕으로 제공되므로 사람 냄새가 난다고 할 수 있습니다. 저는 앞으로도 Uni-edit을 계속 이용할 것이며 다른 교수들과 연구자들도 Uni-edit의 서비스를 도구로 이용할 수 있도록 추천합니다.

- Wang Li
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Nagoya University, Environmental Studies, Professor Ippei Maruyama

저는 저널에 원고를 제출하기 위해 여덟 곳의 회사를 사용해 보았는데, Uni-edit의 영어 편집이 제 분야에 가장 적합한 회사라고 느낍니다. 지금까지 3가지 다른 학문 분야의 원고를 편집했는데 그들의 작업에 저는 만족합니다. 저는 Uni-edit의 지원을 매우 고맙게 생각합니다.

그들의 서비스는 매우 유연합니다. 예를 들어, 저널 평가자들이 귀하의 원고를 평가한 후에 귀하께서는 원고의 특정 부분만 편집하도록 요청할 수 있습니다. 또한 공공 기금으로 지불할 수 있습니다. 제 생각에는 Uni-edit의 서비스는 일본 대학의 교수들과 연구자들에게 매우 도움이 됩니다.

- Professor  Ippei Maruyama
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University

People often say: "A proper packaging is a great way to highlight the values of good works”, especially for a manuscript paper.  Ozy, the chief-editor of the Uni-edit team is exactly the packaging to me.  There was one time a comment from journal reviewers has been returned to me and pointed out directly my English grammar need to be improved.  Fortunately, several doctoral in senior recommended me Ozy and his editing team.  My paper has been accepted since Ozy’s sincerity and strictness with professional services.  Nevertheless, I believe you will appreciate the professional services from Ozy and his team once you have collaborations with them.  It is such a reliable editing team with strictness, carefulness, punctuality.  Here again, I strongly recommend the Ozy its Uni-edit team.

- Hsian-Cheng Chou, National Taiwan University

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Scientific Research Division, Yu-Jong Wu

Uni-edit understands the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. They always reply promptly to my questions and resolve issues very efficiently. In addition, Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable.

- Yu-Jong Wu (Scientific Research Division, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan)

台北科技大学, 机电科技研究所学生, 陈钧琳

我是台北科技大学机电所的学生,对于理工专业人员,英文撰写通常不是件难事。但是,要写出一篇读起来轻松流畅,又凸显专业程度的英文论文,就比较有难度。 征文翻译社提供这方面高水平的服务,工作速度非常快速,专业能力也非常好。英文编辑同时给了我许多的良好建议和撰写方式,让我的英文撰写能力可以加倍成 长,我非常推荐征文的服务,也肯定他们的专业英文编修能力。

- 陈钧琳

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

When I write English manuscripts, I often use Uni-edit English editing service. I have used other English editing services before but compared to them, Uni-edit’s editing quality is higher and the price is also reasonable. Their customer service in Japanese is also reliable,and the follow-up service is great too. Also, Uni-edit often completes their job earlier than the deadline and it makes me feel happy (lucky) too. I recommend Uni-edit.

- Ryo Momosaki,, School of medicine,The Jikei university

NTT西日本大阪病院 心療内科部長, 胡谷和彦 ,



- 胡谷和彦
心療内科部長, 心身醫學系

National Chiao Tung University, Kevin Chiang

I am a PhD candidate of College of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is over 3 years now since the first paper asked Uni-edit for English editing. Uni-edit is a very important language partner  for a non-native speaker researcher like me.  Uni-edit team helps me to improve my paper in Egnlsih and then get published to other researchers.  I also got feedbacks from all over the world.  It makes my academic study gradually broaden horizons.  Usually I planned to write one or 2 academic papers for publishing in one year.  Before asking Uni-edit’s service, I have tried out other English editing companies and I feel more confidence to send my paper to Uni-edit.  Because the quality and speed from Uni-edit is better than others.  Uni-edit’s team could understand the expressed meaning and give comments quite fast.  This is a trustable partner and I recommend you to try.

- Kevin Chiang
PhD candidate,
College of Computer Science
National Chiao Tung University

財團法人國家實驗研究院國家晶片系統設計中心, 曾聖翔 ,


- 曾聖翔

ハルビン工業大学市政環境工程学院 陳媛

私はハルビン工業大学市政環境工程学院博士課程の陳媛と申します。卒業条件を満たすため、年間に1、2本の論文を投稿しており、プロの英文校正サービスを探していたところ、教授からUni-editを紹介されました。編集長OzyとUni-editのチームは私の投稿をスムーズなものにしてくれ、論文の質を高めてくれました。私はUni-editのプロフェッショナルなサービスを環境学の教授および研究者の皆様にお勧めします。主な理由は以下の通りです: 1) Ozyは私たちのニーズを理解するべく、私と私の研究チームに直接会いに来てくれました。プロフェッショナルなだけでなく、とてもフレンドリーなサービスです。 2) Ozyと彼のプロフェッショナルなチームは、私の問い合わせにいつも迅速に応えてくれ、素早く問題を解決してくれます。サービスの値段設定もとてもリーズナブルです。

- 陳媛

I am the doctoral candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is almost a necessary to ask a professional English editing service when submitting papers to journal for a non-English speaker.   This is the first time I asked Uni-edit to edit my paper.  I am grateful Uni-edit professional team with friendly and professional service.  Uni-edit team not just correct grammar and sentences, also will share their suggestions when they feel unclear or to verify meanings.  It helps me to express my points more clearly and precisely, and increasing acceptance by journal.  Thanks again for the excellent job from Uni-edit.

- Vodka Chao-Min SU  Doctoral Candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Anderson S. Cabral PhD

We recently used Uni-edit editing and translation services and we were very satisfied. The review met our expectations and the service was very cordial and professional, with clear and fast answers. After Uni-edit review, our manuscript was accepted without restrictions for publication.

Best Regards, 

- Dr Anderson S. Cabral. 
Laboratório de Hidrobiologia 
Instituto de Biologia - UFRJ

Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

I work as a writer/editor of books and magazines and I use Uni-edit English editing/translation services when I edit books published by foreign publishers.

When I saw Uni-edit website for the first time, it looked like they were more experienced with 'academic' manuscripts, so I hesitated a little before using their service, however,
I was very satisfied with their editing/translation quality. Their price is more reasonable than other editing companies. Your paper will be double checked by a second editor so that the quality of English will be very high. They will also listen to your request such as 'Please make the English less formal'.Native English speakers check your English thoroughly and they also answer your questions, which makes your paper high-quality. I also appreciate that I can choose an editing (translation) level and turnaround time.

- Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

台大醫學院麻醉科, 范守仁副教授


1. 由二位具醫學專業背景的編輯前後編修同一篇論文
2. 編輯提供適當的意見,以確保我們能明確表達
3. 編輯後,容易從其詳細的編修文內判斷我的英文寫作問題
4. 具有學術出版專業知識的客戶服務,能快速並以中文正確確認我的需求,感覺得出經過非常嚴格的訓練
5. 工作時程說明清楚且價格合理
6. 配合提供報價單及發票


- 范守仁副教授

The English service from Uni-edit is full of the spirit of first-class as well as professional.  They will listen to your needs and try their best to meet your needs as soon as possible.  I have taught in Department of Merchant Marine, National Taiwan Ocean University over 20 years with years experiences in journal publishing.  Thanks Uni-edit team’s great help on such arduous task.

- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吳清慈 )
Department of Merchant Marine
National Taiwan Ocean University

国立台北科技大学,土木工程系, Derick Kang,

How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not.  After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar.  However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper.  Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more.  The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.

- Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

国立台北科技大学 エンジニアリング科学研究所 講師 康德龍 E-mail:

How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not.  After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar.  However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper.  Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more.  The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.

Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

国立台湾大学 土木工学部 蔡克銓教授



NTT WEST Osaka Hospital, Manager, Mr. Kazuhiko Kotani,

I have used Uni-edit English editing service twice. What I like about Uni-edit is that their editors (subject matter experts) give me appropriate advice on the structure and the point of argument of my paper. English written by Japanese authors usually looks clumsy but after having my paper edited by Uni-edit, the English in my paper looks very natural. Thanks to Uni-edit, the journal reviewer told me my English is fluent.

The editing fee is also reasonable and the turnaround time is fast enough. I’m satisfied with Uni-edit’s service and I recommend their service to everyone.

- Kazuhiko Kotani
Manager, Department of psychosomatic medicine
NTT WEST Osaka Hospital,

I am a PhD student currently in my fourth year studying in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing. I have so far published papers in conferences including IEEE ICC and Globecom. In order to further improve the English of my papers and thus help me publish in high impact international journals, I actively sought after Uni-edit’s professional English editing services. I was myself recommended Uni-edit’s services by other senior students, who told me that the Uni-edit team is familiar with the stringent review process and deadlines in the academic publishing world, they are very reliable and always deliver promptly. I can testify this statement having now worked with Uni-edit myself. The original promised delivery day was within 7 days, and I was pleasantly surprised when I received the edited work after only five days. Hence why I am confident of Uni-edit’s reliable services. In addition, the editors have improved my paper’s English whilst retaining my intended meanings, so now my paper flows much better.

- Nengqiang He (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China)


... 阮雪芬 (臺灣大學生命科學系教授)

Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

I work as a writer/editor of books and magazines and I use Uni-edit English editing/translation services when I edit books published by foreign publishers.

When I saw Uni-edit website for the first time, it looked like they were more experienced with 'academic' manuscripts, so I hesitated a little before using their service, however,
I was very satisfied with their editing/translation quality. Their price is more reasonable than other editing companies. Your paper will be double checked by a second editor so that the quality of English will be very high. They will also listen to your request such as 'Please make the English less formal'.Native English speakers check your English thoroughly and they also answer your questions, which makes your paper high-quality. I also appreciate that I can choose an editing (translation) level and turnaround time.

- Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

I am a PhD student currently in my fourth year studying in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing. I have so far published papers in conferences including IEEE ICC and Globecom. In order to further improve the English of my papers and thus help me publish in high impact international journals, I actively sought after Uni-edit’s professional English editing services. I was myself recommended Uni-edit’s services by other senior students, who told me that the Uni-edit team is familiar with the stringent review process and deadlines in the academic publishing world, they are very reliable and always deliver promptly. I can testify this statement having now worked with Uni-edit myself. The original promised delivery day was within 7 days, and I was pleasantly surprised when I received the edited work after only five days. Hence why I am confident of Uni-edit’s reliable services. In addition, the editors have improved my paper’s English whilst retaining my intended meanings, so now my paper flows much better.

- Nengqiang He (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China)

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

国立交通大学 運輸物流管理学科教授 韓復華

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

I'm using Uni-edit English editing service for my academic writing. When I review my manuscript after uni-edit edits it, I can know which part of my manuscript (my Engliish) is not correct in details and I can learn a lot. Above all, I'm very satisfied with the kind attitude of Uni-edit's staff.

I recommend Uni-edit's English editing service especially to those who have never used an English editing service. I know they might feel anxious when using this kind of service for the first time. Probably they don't know what they need and how they should use an English editing service. But I believe that if you ask Uni-edit to edit your manuscript, everything will be alright. The reason why I'm confident is that Uni-edit's kind customer service makes me feel at ease. They will even answer a very basic question for you.

I feel Uni-edit is a company which can provide an excellent service and a high quality English editing service. Please use Uni-edit's English editing service. Or, you can at least ask them about their service, work process etc.. I'm sure that you will feel you made a correct choice.

Takuma Yoshida
Department of Science
Kagoshima University

北京清華大學, 電子工程系, 任勇 教授


- 任勇 教授

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

國家同步輻射研究中心, 科學研究組, 吳宇中


- 吳宇中

NTT WEST Osaka Hospital, Manager, Mr. Kazuhiko Kotani,

I have used Uni-edit English editing service twice. What I like about Uni-edit is that their editors (subject matter experts) give me appropriate advice on the structure and the point of argument of my paper. English written by Japanese authors usually looks clumsy but after having my paper edited by Uni-edit, the English in my paper looks very natural. Thanks to Uni-edit, the journal reviewer told me my English is fluent.

The editing fee is also reasonable and the turnaround time is fast enough. I’m satisfied with Uni-edit’s service and I recommend their service to everyone.

- Kazuhiko Kotani
Manager, Department of psychosomatic medicine
NTT WEST Osaka Hospital,

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Scientific Research Division, Yu-Jong Wu

Uni-edit understands the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. They always reply promptly to my questions and resolve issues very efficiently. In addition, Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable.

- Yu-Jong Wu (Scientific Research Division, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan)

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

北海道大学院农学研究院, 桥本 诚


- 桥本 诚

National Taiwan University, ​Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology Dr. Shou-Zen Fan

저는 NTU의 의과대학 마취과 조교수이며 NTUH의 마취과 학과장인 Shouzen Fan입니다. 저는 병원일과 가르치는 일을 제외하고는 논문을 쓰는 데 대부분의 시간을 들였습니다. 의학 연구와 영작에 대해 훈련을 잘 받았지만 영어를 더 유창하게 만드는 데 시간을 더 할애할 수가 없습니다. 제가 의도한 바를 명확하게 표현할 수 있도록 전문적인 영어 편집 회사의 도움을 받는다면 그것은 시간을 절약하고 논문이 출판될 가능성을 높여 줄 수 있습니다. 제가 Uni-edit을 선택한 이유는요?

1. Uni-edit은 제 논문 작업을 2명의 의학적 지식이 있는 편집자에게 맡깁니다.
2. CHEK 코멘트는 의미를 명확하게 하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
3. 편집을 통해 학술 영어를 더 잘 배울 수 있습니다.
4. 똑똑한 고객 서비스를 통해 제 필요를 충족시켜 줄 수 있는 명확한 중국어 설명을 들을 수 있습니다. 직원 훈련을 엄격하게 시키고 있다는 것을 느낄 수 있습니다.
5. 작업 완료 시간과 작업료는 명확하고 합리적입니다.
6. 견적서와 세금 계산서로 쓰일 수 있는 인보이스는 제가 비용 변제를 선청하는 것을 용이하게 합니다.

여러분도 Uni-edit을 한 번 이용해 보시길 권해 드립니다. 적어도 그들의 서비스와 작업 흐름에 대해 문의해 보십시오. 그러면 어디에 영어 편집 서비스를 맡겨야 하는지 감이 오실 것입니다.

- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital

国立中央大学, 机械系博士生, 凌国夏(Kuo-Hsia Ling),


- 凌国夏(Kuo-Hsia Ling)

My name is Chen Yuan, a PhD student from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. In order to meet school requirements for graduation, annually publish 1-2 papers and need professional English editing services to accelerate the speed and reach the level of articles published. Uni-edit team was introduced from my teacher, working with the Chief Editor Ozy and Uni-edit team greatly improved my speed and level of published articles. I will recommend Uni-edit team professional services to professors and researchers of Environmental areas. The main reasons are the following: 1) Ozy came to visit me and my research team to discuss and understand our needs, providing not only professional, but also very friendly and personalized service; 2) Ozy and professional team are always fastest to respond or solve the problems, the service is also very reasonably priced way. Wish Uni-edit team better and better!

- Chen Yuan
Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

Chung Shan Medical University, School of Public Health, Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然

Ozy and Uni-edit team can provide professional English editing that meets my need.  They charge reasonable rate for their service.  I would like to recommend the professional service of Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.

- Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然
School of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University

PS.  The paper edited by Uni-edit was accepted by the journal “Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior”.

I'm using Uni-edit English editing service for my academic writing. When I review my manuscript after uni-edit edits it, I can know which part of my manuscript (my Engliish) is not correct in details and I can learn a lot. Above all, I'm very satisfied with the kind attitude of Uni-edit's staff.

I recommend Uni-edit's English editing service especially to those who have never used an English editing service. I know they might feel anxious when using this kind of service for the first time. Probably they don't know what they need and how they should use an English editing service. But I believe that if you ask Uni-edit to edit your manuscript, everything will be alright. The reason why I'm confident is that Uni-edit's kind customer service makes me feel at ease. They will even answer a very basic question for you.

I feel Uni-edit is a company which can provide an excellent service and a high quality English editing service. Please use Uni-edit's English editing service. Or, you can at least ask them about their service, work process etc.. I'm sure that you will feel you made a correct choice.

Takuma Yoshida
Department of Science
Kagoshima University

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

編集者 阿久根佐和子




- 編集者 阿久根佐和子

Mr. Chief Editor Ozy Abram of Uni-edt,
I am the author Li Liqing of editing job code P043001HIT.  I have read the manuscript been edited through your company's service. Thanks editors for their help! I am sending a letter of recommendation; hope it can make more people to find Uni-edit, to help them submit the paper successfully.

Recommendation as follow:

Through my friend Wang Li introduced, I chose the Uni-edit for my English manuscript editing. In the past I wrote the manuscript and edited it by myself, always received the comments with “obscure English, do not understand the author's intention" from the reviewers, that feels very frustrated because I spent a lot of times and efforts to edit my paper. I decided to adopt Uni-edit’s help. After editing the manuscript, feel Uni-edit editors understand the author's ideas. Uni-edit understand the academic rigor of the review system, the manuscript on time delivery. Uni-edit customer service officers with the author's native language to communicate, this service is very convenient. In view of the Uni-edit of a good and robust service, I have already recommended a friend to use Uni-edit of editing services.


- Li Liqing
Harbin Institute of Technology

Nagoya University, Environmental Studies, Professor Ippei Maruyama

I have used 8 different English editing companies for submitting my manuscripts to journals, but I feel Uni-edit's English editing is the most suitable one for my fields of study. So far they have edited my manuscript of 3 different academic fields and all of their work have satisfied me. I appreciate Uni-edit's support very much.

Their services are really flexible. For example, after having journal reviewers review your manuscript,you can ask Uni-edit to edit just certain parts of it. Also, you can use public expense for payment. I think their services are very helpful for profesors and researchers of universities in Japan.

- Professor  Ippei Maruyama
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University

鹿児島大学, 理学部,吉田拓真,






- 吉田拓真

My name is Hsueh-Fen Juan, a professor of Life Science in National Taiwan University.  The reason I have asked Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service) edit 11 papers for me in just half a year is Uni-edit team really understand the rigorousness of academic and the importance of submitting deadline so Uni-edit always deliver files on time or earlier.  The chief-editor Ozy and Uni-edit team cares of each work from researchers and take care of them to problem free as well as fluently sincerely.  They will communicate with us if they encounter any difficulties or answer properly if we have any questions.  I would like to recommend the Uni-the edit team of professional services to other professors and researchers from the reasons I mentioned above.

- Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan, National Taiwan University

I'm using Uni-edit English editing service for my academic writing. When I review my manuscript after uni-edit edits it, I can know which part of my manuscript (my Engliish) is not correct in details and I can learn a lot. Above all, I'm very satisfied with the kind attitude of Uni-edit's staff.

I recommend Uni-edit's English editing service especially to those who have never used an English editing service. I know they might feel anxious when using this kind of service for the first time. Probably they don't know what they need and how they should use an English editing service. But I believe that if you ask Uni-edit to edit your manuscript, everything will be alright. The reason why I'm confident is that Uni-edit's kind customer service makes me feel at ease. They will even answer a very basic question for you.

I feel Uni-edit is a company which can provide an excellent service and a high quality English editing service. Please use Uni-edit's English editing service. Or, you can at least ask them about their service, work process etc.. I'm sure that you will feel you made a correct choice.

Takuma Yoshida
Department of Science
Kagoshima University

Chung Shan Medical University, School of Public Health, Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然

Ozy and Uni-edit team can provide professional English editing that meets my need.  They charge reasonable rate for their service.  I would like to recommend the professional service of Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.

- Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然
School of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University

PS.  The paper edited by Uni-edit was accepted by the journal “Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior”.

鹿儿岛大学, 理学部,吉田拓真,

我会使用Uni-edit的编修服务来编修我的学术英文论文。每当Uni-edit编辑后,我很容易从其详细的编修数据中以判断出我的英文写作有哪些不对的,并从其中学习很多。 综观上述,我也非常满意Uni-edit客服人员友善的服务态度。





- 吉田拓真

One of my most encountered difficulties when writing academic papers is how to clearly, yet concisely express my intended meanings. Uni-edit provides very professional advice and their services have helped me overcome this challenge. My English writing skill has also greatly benefited from Uni-edit’s services as a result. I therefore strongly recommend authors who encounter similar problems to consult Uni-edit for their professional services.

- K.C. Shen (Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University)

National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai

Our team has been working with Uni-edit in English editing for a long time. We are very pleased and satisfied with the results of the work. We are happy to recommend Uni-edit to all other professors and scholars.

- Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

国立台湾大学, 资讯工程系,Hsian-Cheng Chou

常有人说:「好的作品透过适当的包装,更能彰显其价值」,一篇好的论文作品更是如此。对我而言, 总编辑Ozy及其Uni-edit团队不愧就是我论文最好的包装师。记得上一篇论文被退回时评审委员直接表示英文文法须要改进,经几位博士班学长辗转介绍认识到Ozy,经其团队协助修正后论文直接被接受,真的要非常感谢Ozy及其团队的专业服务。另外,Ozy 及其专业团队的热忱、效率及严谨态度,相信与其有合作的人士,一定会举起大姆指说赞,不但审稿严格、细心,并且一定准时交件,真的非常值得信赖。再一次向大家极力推荐Ozy及其Uni-edit团队。

- Hsian-Cheng Chou

臺灣大學, 生命科學系, 阮雪芬教授


- 阮雪芬教授

Chung Shan Medical University, School of Public Health, Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然

Ozy and Uni-edit team can provide professional English editing that meets my need.  They charge reasonable rate for their service.  I would like to recommend the professional service of Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.

- Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然
School of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University

PS.  The paper edited by Uni-edit was accepted by the journal “Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior”.



- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吳清慈 )
Department of Merchant Marine 商船學系
National Taiwan Ocean University 國立台灣海洋大學

佐賀大学, 副島英伸


- 副島英伸

National Chiao Tung University, Kevin Chiang

I am a PhD candidate of College of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is over 3 years now since the first paper asked Uni-edit for English editing. Uni-edit is a very important language partner  for a non-native speaker researcher like me.  Uni-edit team helps me to improve my paper in Egnlsih and then get published to other researchers.  I also got feedbacks from all over the world.  It makes my academic study gradually broaden horizons.  Usually I planned to write one or 2 academic papers for publishing in one year.  Before asking Uni-edit’s service, I have tried out other English editing companies and I feel more confidence to send my paper to Uni-edit.  Because the quality and speed from Uni-edit is better than others.  Uni-edit’s team could understand the expressed meaning and give comments quite fast.  This is a trustable partner and I recommend you to try.

- Kevin Chiang
PhD candidate,
College of Computer Science
National Chiao Tung University

國立中興大學, 材料工程學系, 洪銘聰


- 洪銘聰

AEI movie, Producer, Dorothy Chen

AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly.  I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit.  They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services.  When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native.  The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers.  Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.

- Dorothy Chen
AEI movie


我叫陳媛,來自哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院的一名博士生,為了滿足學校對畢業的要求,每年約發表1-2篇論文,需要專業的英語編輯服務以利加速和協助我發表文章的速度和水準。通過老師介紹我瞭解了Uni-edit團隊,通過與總編輯Ozy和Uni-edit團隊的合作極大的提高了我發表文章的速度和水準,我將會推薦Uni-edit 團隊的專業服務給我們環境領域的其他教授和科研工作者,主要理由主要有以下:1) Ozy專程造訪我和我的研究團隊討論瞭解我們的需求,提供不僅專業,同時也非常友善人性化的服務;2) Ozy 以及專業團隊永遠以最快的速度回復疑問或解決問題,服務計價的方式也非常合理。最終祝願Uni-edit團隊越辦越好!

- 陳媛

National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai

Our team has been working with Uni-edit in English editing for a long time. We are very pleased and satisfied with the results of the work. We are happy to recommend Uni-edit to all other professors and scholars.

- Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

저는 National Taiwan University의 Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering 박사과정 학생입니다. 논문의 영어 편집은 상당히 전문적인 일입니다. 저는 다른 영어 편집 회사에 제 논문 편집을 맡겨도 보았습니다만 결과적으로 제 논문은 거절되었고 평가자는 영어가 부족하다고 언급한 코멘트를 보내왔습니다. 그런데 제 급우 한 명이 제게 Uni-edit을 추천해 주었습니다. Uni-edit의 서비스를 이용한 후, 편집된 원고는 의미 표현이 분명해졌고 저널에 무리없이 받아들여졌습니다. 저는 편집장 Ozy와 그의 전문 팀에게 감사를 드립니다. 저는 Uni-edit과 그 전문 서비스를 다른 교수님들과 연구자들께 추천하고 싶습니다.

- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chou Jui-Hung  周瑞宏

名古屋工業大学, 石沢伸夫



- 石沢伸夫

ハルビン工業大学市政環境工程学院 副教授 王立


王立 副教授

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Anderson S. Cabral PhD

We recently used Uni-edit editing and translation services and we were very satisfied. The review met our expectations and the service was very cordial and professional, with clear and fast answers. After Uni-edit review, our manuscript was accepted without restrictions for publication.

Best Regards, 

- Anderson S. Cabral PhD 
Laboratory of Hydrobiology
Institute of Biology - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 

I have used several English editing services but Uni-edit provides very fine and delicate service ‘for Japanese customers’ (We can communicate about deadline,price,content of the English paper, payment method etc.. in Japanese) which is very helpful for me.

- Makoto Hashimoto (Research Faculty of Agriculture,Hokkaido University)

副研究员, 杨元森


- 杨元森

My name is Ya-Wen Lee, a doctoral student of Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. I need to publish some papers with high standard, therefore I need a professional English editing service to speed up me to publish high standard articles. I have tired 3 different editing companies so far. I could feel that Uni-edit emphasis on each investigator works and dedication to help manuscript as fluent as a native English speaker with professional editing level and suggestions. Uni-edit will make sure to understand my paper well by communicate with me if there is any unclears. Also, Uni-edit understand academic rigorous peer review system and the deadline, therefore you could trust they always deliver files on time. It is very important that a team care service for professional academic manuscript. This is my second time to work with Chief editor Ozy and Uni-edit team, I sincerely recommend Uni-edit team of professional services to other researchers.

- Doctoral student, Ya-Wen Lee
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

저는 학술 영어 편집을 위해 Uni-edit을 이용합니다. Uni-edit이 편집한 원고를 제가 읽으면 제가 쓴 원고(제 영어)의 어떤 부분이 틀렸었는지 자세히 알 수 있어 많이 배우게 됩니다. 저는 무엇보다도 Uni-edit 직원들의 친절한 태도에 매우 만족합니다.

영어 편집 서비스를 한 번도 이용해 보지 않은 분들에게 저는 Uni-edit의 편집 서비스를 추천합니다. 이런 종류의 서비스를 처음 이용할 때는 매우 불안하다는 것을 저는 잘 압니다. 어쩌면 어떤 것이 필요한 것인지, 그리고 영어 편집 서비스를 어떻게 이용하는지 모를 수도 있습니다. 그러나 Uni-edit에 원고 편집을 의뢰하기만 하면 됩니다. 제가 이렇게 자신하는 이유는 Uni-edit의 고객 서비스가 저를 편안하게 해 주었기 때문입니다. 그들은 아주 기본적인 질문도 잘 대답해 줍니다.

저는 Uni-edit이 뛰어난 서비스와 고품질 영어 편집 서비스를 제공하는 회사라고 생각합니다. Uni-edit의 영어 편집 서비스를 이용하십시오. 아니면 그들의 서비스, 작업 프로세스 등에 대해 질문해 보십시오. 그러면 제대로 골랐구나 하고 느끼실 겁니다.

Takuma Yoshida
Department of Science
Kagoshima University

北京清华大学, 电子工程系, 任勇 教授


- 任勇 教授

台北科技大學, 機電科技研究所學生, 陳鈞琳

我是台北科技大學機電所的學生,對於理工專業人員,英文撰寫通常不是件難事。但是,要寫出一篇讀起來輕鬆流暢,又凸顯專業程度的英文論文,就比較有難度。 征文翻譯社提供這方面高水準的服務,工作速度非常快速,專業能力也非常好。英文編輯同時給了我許多的良好的建議和撰寫方式,讓我的英文撰寫能力可以加倍成長,我非常推薦征文的服務,也肯定他們的專業英文編修能力。

- 陳鈞琳

I am a PhD student of Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University.  English editing on a paper is a pretty professional work.  I have asked other English editing company to edit my papers.  But the result was paper got rejected and the reviewer comments mentioned that English needs to be improved.  Then one time, one of my classmate recommended Uni-edit to me.  After trying out their service, the edited paper with clear meaning expression and got accepted by journal smoothly.  I appreciate the Chief-editor Ozy and his professional team.  I would like to recommend Uni-edit team and its professional service to other professors and researchers.

- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chou Jui-Hung  周瑞宏

台灣大學,電信所 ,周瑞宏, E-mal:


- 周瑞宏

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Anderson S. Cabral PhD

We recently used Uni-edit editing and translation services and we were very satisfied. The review met our expectations and the service was very cordial and professional, with clear and fast answers. After Uni-edit review, our manuscript was accepted without restrictions for publication.

Best Regards, 

- Dr Anderson S. Cabral. 
Laboratório de Hidrobiologia 
Instituto de Biologia - UFRJ

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Scientific Research Division, Yu-Jong Wu

Uni-edit understands the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. They always reply promptly to my questions and resolve issues very efficiently. In addition, Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable.

- Yu-Jong Wu (Scientific Research Division, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan)

文化大學 國企系, 林郁翔老師


- 林郁翔老師
文化大學 國企系

One of my most encountered difficulties when writing academic papers is how to clearly, yet concisely express my intended meanings. Uni-edit provides very professional advice and their services have helped me overcome this challenge. My English writing skill has also greatly benefited from Uni-edit’s services as a result. I therefore strongly recommend authors who encounter similar problems to consult Uni-edit for their professional services.

- K.C. Shen (Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University)

يوان-سن "فينسنت" يانغ، زميل باحث مشارك، المركز القومي لبحوث هندسة الزلازل،

"لا يصعب على باحث تايواني كتابة جمل إنجليزيةً خاليةً من الأخطاء النحوية، لكن كتابة مقال يتسم بالبلاغة والسلاسة والقبول شيء آخر تمامًأ. ومن واقع تجربتي أقول إن محرري يوني-إيديت بذلوا جهدهم للوقوف على مدلول الجمل والفقرات في أعمالي، وتنقيح النص استنادًا إلى الأفكار الكامنة فيه دون الاقتصار على الجانب النحوي فقط، وبذلك أسهموا في الجانب الجمالي للمادة المكتوبة بما ييسر قراءتها".

يوان-سن "فينسنت" يانغ، زميل باحث مشارك، المركز القومي لبحوث هندسة الزلازل،

Chung Yuan Christian University, The Department of Civil Engineering, Chang-Wei Huang

지난 수년 동안, 저는 제 원고 편집을 Uni-edit에 수 차례 의뢰했습니다. Uni-edit의 편집자들이 제 논문을 편집한 후, 제 논문들은 출판되었습니다. 제가 Uni-edit에 계속 제 논문을 보내고 다른 교수들에게도 Uni-edit을 추천하는 이유는 Uni-edit 덕분에 제가 연구 내용을 개선하는 데 집중하고 영어 문장에 대해 걱정하지 않아도 되기 때문입니다.

- Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Alvin Hung Email:

I would like to recommend University English Editing and Translation Service (Uni-edit) to people who encounter difficulties in their English journal paper writing. Ozy, the chief editor, has developed a very professional team to help me remove this kind of problems. Thanks to Ozy and his great team, my first IEEE article will be published this month. If you are looking for someone to help you improve the quality of your paper, don’t hesitate to call and ask Ozy. I can guarantee that you will receive outstanding services from this team.
- Alvin Hung (Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) Email:

Chung Shan Medical University, School of Public Health, Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然

Ozy and Uni-edit team can provide professional English editing that meets my need.  They charge reasonable rate for their service.  I would like to recommend the professional service of Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.

- Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然
School of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University

PS.  The paper edited by Uni-edit was accepted by the journal “Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior”.

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Associate Research Fellow,  Yuan- Sen "Vincent" Yang

For a Taiwanese researcher, it is perhaps not difficult to write grammatically correct English sentences. However, to write a fluent and easy to read article is another thing. In my experience, Uni-Edit editors tried to get the point of my sentences and paragraphs, and polish the article based on the point, instead of just from a grammatical view, improving the article readability.”

- Yuan- Sen "Vincent" Yang, Associate Research Fellow, NCREE

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

My name is Chen Yuan, a PhD student from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. In order to meet school requirements for graduation, annually publish 1-2 papers and need professional English editing services to accelerate the speed and reach the level of articles published. Uni-edit team was introduced from my teacher, working with the Chief Editor Ozy and Uni-edit team greatly improved my speed and level of published articles. I will recommend Uni-edit team professional services to professors and researchers of Environmental areas. The main reasons are the following: 1) Ozy came to visit me and my research team to discuss and understand our needs, providing not only professional, but also very friendly and personalized service; 2) Ozy and professional team are always fastest to respond or solve the problems, the service is also very reasonably priced way. Wish Uni-edit team better and better!

- Chen Yuan
Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

When I write English manuscripts, I often use Uni-edit English editing service. I have used other English editing services before but compared to them, Uni-edit’s editing quality is higher and the price is also reasonable. Their customer service in Japanese is also reliable,and the follow-up service is great too. Also, Uni-edit often completes their job earlier than the deadline and it makes me feel happy (lucky) too. I recommend Uni-edit.

- Ryo Momosaki,, School of medicine,The Jikei university

NTT 西日本大阪医院,经理, Kazuhiko Kotani,

I have used Uni-edit English editing service twice. What I like about Uni-edit is that their editors (subject matter experts) give me appropriate advice on the structure and the point of argument of my paper. English written by Japanese authors usually looks clumsy but after having my paper edited by Uni-edit, the English in my paper looks very natural. Thanks to Uni-edit, the journal reviewer told me my English is fluent.

The editing fee is also reasonable and the turnaround time is fast enough. I’m satisfied with Uni-edit’s service and I recommend their service to everyone.

- Kazuhiko Kotani
Manager, Department of psychosomatic medicine
NTT WEST Osaka Hospital,

영어로 학술적인 문서를 작성할 때 제가 느꼈던 가장 큰 어려움은, 어떻게 하면 제가 말하고자 하는 바를 쉬우면서도 정확하게 표현해 낼 수 있을까 하는 점이었습니다. Uni-edit은 저에게 매우 전문적인 조언을 해 주었고, 그들의 서비스 덕분에 저는 그러한 어려움을 극복할 수 있었습니다. 뿐만 아니라 Uni-edit의 서비스를 통해 저의 영어 작문 실력도 크게 향상되었습니다. 그런 이유로, 저는 저와 비슷한 어려움을 겪고 있는 분들께 Uni-edit의 전문적인 서비스를 강력히 추천합니다.

- K.C. Shen (Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University)

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Anderson S. Cabral PhD

We recently used Uni-edit editing and translation services and we were very satisfied. The review met our expectations and the service was very cordial and professional, with clear and fast answers. After Uni-edit review, our manuscript was accepted without restrictions for publication.

Best Regards, 

- Dr Anderson S. Cabral. 
Laboratório de Hidrobiologia 
Instituto de Biologia - UFRJ

"ISEE Part II. .. " 논문은 아주 매끄럽게 잘 처리 된 것 같습니다. 귀사의 전문적인 저널 영어 교정 서비스에 매우 감사드립니다. 특별히 귀사의 서비스 중에서 마음에 드는 것은 타겟튜터링(TUTOR) 서비스로서 저의 시야를 개방 시켜주었을 뿐만 아니라 제가 새로운 뭔가를 배우는 데에도 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 나중에 귀사의 서비스가 필요하다면 반드시 다시 연락을 드리겠습니다.

- Kung-Juin Wang, 부 테크놀로지스터, NCREE

国家同步辐射研究中心, 科学研究组, 吴宇中


- 吴宇中

台湾大学,电信所 ,周瑞宏, E-mal:

我是台大电信所博士班学生周瑞宏,论文编修也是一门专业的学问。之前投稿需求将文章给其它翻译社编修过后投稿,不但被退稿而且注明英文需要修饰。经过同学的介绍后认识了Uni-edit翻译社,经由他们编修过后的文章不但语意简明清楚,且投稿后顺利被国际期刊接受,再次感谢总编辑Ozy与其专业编修团队。我会推荐Uni-edit 团队的专业服务给其他教授和研究者。

- 周瑞宏

AEI movie, Producer, Dorothy Chen

AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly.  I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit.  They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services.  When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native.  The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers.  Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.

- Dorothy Chen
AEI movie

中山医学大学, 公卫系, 杨浩然副教授,

Ozy 以及Uni-edit团队编修的文章符合专业的需要,服务计价的方式也非常合理,我会推荐Uni-edit 团队的专业服务给其他教授和研究者。

- 杨浩然副教授

National Chiao Tung University, Kevin Chiang

I am a PhD candidate of College of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is over 3 years now since the first paper asked Uni-edit for English editing. Uni-edit is a very important language partner  for a non-native speaker researcher like me.  Uni-edit team helps me to improve my paper in Egnlsih and then get published to other researchers.  I also got feedbacks from all over the world.  It makes my academic study gradually broaden horizons.  Usually I planned to write one or 2 academic papers for publishing in one year.  Before asking Uni-edit’s service, I have tried out other English editing companies and I feel more confidence to send my paper to Uni-edit.  Because the quality and speed from Uni-edit is better than others.  Uni-edit’s team could understand the expressed meaning and give comments quite fast.  This is a trustable partner and I recommend you to try.

- Kevin Chiang
PhD candidate,
College of Computer Science
National Chiao Tung University

I always ask Uni-edit to edit my paper. Uni-edit staffs are eager and deliver jobs very quickly. They understand our intended meanings , and fix the English so that it will look natural and easy to understand. I also recommend their TUTOR service. When fixing grammatical and word-choice mistakes, they will show us appropriate examples and explain to us. Their advices for figures and tables are also helpful. Even after English editing is completed, they will answer to our questions politely and quickly. I recommend Uni-edit to other professors, with confidence.

- Masato Watanabe
Kyorin University part time instructor

My name is Ya-Wen Lee, a doctoral student of Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. I need to publish some papers with high standard, therefore I need a professional English editing service to speed up me to publish high standard articles. I have tired 3 different editing companies so far. I could feel that Uni-edit emphasis on each investigator works and dedication to help manuscript as fluent as a native English speaker with professional editing level and suggestions. Uni-edit will make sure to understand my paper well by communicate with me if there is any unclears. Also, Uni-edit understand academic rigorous peer review system and the deadline, therefore you could trust they always deliver files on time. It is very important that a team care service for professional academic manuscript. This is my second time to work with Chief editor Ozy and Uni-edit team, I sincerely recommend Uni-edit team of professional services to other researchers.

- Doctoral student, Ya-Wen Lee
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

I am very much pleased with Ozy's English editing services becen-ause his service feels like coming from a friend rather than an agent. No matter whether the articles I gave him are beyond his knowledge domains or not, he always tries his best to comprehend the contents of the articles and provides his professional editing advices of high quality. Moreover, he raises questions and provides suggestions, comments, and encouragement from the viewpoints of a reader and a good friend . I really appreciate very much his help on editing my English articles and am glad to recommend his services to you without reservation. ”

- Shang-Hsien “Patrick” Hsieh, Professor
National Taiwan University

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

I always ask Uni-edit to edit my paper. Uni-edit staffs are eager and deliver jobs very quickly. They understand our intended meanings , and fix the English so that it will look natural and easy to understand. I also recommend their TUTOR service. When fixing grammatical and word-choice mistakes, they will show us appropriate examples and explain to us. Their advices for figures and tables are also helpful. Even after English editing is completed, they will answer to our questions politely and quickly. I recommend Uni-edit to other professors, with confidence.

- Masato Watanabe
Kyorin University part time instructor

国立交通大学, 资讯工程系, 博士候选人, 蒋昆成


- 蔣昆成


通過我的朋友Wang Li的介紹,我選擇了Uni-edit 征文為我編輯英文稿件。以往英文稿件總是自己編修,但是manuscript按自己的思維方式寫,論文發出後往往審稿人的回復意見總是“英文晦澀難懂,看不懂作者的意圖”,自己很有挫敗的感覺,因為修改論文花費我不少的時間和精力,遂決定採用征文幫助編修。經過征文編修一英文稿件後,感覺Uni-edit 的編修人員瞭解作者的想法,征文在編修過程中有疑問會合主動溝通作者,以保證準確表達作者意圖。 Uni-edit瞭解學術界的嚴謹的審稿制度,稿件準時交付。征文編修時有專門的文員用作者的母語與作者溝通,這樣聯繫非常的方便。鑒於Uni-edit的良好及嚴謹的服務態度,我已經推薦一個朋友採納Uni-edit的編修服務。

- 李立青

National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Derick Kang, E-mail:

How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not.  After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar.  However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper.  Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more.  The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.

- Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Ozy has edited more than ten research papers for me. I am very satisfied with his work. He always returned the revised papers on schedule and with the quality better than my expectation. Becen-ause he has both engineering and language specialties, he is capable of understanding the content of the papers. His suggestions are very helpful not only for the grammar or word choice, but also for the clarity of the important concepts I would like deliver in the paper. If you need serious editors for the research papers or other engineering documents, I sincerely recommend this rigorous and reliable editor to you. ”

- Shih-Chung “Jessy” Kang, Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

ผมพอใจการบริการเรียบเรียงภาษาของคุณออสซี่มากเพราะการบริการที่เป็นกันเอง ไม่ว่าจะเป็นบทความไหนที่ผมส่งให้ตรวจ เขาก็สามารถเข้าใจเนื้อหาสาระของบทความได้เป็นอย่างดีและให้คำปรึกษาอย่างมีคุณภาพในแบบมืออาชีพ นอกจากนี้ เขาได้มีการตั้งคำถาม, ให้คำแนะนำ, ข้อคิดเห็น และให้กำลังใจในมุมมองของผู้อ่านและเพื่อนที่ดี ผมรู้สึกชื่นชมในความช่วยเหลือของคุณออสซี่เป็นอย่างมากและไม่ลังเลที่จะแนะนำ Uni-Edit ให้กับเพื่อนๆต่อๆไป ”

- แผนกวิศวกรรมโยธา, มหาวิทยาลัยแห่งชาติไต้หวัน
National Taiwan University

Uni-edit의 Ozy 편집장님께
저는 편집작업 코드 P043001HIT를 주문했던 저자 Li Liqing입니다. 귀사의 서비스를 통해 편집된 원고를 읽어 보았습니다. 편집자들의 수고에 감사드립니다! 제가 보내드리는 추천서를 통해 더 많은 사람이 Uni-edit을 찾고 논문을 성공적으로 제출할 수 있게 되기를 바랍니다.

추천서의 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

제 동료 Wang Li의 추천을 통해 제 영어 원고 편집 서비스를 위해 Uni-edit을 선택하였습니다. 전에는 제 원고를 저 혼자 편집했는데 늘 ‘영어 표현이 애매하고 저자의 의도를 이해하기 힘들다’는 심사자들의 코멘트를 받았습니다. 저는 제 논문을 편집하기 위해 많은 시간과 노력을 들였으므로 그런 코멘트는 매우 좌절감을 주었습니다. 그래서 Uni-edit의 도움을 받기로 했습니다. 편집된 원고를 보고 저는 Uni-edit의 편집자들이 저자의 아이디어를 이해한다고 느꼈습니다. Uni-edit은 학술 심사의 엄격함을 이해하고 정시에 원고를 되돌려 줍니다. Uni-edit의 고객 서비스 담당자는 저자의 모국어로 커뮤니케이션을 하므로 이용하기가 매우 편리합니다. Uni-edit의 훌륭하고 강력한 서비스를 경험하고 저는 이미 한 친구에게 Uni-edit의 편집 서비스를 추천했습니다.


- Li Liqing
Harbin Institute of Technology

Chung Shan Medical University, School of Public Health, Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然

Ozy and Uni-edit team can provide professional English editing that meets my need.  They charge reasonable rate for their service.  I would like to recommend the professional service of Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.

- Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然
School of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University

PS.  The paper edited by Uni-edit was accepted by the journal “Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior”.


透過同事介紹Uni-edit的編輯服務,當時論文被評審委員需用外國(美國)文法才能被接受且需要在兩周內完成,Uni-edit團隊全力以赴,一周內完成修正編輯論文,並提出Uni-edit Certificate (English)證明。相信與其有合作人士,一定會推薦Uni-edit團隊。

- 李弘彬

华娱电影,制片人,Dorothy Chen

AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly.  I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit.  They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services.  When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native.  The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers.  Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.

- Dorothy Chen
AEI movie

國立交通大學, 資工所, 博士候選人, 蔣昆成


- 蔣昆成

北海道大学大学院農学研究院 橋本誠

これまで論文投稿前に色々な英文校閲会社のサービスを利用しましたが、 Uni-Edit社が納期、価格、英文内容に関する日本語での対応、 公費支払いへの対応等、非常にきめの細かい(日本人向けの)サービスを提供していただけるので、 大変助かっています。


Ozy telah mengedit lebih dari sepuluh naskah penelitian saya. Saya sangat puas dengan pekerjaannya. Dia selalu mengembalikan naskah tepat pada waktunya dan dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dari apa yang saya harapkan. Karena dia memiliki ahli dalam bidang teknik dan bahasa, dia mampu memahami isi dari naskah saya. Saran-sarannya sangat bermanfaat tidak hanya untuk tata bahasa atau pilihan kata, tetapi juga untuk kejelasan dari konsep penting yang ingin saya sampaikan pada naskah. Jika Anda membutuhkan editor yang serius untuk mengedit naskah penelitian atau dokumen teknik lainnya, saya dengan senang hati menyarankan untuk memilih editor yang tepat dan layak ini kepada Anda.

- Shih-Chung "Jessy" Kang, Asisten Profesor
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Universitas Nasional Taiwan

My name is Ya-Wen Lee, a doctoral student of Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. I need to publish some papers with high standard, therefore I need a professional English editing service to speed up me to publish high standard articles. I have tired 3 different editing companies so far. I could feel that Uni-edit emphasis on each investigator works and dedication to help manuscript as fluent as a native English speaker with professional editing level and suggestions. Uni-edit will make sure to understand my paper well by communicate with me if there is any unclears. Also, Uni-edit understand academic rigorous peer review system and the deadline, therefore you could trust they always deliver files on time. It is very important that a team care service for professional academic manuscript. This is my second time to work with Chief editor Ozy and Uni-edit team, I sincerely recommend Uni-edit team of professional services to other researchers.

- Doctoral student, Ya-Wen Lee
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai

Our team has been working with Uni-edit in English editing for a long time. We are very pleased and satisfied with the results of the work. We are happy to recommend Uni-edit to all other professors and scholars.

- Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University

My name is Chen Yuan, a PhD student from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. In order to meet school requirements for graduation, annually publish 1-2 papers and need professional English editing services to accelerate the speed and reach the level of articles published. Uni-edit team was introduced from my teacher, working with the Chief Editor Ozy and Uni-edit team greatly improved my speed and level of published articles. I will recommend Uni-edit team professional services to professors and researchers of Environmental areas. The main reasons are the following: 1) Ozy came to visit me and my research team to discuss and understand our needs, providing not only professional, but also very friendly and personalized service; 2) Ozy and professional team are always fastest to respond or solve the problems, the service is also very reasonably priced way. Wish Uni-edit team better and better!

- Chen Yuan
Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,  Professor Shang-min Ma 

I am currently teaching in the Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. I publish on average 4 SSCI journal papers a year and therefore require professional English editing services to help accelerate the publishing process as well as improve the quality of my papers. Uni-edit is always reliable and delivers promptly because they appreciate the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. Ozy and the Uni-edit team treat every piece of work as priority and help the authors achieve papers without mistakes, that are written in a professional manner, which also flow beautifully. For instance, one of the papers that I asked Uni-edit to edit subsequently received great praises from the reviewers at Leisure Sciences, who commented that the English is ‘very fluent with no grammatical mistake’. One of the reasons why I can confidently trust Uni-edit with my papers is that the English editors are professional native speakers who have specialist knowledge related to my field of research. I have now been collaborating with Uni-edit for almost two years and Uni-edit has edited over 8 SSCI papers for me. Ozy and his team always reply to my questions or try to resolve any issue quickly and efficiently, I’m particularly impressed by Chief Editor Ozy’s efficiency because he always thoroughly answers all my questions within 24 hours. Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable for the professional services they provide. I therefore recommend their services to other professors and researchers.

- Professor Shang-min Ma 
Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering,  Associate Technologist Kung- Juin Wang

The paper "ISEE Part II. .. " has been accepted smoothly. Thanks a lot for your professional editing help. I do like your service, especially the target tutoring. It not only opened my eyes but also helped me learn something new. I definitely will contact you again when I need your service. ”

- Kung- Juin Wang, Associate Technologist, NCREE

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University

副技术员, 王孔君

嗨 Ozy, 谢谢您专业的编修服务,上次请您帮忙编修,要投到 EESD 的 "ISEE: Internet-Based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering Part II: The Application Approach" 已经顺利地被接受了。我很喜欢您提供的专业服务,尤其是 “专业家教” 这部份。在英语表达上,它不仅开阔了我的眼界,让我发现了许多原本我不知道的细微的差异与用法,也帮助我学到更多新的东西。未来若再有需要时,我一定会与您联络。谢谢。

- Kung- Juin Wang, Associate Technologist, NCREE


...王立 (哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院副教授)"

NTT WEST Osaka Hospital, Manager, Mr. Kazuhiko Kotani,

I have used Uni-edit English editing service twice. What I like about Uni-edit is that their editors (subject matter experts) give me appropriate advice on the structure and the point of argument of my paper. English written by Japanese authors usually looks clumsy but after having my paper edited by Uni-edit, the English in my paper looks very natural. Thanks to Uni-edit, the journal reviewer told me my English is fluent.

The editing fee is also reasonable and the turnaround time is fast enough. I’m satisfied with Uni-edit’s service and I recommend their service to everyone.

- Kazuhiko Kotani
Manager, Department of psychosomatic medicine
NTT WEST Osaka Hospital,

I am a PhD student of Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University.  English editing on a paper is a pretty professional work.  I have asked other English editing company to edit my papers.  But the result was paper got rejected and the reviewer comments mentioned that English needs to be improved.  Then one time, one of my classmate recommended Uni-edit to me.  After trying out their service, the edited paper with clear meaning expression and got accepted by journal smoothly.  I appreciate the Chief-editor Ozy and his professional team.  I would like to recommend Uni-edit team and its professional service to other professors and researchers.

- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chou Jui-Hung  周瑞宏


通过我的朋友Wang Li的介绍,我选择了Uni-edit 征文为我编辑英文稿件。以往英文稿件总是自己编修,但是manuscript按自己的思维方式写,论文发出后往往审稿人的回复意见总是“英文晦涩难懂,看不懂作者的意图”,自己很有挫败的感觉,因为修改论文花费我不少的时间和精力。遂决定采用征文帮助编修。经过征文编修一英文稿件后,感觉Uni-edit 的编修人员了解作者的想法,征文在编修过程中有疑问会合主动沟通作者,以保证准确表达作者意图。 Uni-edit了解学术界的严谨的审稿制度,稿件准时交付。征文编修时有专门的文员用作者的母语与作者沟通,这样联系非常的方便。鉴于Uni-edit的良好及严谨的服务态度,我已经推荐一个朋友采纳Uni-edit的编修服务。

- 李立青

National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering,  Associate Technologist Kung- Juin Wang

The paper "ISEE Part II. .. " has been accepted smoothly. Thanks a lot for your professional editing help. I do like your service, especially the target tutoring. It not only opened my eyes but also helped me learn something new. I definitely will contact you again when I need your service. ”

- Kung- Juin Wang, Associate Technologist, NCREE

I'm using Uni-edit English editing service for my academic writing. When I review my manuscript after uni-edit edits it, I can know which part of my manuscript (my Engliish) is not correct in details and I can learn a lot. Above all, I'm very satisfied with the kind attitude of Uni-edit's staff.

I recommend Uni-edit's English editing service especially to those who have never used an English editing service. I know they might feel anxious when using this kind of service for the first time. Probably they don't know what they need and how they should use an English editing service. But I believe that if you ask Uni-edit to edit your manuscript, everything will be alright. The reason why I'm confident is that Uni-edit's kind customer service makes me feel at ease. They will even answer a very basic question for you.

I feel Uni-edit is a company which can provide an excellent service and a high quality English editing service. Please use Uni-edit's English editing service. Or, you can at least ask them about their service, work process etc.. I'm sure that you will feel you made a correct choice.

Takuma Yoshida
Department of Science
Kagoshima University

I am the doctoral candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is almost a necessary to ask a professional English editing service when submitting papers to journal for a non-English speaker.   This is the first time I asked Uni-edit to edit my paper.  I am grateful Uni-edit professional team with friendly and professional service.  Uni-edit team not just correct grammar and sentences, also will share their suggestions when they feel unclear or to verify meanings.  It helps me to express my points more clearly and precisely, and increasing acceptance by journal.  Thanks again for the excellent job from Uni-edit.

- Vodka Chao-Min SU  Doctoral Candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University

People often say: "A proper packaging is a great way to highlight the values of good works”, especially for a manuscript paper.  Ozy, the chief-editor of the Uni-edit team is exactly the packaging to me.  There was one time a comment from journal reviewers has been returned to me and pointed out directly my English grammar need to be improved.  Fortunately, several doctoral in senior recommended me Ozy and his editing team.  My paper has been accepted since Ozy’s sincerity and strictness with professional services.  Nevertheless, I believe you will appreciate the professional services from Ozy and his team once you have collaborations with them.  It is such a reliable editing team with strictness, carefulness, punctuality.  Here again, I strongly recommend the Ozy its Uni-edit team.

- Hsian-Cheng Chou, National Taiwan University

中原大学土木工学科 副教授 黄仲偉

Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published.  The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.

Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

NTT WEST Osaka Hospital, Manager, Mr. Kazuhiko Kotani,

I have used Uni-edit English editing service twice. What I like about Uni-edit is that their editors (subject matter experts) give me appropriate advice on the structure and the point of argument of my paper. English written by Japanese authors usually looks clumsy but after having my paper edited by Uni-edit, the English in my paper looks very natural. Thanks to Uni-edit, the journal reviewer told me my English is fluent.

The editing fee is also reasonable and the turnaround time is fast enough. I’m satisfied with Uni-edit’s service and I recommend their service to everyone.

- Kazuhiko Kotani
Manager, Department of psychosomatic medicine
NTT WEST Osaka Hospital,

I always ask Uni-edit to edit my paper. Uni-edit staffs are eager and deliver jobs very quickly. They understand our intended meanings , and fix the English so that it will look natural and easy to understand. I also recommend their TUTOR service. When fixing grammatical and word-choice mistakes, they will show us appropriate examples and explain to us. Their advices for figures and tables are also helpful. Even after English editing is completed, they will answer to our questions politely and quickly. I recommend Uni-edit to other professors, with confidence.

- Masato Watanabe
Kyorin University part time instructor

I am a PhD student of Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University.  English editing on a paper is a pretty professional work.  I have asked other English editing company to edit my papers.  But the result was paper got rejected and the reviewer comments mentioned that English needs to be improved.  Then one time, one of my classmate recommended Uni-edit to me.  After trying out their service, the edited paper with clear meaning expression and got accepted by journal smoothly.  I appreciate the Chief-editor Ozy and his professional team.  I would like to recommend Uni-edit team and its professional service to other professors and researchers.

- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chou Jui-Hung  周瑞宏

My name is Professor Ren Yong from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China. I publish around 20 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional help with writing English fluently to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are undoubtedly reliable and always deliver completed jobs on time.

Chief Editor Ozy and the Uni-edit team respect the work of every author and sincerely wish to help researchers correct the English of their manuscripts and ensure their intended meaning is expressed clearly and professionally. During the process of translation and editing if questions or issues arise, Uni-edit always contacts me to ensure the author’s meaning is preserved. Such attention to detail is critical for professional academic manuscripts. Furthermore, Uni-edit has a team of native-speaker editors and assigns editors who have a related academic background to the researcher or author for each manuscript; they therefore have a good grasp of the subject matter.

I have now been working with Ozy and his team for over 10 months. They always reply promptly and resolve problems quickly, and the fee is also calculated in a very reasonable way. Ozy came to meet me and my team to understand our requirements. This adds the human touch to the relationship, so the service is not only professional but also friendly. I definitely recommend the Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.”

- Ren Yong, Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China

Nagoya University, Environmental Studies, Professor Ippei Maruyama

I have used 8 different English editing companies for submitting my manuscripts to journals, but I feel Uni-edit's English editing is the most suitable one for my fields of study. So far they have edited my manuscript of 3 different academic fields and all of their work have satisfied me. I appreciate Uni-edit's support very much.

Their services are really flexible. For example, after having journal reviewers review your manuscript,you can ask Uni-edit to edit just certain parts of it. Also, you can use public expense for payment. I think their services are very helpful for profesors and researchers of universities in Japan.

- Professor  Ippei Maruyama
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University

Nagoya University, Environmental Studies, Professor Ippei Maruyama

I have used 8 different English editing companies for submitting my manuscripts to journals, but I feel Uni-edit's English editing is the most suitable one for my fields of study. So far they have edited my manuscript of 3 different academic fields and all of their work have satisfied me. I appreciate Uni-edit's support very much.

Their services are really flexible. For example, after having journal reviewers review your manuscript,you can ask Uni-edit to edit just certain parts of it. Also, you can use public expense for payment. I think their services are very helpful for profesors and researchers of universities in Japan.

- Professor  Ippei Maruyama
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University

我很滿意 Ozy 的英文編修服務,因為他讓我覺得像是一個好朋友在提供我英文寫作上的建議。不管我給他的文章是否超出他的專業領域,他總是努力理解內容,不只提供優質的英 文寫作專業建議與指導,也從好友及讀者的角度,提出疑問、建議與鼓勵。我很感謝他的幫助,誠摯向您推薦他的服務。

... 謝尚賢(台大土木系 教授)

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai

Our team has been working with Uni-edit in English editing for a long time. We are very pleased and satisfied with the results of the work. We are happy to recommend Uni-edit to all other professors and scholars.

- Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

Nagoya University, Environmental Studies, Professor Ippei Maruyama

I have used 8 different English editing companies for submitting my manuscripts to journals, but I feel Uni-edit's English editing is the most suitable one for my fields of study. So far they have edited my manuscript of 3 different academic fields and all of their work have satisfied me. I appreciate Uni-edit's support very much.

Their services are really flexible. For example, after having journal reviewers review your manuscript,you can ask Uni-edit to edit just certain parts of it. Also, you can use public expense for payment. I think their services are very helpful for profesors and researchers of universities in Japan.

- Professor  Ippei Maruyama
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University

Nagoya University, Environmental Studies, Professor Ippei Maruyama

I have used 8 different English editing companies for submitting my manuscripts to journals, but I feel Uni-edit's English editing is the most suitable one for my fields of study. So far they have edited my manuscript of 3 different academic fields and all of their work have satisfied me. I appreciate Uni-edit's support very much.

Their services are really flexible. For example, after having journal reviewers review your manuscript,you can ask Uni-edit to edit just certain parts of it. Also, you can use public expense for payment. I think their services are very helpful for profesors and researchers of universities in Japan.

- Professor  Ippei Maruyama
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University

国立中兴大学, 材料工程学系, 洪铭聪


- 洪铭聪

Saya sangat senang dengan layanan pengeditan bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan oleh Ozy, sebab layanannya seperti datang dari seorang teman daripada seorang agen. Tidak peduli apapun artikel yang saya berikan kepadanya, dia selalu mencoba yang terbaik untuk memahami isi artikel tersebut dan memberikan saran pengeditan yang profesional dan berkualitas tinggi. Lebih dalam lagi, dia mengajukan pertanyaan dan memberikan saran, komentar, serta dorongan dari sudut pandang pembaca dan teman yang baik. Saya sangat menghargai bantuannya dalam mengedit artikel berbahasa Inggris saya dan saya senang untuk merekomendasikan layanannya kepada Anda tanpa ada paksaan

- Shang-Hsien "Patrick" Hsieh, Sekretaris Jurusan
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

My name is Chen Yuan, a PhD student from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. In order to meet school requirements for graduation, annually publish 1-2 papers and need professional English editing services to accelerate the speed and reach the level of articles published. Uni-edit team was introduced from my teacher, working with the Chief Editor Ozy and Uni-edit team greatly improved my speed and level of published articles. I will recommend Uni-edit team professional services to professors and researchers of Environmental areas. The main reasons are the following: 1) Ozy came to visit me and my research team to discuss and understand our needs, providing not only professional, but also very friendly and personalized service; 2) Ozy and professional team are always fastest to respond or solve the problems, the service is also very reasonably priced way. Wish Uni-edit team better and better!

- Chen Yuan
Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

北京清華大學電子工程部 何能強

私は北京清華大學電子工学部4年の博士研究員です。私は現在までに、IEEE ICCおよびGlobecomを含む会議において、学術論文を発表しました。論文の英語をよりよいものにし、よりインパクトファクターの高い国際学術誌に掲載されるために、私は積極的にUni-editの英文校閲サービスを利用しました。もともとは、先輩たちに勧められてUni-editを知ったのですが、彼ら曰く、Uni-editのチームは、学術論文出版における、厳格なレビュープロセスや締切りを熟知しており、納品も迅速でとても信頼のおける会社だということでした。私はUni-editを利用した今、先輩たちが言ったことは本当だと自信を持って証言いたします。もともとの納品期限は7日以内の予定だったのですが、校閲作業開始後5日目に納品されたときはうれしい驚きを味わいました。それゆえに、私はUni-editの信頼のおけるサービスを自信を持ってお勧めします。さらに、Uni-editの校閲者は、論文において私の意図する意味を変えることなく、英語をより高品質なものにしてくれたため、私の論文はより流暢なものになりました。


I'm using Uni-edit English editing service for my academic writing. When I review my manuscript after uni-edit edits it, I can know which part of my manuscript (my Engliish) is not correct in details and I can learn a lot. Above all, I'm very satisfied with the kind attitude of Uni-edit's staff.

I recommend Uni-edit's English editing service especially to those who have never used an English editing service. I know they might feel anxious when using this kind of service for the first time. Probably they don't know what they need and how they should use an English editing service. But I believe that if you ask Uni-edit to edit your manuscript, everything will be alright.

The reason why I'm confident is that Uni-edit's kind customer service makes me feel at ease. They will even answer a very basic question for you.

Takuma Yoshida
Department of Science
Kagoshima University

国立台湾大学, 光电所, 沈坤庆

在撰写学术论文时,“要如何更精确地表达出我所要描述的意思”是我常遇到的问题,而征文在这方面可提供专业的建议,除了协助我解决该问题外,征文还间接提升了我的写作能力。 因此我很乐意将征文推荐给有类似问题的其他人参考。

- 沈坤庆
光电所 国立台湾大学

National Chiao Tung University, Kevin Chiang

I am a PhD candidate of College of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is over 3 years now since the first paper asked Uni-edit for English editing. Uni-edit is a very important language partner  for a non-native speaker researcher like me.  Uni-edit team helps me to improve my paper in Egnlsih and then get published to other researchers.  I also got feedbacks from all over the world.  It makes my academic study gradually broaden horizons.  Usually I planned to write one or 2 academic papers for publishing in one year.  Before asking Uni-edit’s service, I have tried out other English editing companies and I feel more confidence to send my paper to Uni-edit.  Because the quality and speed from Uni-edit is better than others.  Uni-edit’s team could understand the expressed meaning and give comments quite fast.  This is a trustable partner and I recommend you to try.

- Kevin Chiang
PhD candidate,
College of Computer Science
National Chiao Tung University

저는 영어로 원고를 작성할 때는 Uni-edit의 영어 편집 서비스를 자주 이용합니다. 전에 다른 곳을 이용한 적이 있는데 그런 곳과 비교하면 Uni-edit의 편집 품질이 더 낫고 가격도 합리적입니다. Uni-edit의 일본 고객 서비스는 안정적이고 후속 조치도 아주 훌륭합니다. 또한 Uni-edit은 마감일보다 작업을 일찍 끝내는 때가 자주 있는데 그런 때는 매우 기분이 좋습니다. 저는 Uni-edit을 추천합니다.

- Ryo Momosaki,, School of medicine,The Jikei university

在撰寫學術論文時,"要如何更精確地表達出我所要描述的意思"是我常遇到的問題. 而征文在這部分提供了很專業的建議,除了協助我解決這問題外,也間接提升我的寫作能力. 因此很樂意推薦征文給其他與我有類似問題的人參考.

沈坤慶 (台大光電所)

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Alvin Hung Email:

I would like to recommend University English Editing and Translation Service (Uni-edit) to people who encounter difficulties in their English journal paper writing. Ozy, the chief editor, has developed a very professional team to help me remove this kind of problems. Thanks to Ozy and his great team, my first IEEE article will be published this month. If you are looking for someone to help you improve the quality of your paper, don’t hesitate to call and ask Ozy. I can guarantee that you will receive outstanding services from this team.
- Alvin Hung (Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) Email:

저는 National Taiwan University의 생명공학부 교수 Hsueh-Fen Juan입니다. 제가 반년 동안 Uni-edit(대학 영어 편집 및 번역 서비스)에 11건의 논문을 편집하도록 맡긴 것은 Uni-edit 팀이 학술적 엄밀성과 마감일까지 제출하는 것의 중요성을 참으로 이해하여 늘 약속된 시간이나 그 이전에 파일을 보내오기 때문입니다. 편집장 Ozy와 Uni-edit 팀은 연구자들이 맡긴 모든 일에 매우 신경을 써서 문제가 없도록 만들 뿐만 아니라 자연스러운 흐름이 되도록 만들어 줍니다. 어려움이 있을 때는 우리와 커뮤니케이션을 하고 우리가 질문이 있을 때는 적절히 대답을 해 줍니다. 위와 같은 이유로 저는 Uni-edit 팀의 전문적인 서비스를 다른 교수들과 연구자들에게 추천합니다.

- Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan, National Taiwan University

저는 Harbin Institute of Technology의 School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering 박사과정 학생인 Chen Yuan입니다. 학교의 졸업 요건을 충족시키려면 일년에 1-2건의 논문을 발표해야 하는데, 발표되는 논문의 수준에 맞추고 속도를 내려면 전문적인 영어 편집 서비스가 필요합니다. Uni-edit 팀은 저의 선생님께서 소개해 주셨는데 편집장 Ozy와 Uni-edit 팀과 함께 작업을 하면서 제가 발표하는 아티클의 속도와 수준이 크게 향상되었습니다. 저는 환경 분야의 교수님들과 연구자들께 Uni-edit 팀의 전문적인 서비스를 추천합니다. 그 주된 이유는 다음과 같습니다: 1) Ozy는 저와 제 연구 팀을 방문하여 저희의 필요를 듣고 토의하였으며, 전문적일 뿐만 아니라 친절하고 개인화된 서비스를 제공해 주었습니다. 2) Ozy와 전문 팀은 늘 가장 빨리 문제에 응답하거나 해결해 주며, 가격도 합리적입니다. Uni-edit이 더욱 발전해 가기를 기원합니다!

- Chen Yuan
Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

My name is Professor Ren Yong from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China. I publish around 20 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional help with writing English fluently to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are undoubtedly reliable and always deliver completed jobs on time.

Chief Editor Ozy and the Uni-edit team respect the work of every author and sincerely wish to help researchers correct the English of their manuscripts and ensure their intended meaning is expressed clearly and professionally. During the process of translation and editing if questions or issues arise, Uni-edit always contacts me to ensure the author’s meaning is preserved. Such attention to detail is critical for professional academic manuscripts. Furthermore, Uni-edit has a team of native-speaker editors and assigns editors who have a related academic background to the researcher or author for each manuscript; they therefore have a good grasp of the subject matter.

I have now been working with Ozy and his team for over 10 months. They always reply promptly and resolve problems quickly, and the fee is also calculated in a very reasonable way. Ozy came to meet me and my team to understand our requirements. This adds the human touch to the relationship, so the service is not only professional but also friendly. I definitely recommend the Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.”

- Ren Yong, Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China

“포장을 잘 하는 것은 상품의 가치를 강조하는 훌륭한 방법이다”라는 말이 있는데, 이는 특히 원고에 해당하는 말입니다. Uni-edit 팀의 편집장 Ozy는 저에게 바로 그 포장에 해당합니다. 한 번은 저널 평가자가 제게 직접적으로 영어 문법을 제대로 써야 한다고 지적한 적이 있었습니다. 다행히 여러 명의 박사과정 학생들이 Ozy와 그의 편집 팀을 제게 추천해 주었습니다. Ozy의 충실하고 엄격한 서비스 덕분에 제 논문은 수락이 되었습니다. 일단 Ozy와 그의 팀에게 일을 맡겨 보시면 귀하께서도 그들의 전문적 서비스의 가치를 알게 되실 것이라고 믿습니다. 그들은 엄격하고 세심하고 시간을 잘 지키는 매우 믿을 만한 편집 팀입니다. 다시 한 번 Ozy와 그의 Uni-edit 팀을 강력히 추천합니다.

- Hsian-Cheng Chou, National Taiwan University


我很滿意 Ozy 的英文編修服務,因為他讓我覺得像是一個好朋友在提供我英文寫作上的建議。不管我給他的文章是否超出他的專業領域,他總是努力理解內容,不只提供優質的英文寫作專業建議與指導,也從好友及讀者的角度,提出疑問、建議與鼓勵。我很感謝他的幫助,誠摯向您推薦他的服務。

- 謝尚賢教授

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

I am the doctoral candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is almost a necessary to ask a professional English editing service when submitting papers to journal for a non-English speaker.   This is the first time I asked Uni-edit to edit my paper.  I am grateful Uni-edit professional team with friendly and professional service.  Uni-edit team not just correct grammar and sentences, also will share their suggestions when they feel unclear or to verify meanings.  It helps me to express my points more clearly and precisely, and increasing acceptance by journal.  Thanks again for the excellent job from Uni-edit.

- Vodka Chao-Min SU  Doctoral Candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University


每当我以英文撰写论文时,我常使用的是Uni-edit的英文编修服务。 我曾使用过其他英文编修公司的服务,但与他们相比,Uni-edit的编修质量较高且收费合理。他们的客服人员使用的是日文,非常值得信赖,还有他的后续服务也很值得赞赏。最重要的是文件通常会较约定的日期提早完成,这感受让我觉得满意且幸运,我推荐Uni-edit。

- 百崎良

アクネ佐和子 作者 / 編輯,


- アクネ佐和子(Sawako Akune)
作者 / 編輯,

台湾大学, 生命科学系, 阮雪芬教授


- 阮雪芬教授

저는 National Chiao Tung University의 Department of Computer Science 박사과정 학생입니다. 영어 원어민이 아닌 사람은 저널에 원고를 제출할 때 전문적인 영어 편집 서비스를 요청하는 것은 거의 필수적입니다. 저는 이번에 처음으로 Uni-edit에 제 논문을 맡겨보았습니다. 저는 Uni-edit의 전문적인 팀이 친절하고 전문적인 서비스를 해 준 것에 대해 감사하고 있습니다. Uni-edit 팀은 문법과 문장을 교정할 뿐만 아니라 애매한 것이 있거나 의미를 확인할 필요가 있을 때 제안을 하기도 합니다. Uni-edit은 저의 포인트를 보다 분명하고 정확하게 표현할 수 있도록 도와 주어 저널에서 받아들여지는 확률을 높여 줍니다. Uni-edit의 우수한 서비스에 다시 한 번 감사드립니다.

- Vodka Chao-Min SU  Doctoral Candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University


Ozy 已经帮我修改过十余篇工程类的论文,他最让我满意的地方就是可信赖的交件速度,且其成果符合我预期中的品质。他的工程与语文双专长,可以真正了解我文章的内容,提供正确的修改及建议。若您需要严谨的学术或工程文件编修,我诚挚推荐这位双专长且可信赖的编修者。

- 康仕仲教授

I always ask Uni-edit to edit my paper. Uni-edit staffs are eager and deliver jobs very quickly. They understand our intended meanings , and fix the English so that it will look natural and easy to understand. I also recommend their TUTOR service. When fixing grammatical and word-choice mistakes, they will show us appropriate examples and explain to us. Their advices for figures and tables are also helpful. Even after English editing is completed, they will answer to our questions politely and quickly. I recommend Uni-edit to other professors, with confidence.

- Masato Watanabe
Kyorin University part time instructor

My name is Ya-Wen Lee, a doctoral student of Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. I need to publish some papers with high standard, therefore I need a professional English editing service to speed up me to publish high standard articles. I have tired 3 different editing companies so far. I could feel that Uni-edit emphasis on each investigator works and dedication to help manuscript as fluent as a native English speaker with professional editing level and suggestions. Uni-edit will make sure to understand my paper well by communicate with me if there is any unclears. Also, Uni-edit understand academic rigorous peer review system and the deadline, therefore you could trust they always deliver files on time. It is very important that a team care service for professional academic manuscript. This is my second time to work with Chief editor Ozy and Uni-edit team, I sincerely recommend Uni-edit team of professional services to other researchers.

- Doctoral student, Ya-Wen Lee
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

AEI movie, Producer, Dorothy Chen

AEI movie는 신생 프로덕션 회사로서 젊은 감독들의 펀딩과 제작을 맡습니다. 몇 년 전에 중국어 자막을 중국 시청자들에게 적합하게 만들기 위해 저희는 Uni-edit을 찾아내었고, 그들은 영화 자막을 완벽하게 번역할 수 있도록 도와주었습니다. 대부분의 신생 회사들이나 개별 스튜디오들은 Uni-edit의 서비스가 필요할 것이라고 저는 믿습니다. Uni-edit은 국제 비즈니스 전략 및 빠르고 정확한 서비스로 소비자를 돕겠다는 생각으로 요청된 번역 및 편집할 수 있습니다. 제가 번역된 파일을 받았을 때 파일을 보다 원어민의 표현과 가깝게 하기 위해 제가 작성한 중국어 파일과 어떻게 약간 다르게 번역했는지를 설명하는 분명한 CHECK가 딸려 있었습니다. 무엇보다 중요한 것으로서, 고객 서비스 담당자 Leigh는 고객의 문제를 해결하기 위해 빠르고 전문적인 서비스를 제공해 주었습니다 Uni-edit에 연락해 보시기를 강력히 권해 드립니다.

- Dorothy Chen
AEI movie

Da-Yeh University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee 

A colleague recommended Uni-edit English editing to me while one of my papers almost got accepted by an international journal if the paper proofread by native editors for US spelling and grammar in 2 weeks.  The Uni-edit team worked hard to complete the editorial work in a week and issued a certificate to prove the work done by native speakers.  I believe all the Academic scholars ever work with Uni-edit will recommend it certainly.

- Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University

People often say: "A proper packaging is a great way to highlight the values of good works”, especially for a manuscript paper.  Ozy, the chief-editor of the Uni-edit team is exactly the packaging to me.  There was one time a comment from journal reviewers has been returned to me and pointed out directly my English grammar need to be improved.  Fortunately, several doctoral in senior recommended me Ozy and his editing team.  My paper has been accepted since Ozy’s sincerity and strictness with professional services.  Nevertheless, I believe you will appreciate the professional services from Ozy and his team once you have collaborations with them.  It is such a reliable editing team with strictness, carefulness, punctuality.  Here again, I strongly recommend the Ozy its Uni-edit team.

- Hsian-Cheng Chou, National Taiwan University

Chung Yuan Christian University, The Department of Civil Engineering, Chang-Wei Huang

Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published.  The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.

- Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,  Professor Shang-min Ma 

I am currently teaching in the Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. I publish on average 4 SSCI journal papers a year and therefore require professional English editing services to help accelerate the publishing process as well as improve the quality of my papers. Uni-edit is always reliable and delivers promptly because they appreciate the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. Ozy and the Uni-edit team treat every piece of work as priority and help the authors achieve papers without mistakes, that are written in a professional manner, which also flow beautifully. For instance, one of the papers that I asked Uni-edit to edit subsequently received great praises from the reviewers at Leisure Sciences, who commented that the English is ‘very fluent with no grammatical mistake’. One of the reasons why I can confidently trust Uni-edit with my papers is that the English editors are professional native speakers who have specialist knowledge related to my field of research. I have now been collaborating with Uni-edit for almost two years and Uni-edit has edited over 8 SSCI papers for me. Ozy and his team always reply to my questions or try to resolve any issue quickly and efficiently, I’m particularly impressed by Chief Editor Ozy’s efficiency because he always thoroughly answers all my questions within 24 hours. Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable for the professional services they provide. I therefore recommend their services to other professors and researchers.

- Professor Shang-min Ma 
Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Da-Yeh University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee 

A colleague recommended Uni-edit English editing to me while one of my papers almost got accepted by an international journal if the paper proofread by native editors for US spelling and grammar in 2 weeks.  The Uni-edit team worked hard to complete the editorial work in a week and issued a certificate to prove the work done by native speakers.  I believe all the Academic scholars ever work with Uni-edit will recommend it certainly.

- Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University

학술계에 계신 분들께,

저는 대만 국립 평동과학기술대학 레저운동보건학과에 교수로 재직 중이며, 매년 평균 4편의 SSCI급 논문을 발표하고 있습니다.

논문발표의 속도와 질을 높이기 위하여 저는 전문적인 영어편집 서비스가 필요하였고 그래서 Uni-edit과 협력하게 되었는데, 이를 통하여 저는 Uni-edit이 학술계의 엄격한 원고 심사제도와 마감일에 대해 잘 이해하고 있다는 것을 알게 되었으며, 또한 원고를 항상 약속한 시간 안에 보내 주는 것을 보고 신뢰감이 들었습니다.

편집장 Ozy와 Uni-edit 팀은 학자의 원고를 소중하게 여기고, 단순히 영문 원고에 오류가 없게 하는 정도가 아니라 전문적이고 유창한 수준에 이르도록 최선을 다해 도와줍니다. 실례로서, 저는 Uni-edit에 지금은 Leisure Science 저널에 등록된 논문에 대한 편집을 의뢰한 적이 있는데, 그 논문에 대한 저널 측의 심사 당시에 3명의 심사위원으로부터 “문체가 유창하고, 문법에 문제가 없음” 이라는 코멘트를 받았습니다.

Uni-edit의 전문 편집이 다른 서비스들과 차별화되는 부분은, Uni-edit을 통한 편집은 영어를 모국어로 하면서 저의 학술 분야를 잘 알고 있는 전문가들을 통해서 이루어 진다는 점입니다. 바로 이런 점 때문에 저는 제 논문을 Uni-edit에 안심하고 맡기고 있습니다.

제가 편집장 Ozy 및 Uni-edit 팀과 협력해 온 지도 벌써 2 년 정도가 되었습니다. 그 동안 Uni-edit은 8편이 넘는 SSCI급 논문을 편집해 주었는데, Ozy와 그의 전문 팀은 항상 신속하게 질문에 응답해 주었으며, 문제를 해결해 주었습니다. 서비스 가격 책정 방식 또한 매우 합리적입니다.

마지막으로 제가 무엇보다 깊은 인상을 받았던 점을 말씀 드리고 싶습니다. 그것은 그 동안 Ozy편집장이 정말 프로답게 항상 24시간 이내에 저의 모든 질문에 대해 회신을 해 주었다는 점입니다. 이런 이유들 때문에, 저는 Uni-edit 팀의 전문 서비스를 다른 교수들과 학자들께 추천합니다.

- 마씨앙민 (평동과기대학 레저운동보건학과)

国家実験研究院 ナショナルチップシステムデザインセンター (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng ,


- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, 国家実験研究院 ナショナルチップシステムデザインセンター (CIC),

AEI movie, Producer, Dorothy Chen

AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly.  I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit.  They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services.  When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native.  The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers.  Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.

- Dorothy Chen
AEI movie

National Chiao Tung University, Kevin Chiang

저는 National Chiao Tung University의 College of Computer Science 박사과정 학생입니다. 제가 Uni-edit에 저의 논문 영어 편집을 처음 맡긴 지 3년이 지났습니다. Uni-edit은 저와 같이 영어 원어민이 아닌 연구자에게는 매우 중요한 언어 파트너입니다. Uni-edit 팀은 제 논문의 영어를 개선하여 출판될 수 있도록 돕습니다. 저는 또한 온 세계로부터 피드백을 받습니다. 이것은 저의 학문 연구의 지평이 점차 넓어지도록 하고 있습니다. 보통은 일년에 한 건 혹은 두 건의 논문을 쓸 계획이었습니다. Uni-edit 서비스에 요청하기 전에 저는 다른 영어 편집 회사도 이용해 보았는데 저는 Uni-edit에 원고를 보내면 훨씬 마음이 편합니다. 그것은 질과 속도에서 Uni-edit이 다른 회사들보다 낫기 때문입니다. Uni-edit 팀은 상당히 빨리 표현된 의미를 이해하고 코멘트를 줄 수 있습니다. 이 회사는 신뢰할 만한 파트너이고 저는 여러분도 이요해 보시도록 추천합니다.

- Kevin Chiang
PhD candidate,
College of Computer Science
National Chiao Tung University

北京清華大學電子工程系, 何能強

我是北京清華大學電子工程系的一名四年級博士研究生。我目前分別在IEEE ICC和Globecom兩個會議中發表過學術論文。為了在有影響力的世界頂級學術雜誌上發表論文,我找到了征文翻譯社(Uni-edit)進行專業英語編輯服務,以利進一步提高文章的英語水準。找到Uni-edit是由於我的師兄師姐,他們向我推薦Uni-edit具有學術界嚴謹的審稿制度和截止日,他們的編輯工作絕對準時交件,值得信賴。這一點在我經歷的這次稿件編輯過程中得到了驗證。我這次提交的稿件原來是定在7日內返回稿件編輯版本,令我滿意的是Uni-edit在第5日下午就返回給我編輯後的稿件,這種服務確實讓使用者感到Uni-edit值得信賴。同時修改後的稿件確實在不改變原來文章主旨的前提下對英語水準進行了提升,讓我能夠體會到閱讀更加流暢的感覺。

- 何能強

히로시마 대학 공학, 사회환경 및 우주 학부 대학원 조교수 아쓰시 테라모토

저의 전임 교수가 저에게 Uni-edit의 서비스를 추천한 이후로 저는 항상 Uni-edit의 영어 편집 서비스를 이용해 왔습니다. 그들은 제가 보고서, 컨퍼런스 논문, 저널 논문을 쓸 수 있게 도와 주었고 그들의 편집은 상세하고 만족스러웠습니다. Uni-edit은 유연한 처리 시간, 합리적인 가격, 사용하기 쉬운 서비스를 제공합니다.

- 조교수 아쓰시 테라모토
공학, 사회환경 및 우주 학부 대학원
히로시마 대학

Yuan-Sen "Vincent" Yang, Associate Research Fellow, National Centre for Research on Earthquake Engineering,

Bagi seorang peneliti Taiwan, mungkin tidak sulit untuk menulis tata bahasa dan kalimat yang benar dalam bahasa Inggris. Walaupun, untuk menulis artikel yang mudah dibaca adalah sesuatu hal yang berbeda. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, editor Uni-edit telah berusaha untuk mendapatkan esensi dari kalimat dan paragraf saya, dan memperhalus artikel tersebut berdasarkan esensinya, bukan hanya melihat dari sisi tata bahasa, namun juga membuat artikel tersebut lebih mudah dibaca.

- Yuan-Sen "Vincent" Yang, Peneliti Madya
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering,

I am Assistant Professor Wang Li from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology. I publish around 5 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional English editing service to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are very reliable and always deliver jobs on time.

So far, Uni-edit has edited 2 manuscripts for me; Ozy and the Uni-edit team always respond to any comments I have during the editing process promptly and provide great editing service. The fee charged for the service is very reasonable ; the services are provided based on trust and respect between Uni-edit and the client, which adds a human touch. I will definitely continue working with Uni-edit and recommend their services to other professors and researchers so they can benefit from Uni-edit’s services too!”

- Wang Li
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

저는 논문에서 어렵고 복잡한 이슈(챠량 루트와 직원 스케줄링)가 있을 때마다 저는 Uni-edit에 제 논문 편집을 의뢰하곤 했습니다. 왜냐하면 이것은 전통적인 수학 규칙으로 해결할 수 없는 어려운 문제이기 때문입니다. 그것은 특성에 기초한 문제를 해결하는 알고리듬입니다. 그 알고리듬 개념은 매우 특정합니다. 그것은 모든 문장에 정확하고 유창하며 일관되게 사용되어야 합니다. Uni-edit 영어 편집 서비스는 제가 유일하게 신뢰하는 서비스이며 제 영어를 많이 도와줄 수 있습니다. 편집자들은 일단 유창하지 않은 모든 단어들을 편집하고, 그 후 풍선 코멘트를 사용해 그것이 제가 본래 의도한 의미가 맞는지 체크해 보도록 묻습니다. 두 번째와 세 번째는 파일이 돌아오는 시간이 짧습니다. 때로는 이틀만에 다 됩니다. 제 논문에 대한 그들의 친절한 도움과 서비스에 감사합니다. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

リオデジャネイロ連邦大学 博士課程 Anderson S. Cabral


- Anderson S. Cabral PhD
リオデジャネイロ連邦大学 水生生物研究所

People often say: "A proper packaging is a great way to highlight the values of good works”, especially for a manuscript paper.  Ozy, the chief-editor of the Uni-edit team is exactly the packaging to me.  There was one time a comment from journal reviewers has been returned to me and pointed out directly my English grammar need to be improved.  Fortunately, several doctoral in senior recommended me Ozy and his editing team.  My paper has been accepted since Ozy’s sincerity and strictness with professional services.  Nevertheless, I believe you will appreciate the professional services from Ozy and his team once you have collaborations with them.  It is such a reliable editing team with strictness, carefulness, punctuality.  Here again, I strongly recommend the Ozy its Uni-edit team.

- Hsian-Cheng Chou, National Taiwan University


各位Uni-edit的使用者您好,我是周瑞宏,目前任职于耀登科技,最早使用Uni-edit是透过研究所同学的介绍而接触到Uni-edit,会使用Uni-edit服务是因为当时就读台大电机博士班时有论文投稿的需求。 Uni-edit给我很大的帮助,让我在论文的论述以及语法,语文用语的正确性上给予很大的协助。也让我在论文投稿的阶段非常的顺利。甚至在后来回覆审查意见的时候,也是透过Uni-edit的协助,让我当时投稿国际期刊非常顺利。我主要从事的是微波相关的领域,Uni-edit的服务都会指派相关背景领域,甚至是完全相同专业背景的母语人士来协助英文编修的工作,不论是在论文投稿的期间,乃至于后来整理博士论文的部分,Uni-edi均能协助,我非常乐意将Uni-edit的服务系统介绍推荐给各位使用者,谢谢。

影片连结 :

- 周瑞宏, 电机系, 国立台湾大学

National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Derick Kang, E-mail:

How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not.  After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar.  However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper.  Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more.  The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.

- Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Ozy와 Uni-edit 팀은 제 필요에 맞는 전문적인 영어 편집 서비스를 제공할 수 있습니다. 서비스 요금도 합리적입니다. 저는 Uni-edit 팀의 전문적인 서비스를 다른 교수들과 연구자들에게 추천하고 싶습니다.

- Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然
School of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University

PS: Uni-edit이 편집한 논문은 Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior에 받아들여졌습니다.

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Anderson S. Cabral PhD

We recently used Uni-edit editing and translation services and we were very satisfied. The review met our expectations and the service was very cordial and professional, with clear and fast answers. After Uni-edit review, our manuscript was accepted without restrictions for publication.

Best Regards, 

- Dr Anderson S. Cabral. 
Laboratório de Hidrobiologia 
Instituto de Biologia - UFRJ

Associate Research Fellow 楊元森

台湾の研究員にとって正確な文法で英文を書くことは難しいことではありません。しかし流暢 かつ読みやすい文章を書くことはまた別の話です。私の経験から言って、ユニ・エディットのエディターは私の論文のセンテンスとパラグラフのポイントをつか み、文法的観点ではなく文章のポイントに基づいて文を練り上げ、より読みやすいものにしてくれます。

Associate Research Fellow


我很满意 Ozy 的英文编修服务,因为他让我觉得像是一个好朋友在提供我英文写作上的建议。不管我给他的文章是否超出他的专业领域,他总是努力理解内容,不只提供优质的英文写作专业建议与指导,也从好友及读者的角度,提出疑问、建议与鼓励。我很感谢他的帮助,诚挚向您推荐他的服务。

- 谢尚贤教授

Mr. Chief Editor Ozy Abram of Uni-edt,
I am the author Li Liqing of editing job code P043001HIT.  I have read the manuscript been edited through your company's service. Thanks editors for their help! I am sending a letter of recommendation; hope it can make more people to find Uni-edit, to help them submit the paper successfully.

Recommendation as follow:

Through my friend Wang Li introduced, I chose the Uni-edit for my English manuscript editing. In the past I wrote the manuscript and edited it by myself, always received the comments with “obscure English, do not understand the author's intention" from the reviewers, that feels very frustrated because I spent a lot of times and efforts to edit my paper. I decided to adopt Uni-edit’s help. After editing the manuscript, feel Uni-edit editors understand the author's ideas. Uni-edit understand the academic rigor of the review system, the manuscript on time delivery. Uni-edit customer service officers with the author's native language to communicate, this service is very convenient. In view of the Uni-edit of a good and robust service, I have already recommended a friend to use Uni-edit of editing services.


- Li Liqing
Harbin Institute of Technology

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Associate Research Fellow,  Yuan- Sen "Vincent" Yang


... 楊元森 , Associate Research Fellow

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Associate Research Fellow,  Yuan- Sen "Vincent" Yang

สำหรับนักวิจัยชาวไต้หวัน มันอาจไม่ยากที่จะแต่งประโยคให้ถูกหลักไวยากรณ์ แต่การเขียนภาษาอังกฤษให้ลื่นไหลและอ่านง่ายนั้นเป็นอีกเรื่องหนึ่ง จากประสบการณ์ของผม แทนที่จะตรวจในเรื่องของไวยากรณ์อย่างเดียว ผู้เรียบเรียงของ Uni-Edit พยายามที่จะจับประเด็นจากประโยคและย่อหน้าของผมแล้วขัดเกลาบทความให้สละสลวย ทำให้บทความของผมง่ายต่อการอ่านมากขึ้น”

- Yuan- Sen "Vincent" Yang, ผู้วิจัย, National Centre for Research on Earthquake Engineering,

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

華娛電影, 製片, 陳玉珊 Dorothy Chen


- 陳玉珊/Dorothy Chen

National Taiwan University, ​Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology Dr. Shou-Zen Fan

My name is Shouzen Fan, associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology in College of Medicine, NTU and Director of Anesthesiology of NTUH. Writing papers occupied most of my time, except hospital work and teaching. Even though I was trained well on medical research and English writing, I can’t squeeze extra time for polish English better. It could save my time and increase the chance to get paper published., if I can get help from a professional English editing company to express my meaning clearly. Why I chose Uni-edit?

1. They use 2 medical background editors work on my paper
2. CHECK comments help me to make sure the meaning correctly
3. I could learn better on academic English writing from their editing
4. With their knowledgeable customer service, I could get clear Chinese explanation to meet my needs. I can feel they give a strict training on their staff.
5. The turnaround time and fee are clear and reasonable.
6. Help me to apply funding reimbursement with quotation and local invoice which is fa-piao.

I strongly recommend you should give Uni-edit a try. At least call them to ask the service, workflow. Then you will understand you are making a right decision of choosing an English editing service.

- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital

I had never used any English editing service when I wrote papers. Recently I started to use Uni-edit and I was very impressed because the editors edited my paper very thoroughly and well. Since then, I made it a habit to ask Uni-edit to check my English. Sometimes I even try to see the native English editor's reactions by using some new expressions which I want to use (even though I think those expressions are little strange). In most cases, these expressions are fixed by the editors.However, to be honest, I enjoy it very much because usually the edited sentences(expressions) are little different from what I want to express, and I can think (imagine) what made these differences.

- Nobuo Ishizawa
Nagoya Institute of Technology

NTT西日本大阪病院心療内科部長 胡谷和彦

私は2本の論文で uni-edit の英文校閲サービスを利用しました。uni-edit の気に入った点は、その分野の専門家の校閲者から、論文の論旨や構成に関しても適切な意見を頂ける点です。その意見を参考に論文全体の構成も考え直しました。

また、英文に関しては、日本人はどうしてもぎこちなくなってしまうのですが、uni-edit の校閲を受けて、かなり自然な英語になったように思います。おかげで2本目の論文では、レフリーからのコメントで、英語に関しては fluent という評価を受けました。

また、料金の面でもリーズナブルで、スピードに関しても十分ですので、uni-edit のサービスについては満足しています。uni-dedit を推薦します。


I am the doctoral candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is almost a necessary to ask a professional English editing service when submitting papers to journal for a non-English speaker.   This is the first time I asked Uni-edit to edit my paper.  I am grateful Uni-edit professional team with friendly and professional service.  Uni-edit team not just correct grammar and sentences, also will share their suggestions when they feel unclear or to verify meanings.  It helps me to express my points more clearly and precisely, and increasing acceptance by journal.  Thanks again for the excellent job from Uni-edit.

- Vodka Chao-Min SU  Doctoral Candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University

People often say: "A proper packaging is a great way to highlight the values of good works”, especially for a manuscript paper.  Ozy, the chief-editor of the Uni-edit team is exactly the packaging to me.  There was one time a comment from journal reviewers has been returned to me and pointed out directly my English grammar need to be improved.  Fortunately, several doctoral in senior recommended me Ozy and his editing team.  My paper has been accepted since Ozy’s sincerity and strictness with professional services.  Nevertheless, I believe you will appreciate the professional services from Ozy and his team once you have collaborations with them.  It is such a reliable editing team with strictness, carefulness, punctuality.  Here again, I strongly recommend the Ozy its Uni-edit team.

- Hsian-Cheng Chou, National Taiwan University

台北护理健康大学, 信息管理系, 祝国忠副教授

国际期刊论文发表是所有从事学术者必经之路,其中最大的挑战便是英语写作。 国内学者对研究创新或许还好,但要写出流畅的英文学术文章就难上许多了。 Uni-edit专业的编辑团队在投稿过程中帮了我大忙,协助我提升发表文章的速度和质量。 Uni-edit的服务以及修改成果相当满意。 值得推荐给大家。

- 祝国忠副教授

Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

I work as a writer/editor of books and magazines and I use Uni-edit English editing/translation services when I edit books published by foreign publishers.

When I saw Uni-edit website for the first time, it looked like they were more experienced with 'academic' manuscripts, so I hesitated a little before using their service, however,
I was very satisfied with their editing/translation quality. Their price is more reasonable than other editing companies. Your paper will be double checked by a second editor so that the quality of English will be very high. They will also listen to your request such as 'Please make the English less formal'.Native English speakers check your English thoroughly and they also answer your questions, which makes your paper high-quality. I also appreciate that I can choose an editing (translation) level and turnaround time.

- Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

Uni-edit's English editing quality is very high because two native speaking editors check your manuscript. They also give us appropriate advices so that we can express our intended meaning clearly.They answer to your requests accurately and honestly.Their turnaround time is also quick and price reasonable, which is very helpful for me. I recommend Uni-edit.  

- Hidenobu Soejima (Saga University)

One of my most encountered difficulties when writing academic papers is how to clearly, yet concisely express my intended meanings. Uni-edit provides very professional advice and their services have helped me overcome this challenge. My English writing skill has also greatly benefited from Uni-edit’s services as a result. I therefore strongly recommend authors who encounter similar problems to consult Uni-edit for their professional services.

- K.C. Shen (Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University)

国立台湾大学 土木工学部 康仕仲教授

Ozyは私の研究論文を10本以上校閲してくれました。彼の仕事には非常に満足していま す。彼はいつもしっかりと納期を守り、そのクオリティは常に私の予期したレベルを超えています。彼は工学と言語のスペシャリストであり、私の文章内容を十 分に理解してくれます。彼のアドバイスは文法や言葉の選択だけではなく、論文に盛り込みたいコンセプトも明確にしてくれます。もし学術論文や工学文書の優 秀なエディターが必要なら、この正確で信頼できるエディターを心から推薦します。


I had never used any English editing service when I wrote papers. Recently I started to use Uni-edit and I was very impressed because the editors edited my paper very thoroughly and well. Since then, I made it a habit to ask Uni-edit to check my English. Sometimes I even try to see the native English editor's reactions by using some new expressions which I want to use (even though I think those expressions are little strange). In most cases, these expressions are fixed by the editors.However, to be honest, I enjoy it very much because usually the edited sentences(expressions) are little different from what I want to express, and I can think (imagine) what made these differences.

- Nobuo Ishizawa
Nagoya Institute of Technology



- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吴清慈博士 )

National Chiao Tung University, Kevin Chiang

I am a PhD candidate of College of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is over 3 years now since the first paper asked Uni-edit for English editing. Uni-edit is a very important language partner  for a non-native speaker researcher like me.  Uni-edit team helps me to improve my paper in Egnlsih and then get published to other researchers.  I also got feedbacks from all over the world.  It makes my academic study gradually broaden horizons.  Usually I planned to write one or 2 academic papers for publishing in one year.  Before asking Uni-edit’s service, I have tried out other English editing companies and I feel more confidence to send my paper to Uni-edit.  Because the quality and speed from Uni-edit is better than others.  Uni-edit’s team could understand the expressed meaning and give comments quite fast.  This is a trustable partner and I recommend you to try.

- Kevin Chiang
PhD candidate,
College of Computer Science
National Chiao Tung University

I am a PhD student of Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University.  English editing on a paper is a pretty professional work.  I have asked other English editing company to edit my papers.  But the result was paper got rejected and the reviewer comments mentioned that English needs to be improved.  Then one time, one of my classmate recommended Uni-edit to me.  After trying out their service, the edited paper with clear meaning expression and got accepted by journal smoothly.  I appreciate the Chief-editor Ozy and his professional team.  I would like to recommend Uni-edit team and its professional service to other professors and researchers.

- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chou Jui-Hung  周瑞宏

I always ask Uni-edit to edit my paper. Uni-edit staffs are eager and deliver jobs very quickly. They understand our intended meanings , and fix the English so that it will look natural and easy to understand. I also recommend their TUTOR service. When fixing grammatical and word-choice mistakes, they will show us appropriate examples and explain to us. Their advices for figures and tables are also helpful. Even after English editing is completed, they will answer to our questions politely and quickly. I recommend Uni-edit to other professors, with confidence.

- Masato Watanabe
Kyorin University part time instructor

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University

My name is Ya-Wen Lee, a doctoral student of Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. I need to publish some papers with high standard, therefore I need a professional English editing service to speed up me to publish high standard articles. I have tired 3 different editing companies so far. I could feel that Uni-edit emphasis on each investigator works and dedication to help manuscript as fluent as a native English speaker with professional editing level and suggestions. Uni-edit will make sure to understand my paper well by communicate with me if there is any unclears. Also, Uni-edit understand academic rigorous peer review system and the deadline, therefore you could trust they always deliver files on time. It is very important that a team care service for professional academic manuscript. This is my second time to work with Chief editor Ozy and Uni-edit team, I sincerely recommend Uni-edit team of professional services to other researchers.

- Doctoral student, Ya-Wen Lee
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

NTT WEST Osaka Hospital, Manager, Mr. Kazuhiko Kotani,

I have used Uni-edit English editing service twice. What I like about Uni-edit is that their editors (subject matter experts) give me appropriate advice on the structure and the point of argument of my paper. English written by Japanese authors usually looks clumsy but after having my paper edited by Uni-edit, the English in my paper looks very natural. Thanks to Uni-edit, the journal reviewer told me my English is fluent.

The editing fee is also reasonable and the turnaround time is fast enough. I’m satisfied with Uni-edit’s service and I recommend their service to everyone.

- Kazuhiko Kotani
Manager, Department of psychosomatic medicine
NTT WEST Osaka Hospital,

국립 대만 대학, 토목 공학과, Keh-Chyuan Tsai 교수

우리 팀은 오랫동안 Uni-edit과 함께 영어 편집 작업을 해왔습니다. 우리는 작업 결과에 매우 만족합니다. 우리는 Uni-edit을 다른 모든 교수들과 학자들에게 기꺼이 추천합니다.

- 대만 국립 대학, 토목 공학과, Keh-Chyuan Tsai 교수

I am the doctoral candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is almost a necessary to ask a professional English editing service when submitting papers to journal for a non-English speaker.   This is the first time I asked Uni-edit to edit my paper.  I am grateful Uni-edit professional team with friendly and professional service.  Uni-edit team not just correct grammar and sentences, also will share their suggestions when they feel unclear or to verify meanings.  It helps me to express my points more clearly and precisely, and increasing acceptance by journal.  Thanks again for the excellent job from Uni-edit.

- Vodka Chao-Min SU  Doctoral Candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Anderson S. Cabral PhD

We recently used Uni-edit editing and translation services and we were very satisfied. The review met our expectations and the service was very cordial and professional, with clear and fast answers. After Uni-edit review, our manuscript was accepted without restrictions for publication.

Recentemente utilizamos os serviços de edição e tradução da Uni-edit e ficamos muito satisfeitos. A revisão atendeu nossas expectativas e o atendimento foi muito cordial e profissional, com respostas claras e respeito aos prazos de execução. Após a revisão feita pela Uni-edit, nosso manuscrito foi aceito sem ressalvas para publicação. 


- Dr Anderson S. Cabral. 
Laboratório de Hidrobiologia 
Instituto de Biologia - UFRJ

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University

리오 데 자네이로 연방 대학교, Anderson S. Cabral PhD

우리는 최근 Uni-edit 편집 및 번역 서비스를 이용했으며 매우 만족했습니다. 리뷰는 우리의 기대를 충족시켰고, 서비스는 매우 정중하고 전문적이었으며, 답변은 명확하고 신속했습니다. Uni-edit 리뷰 후에, 저희의 원고는 출판 제한 없이 수락되었습니다.


- Anderson S. Cabral PhD
수생생물학 연구실
생물학 연구소 - 리오 데 자네이로 연방 대학교

国立台湾大学 資工所 Hsian-Cheng Chou


Hsian-Cheng Chou

國立交通大學, 資訊所, 博士候選人蘇釗民


- 蘇釗民

北海道大学院農学研究院, 橋本 誠


- 橋本 誠

كونغ-جوين وانغ، مساعد تقني، المركز القومي لبحوث هندسة الزلازل،

"تم قبول بحثي "ISEE Part II... " بمنتهى السلاسة، لهذا أتقدم بأسمى آيات الشكر والعرفان لمساعدتك الاحترافية في التحرير والتدقيق. أنا معجب بخدماتك حقًا، لا سيما خدمة "التوجيه المحدد"، فهي لم تسهم في تبصيري بالأمور فحسب، بل واكتسبت منها معرفة جديدة. ولا شك أنني سأتصل بك مجددًا حال احتياجي لها".

كونغ-جوين وانغ، مساعد تقني، المركز القومي لبحوث هندسة الزلازل،

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,  Professor Shang-min Ma 

I am currently teaching in the Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. I publish on average 4 SSCI journal papers a year and therefore require professional English editing services to help accelerate the publishing process as well as improve the quality of my papers. Uni-edit is always reliable and delivers promptly because they appreciate the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. Ozy and the Uni-edit team treat every piece of work as priority and help the authors achieve papers without mistakes, that are written in a professional manner, which also flow beautifully. For instance, one of the papers that I asked Uni-edit to edit subsequently received great praises from the reviewers at Leisure Sciences, who commented that the English is ‘very fluent with no grammatical mistake’. One of the reasons why I can confidently trust Uni-edit with my papers is that the English editors are professional native speakers who have specialist knowledge related to my field of research. I have now been collaborating with Uni-edit for almost two years and Uni-edit has edited over 8 SSCI papers for me. Ozy and his team always reply to my questions or try to resolve any issue quickly and efficiently, I’m particularly impressed by Chief Editor Ozy’s efficiency because he always thoroughly answers all my questions within 24 hours. Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable for the professional services they provide. I therefore recommend their services to other professors and researchers.

- Professor Shang-min Ma 
Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

国立交通大学 コンピュータサイエンス学部 博士号取得候補者 蒋昆成



Chung Yuan Christian University, The Department of Civil Engineering, Chang-Wei Huang

Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published.  The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.

- Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University

Nagoya University, Environmental Studies, Professor Ippei Maruyama

I have used 8 different English editing companies for submitting my manuscripts to journals, but I feel Uni-edit's English editing is the most suitable one for my fields of study. So far they have edited my manuscript of 3 different academic fields and all of their work have satisfied me. I appreciate Uni-edit's support very much.

Their services are really flexible. For example, after having journal reviewers review your manuscript,you can ask Uni-edit to edit just certain parts of it. Also, you can use public expense for payment. I think their services are very helpful for profesors and researchers of universities in Japan.

- Professor  Ippei Maruyama
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University

名古屋工業大学 石沢伸夫

長い間,このような英文校正サービスを利用せずに論文を書いてき ました.最近,ご縁があって,Uni-editを利用するようになり,匿 名の校正者が実によく,細かいところまで面倒を見てくれることに 感動しました.以来,なんとなく,英文を見てもらうのが習慣にな りつつあります.最近は次第に図々しくなり,草稿を見てもらう間 に最終稿を準備したり,あるいは,手慣れた,確実な,表現を知っ ていながら,少し怪しげだけれど,使ってみたい新しい表現があっ た時には,まずは後者で書き,native speakerである校正者の反応 を見ています.この場合,たいがいボツになります.これが楽しい です.というのも,その時の校正の文言が私の意図と少し違ってい ることが多く,その違いの由来を考えられるからです.

- 石沢伸夫

ハルビン工業大学 李立青


私の友人Wang Liに紹介されてUni-editの英文校正サービスを利用しました。今までは論文を自分自身で校正していたのですが、論文を投稿するたびに レビュアーから「英語がおかしく、意味がよくわからない」とのコメントを受けており、非常にストレスがたまっていました。




国立交通大学 コンピュータサイエンス学部 博士号取得候補者 蘇釗民

私は国立交通大学コンピューターサイエンス学部の蘇釗民と申します。 英語を母国語としない者にとって、論文投稿の際にプロの英文校正サービスを利用することは必須です。

彼らは文法や文章の誤りを正すだけでなく、不明瞭な個所については意味をはっきりさせるためのアドバイスもしてくれ、 私が表現したいポイントがより正確に反映されるよう、そしてアクセプト率が上がるよう手助けしてくれます。 Uni-editの素晴らしいサービスに改めて感謝いたします。


I'm using Uni-edit English editing service for my academic writing. When I review my manuscript after uni-edit edits it, I can know which part of my manuscript (my Engliish) is not correct in details and I can learn a lot. Above all, I'm very satisfied with the kind attitude of Uni-edit's staff.

I recommend Uni-edit's English editing service especially to those who have never used an English editing service. I know they might feel anxious when using this kind of service for the first time. Probably they don't know what they need and how they should use an English editing service. But I believe that if you ask Uni-edit to edit your manuscript, everything will be alright. The reason why I'm confident is that Uni-edit's kind customer service makes me feel at ease. They will even answer a very basic question for you.

I feel Uni-edit is a company which can provide an excellent service and a high quality English editing service. Please use Uni-edit's English editing service. Or, you can at least ask them about their service, work process etc.. I'm sure that you will feel you made a correct choice.

Takuma Yoshida
Department of Science
Kagoshima University

國立台灣大學, 資工所,Hsian-Cheng Chou

常有人說:「好的作品透過適當的包裝,更能彰顯其價值」,一篇好的論文作品更是如此。對我而言, 總編輯Ozy及其Uni-edit團隊不啻就是我論文最好的包裝師。記得上一篇論文被退回時評審委員直接表示英文文法須要改進,經幾位博士班學長輾轉介紹認識到Ozy,經其團隊協助修正後論文直接被接受,真的要非常感謝Ozy及其團隊的專業服務。另外,Ozy 及其專業團隊的熱忱、效率及嚴謹態度,相信與其有合作的人士,一定會舉起大姆指說讚,不但審稿嚴格、細心,並且一定準時交件,真的非常值得信賴。再一次向大家極力推薦Ozy及其Uni-edit團隊。

- Hsian-Cheng Chou
資工所 國立台灣大學


我叫陈媛,来自哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院的一名博士生,为了满足学校对毕业的要求,每年约发表1-2篇论文,需要专业的英语编辑服务以利加速和协助我发表文章的速度和水平。通过老师介绍,我了解了Uni-edit团队,通过与总编辑Ozy和Uni-edit团队的合作极大的提高了我发表文章的速度和水平,我将会推荐Uni-edit 团队的专业服务给我们环境领域的其他教授和科研工作者,主要理由主要有以下:1) Ozy专程造访我和我的研究团队讨论了解我们的需求,提供不仅专业,同时也非常友善人性化的服务;2) Ozy 以及专业团队永远以最快的速度回复疑问或解决问题,服务计价的方式也非常合理。最终祝愿Uni-edit团队越办越好!

- 陈媛

The English service from Uni-edit is full of the spirit of first-class as well as professional.  They will listen to your needs and try their best to meet your needs as soon as possible.  I have taught in Department of Merchant Marine, National Taiwan Ocean University over 20 years with years experiences in journal publishing.  Thanks Uni-edit team’s great help on such arduous task.

- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吳清慈 )
Department of Merchant Marine
National Taiwan Ocean University

NTT WEST Osaka Hospital, Manager, Mr. Kazuhiko Kotani,

I have used Uni-edit English editing service twice. What I like about Uni-edit is that their editors (subject matter experts) give me appropriate advice on the structure and the point of argument of my paper. English written by Japanese authors usually looks clumsy but after having my paper edited by Uni-edit, the English in my paper looks very natural. Thanks to Uni-edit, the journal reviewer told me my English is fluent.

The editing fee is also reasonable and the turnaround time is fast enough. I’m satisfied with Uni-edit’s service and I recommend their service to everyone.

- Kazuhiko Kotani
Manager, Department of psychosomatic medicine
NTT WEST Osaka Hospital,

저는 영어 편집 서비스를 여러 곳 이용해 보았습니다만 Uni-edit은 ‘일본 고객들’에게 매우 훌륭한 전문 서비스를 제공합니다. (마감일, 가격, 영어 논문의 내용, 지불 방법 등을 일본어로 커뮤니케이션할 수 있습니다.) 이는 제게 매우 도움이 되었습니다.

- Makoto Hashimoto (Research Faculty of Agriculture,Hokkaido University)

Ozy 가 지금까지 저를 위해 교정해준 연구논문은 열 건이 넘습니다. 그의 작업에 매우 만족합니다. 항상 일정에 맞추어 보내주었고 품질에 있어서도 기대 이상이었습니다. 또한 그는 엔지니어링과 언어의 전문가여서 논문의 내용을 이해함에 있어서도 상당히 능력이 있다고 봅니다. 특히 Ozy의 가장 큰 장점은 문법과 단어의 선택이 탁월해 해당 논문에서 전달하고자 하는 중요한 개념을 가장 적절하게 표현해 준다는 것입니다. 만약 여러분이 연구논문이나 다른 공학 영어 문서들에 대한 교정이 정말 필요하시다면 정확하면서도 신뢰가 되는 본 교정서비스를 여러분들에게 진심으로 추천하는 바입니다.

- Shih-Chung “Jessy” Kang, Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University


- 阮雪芬 (台湾大学生命科学系教授)

AEI movie, Producer, Dorothy Chen

AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly.  I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit.  They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services.  When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native.  The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers.  Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.

- Dorothy Chen
AEI movie

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

국립 대만 대학, 토목 공학과, Keh-Chyuan Tsai 교수

우리 팀은 오랫동안 Uni-edit과 함께 영어 편집 작업을 해왔습니다. 우리는 작업 결과에 매우 만족합니다. 우리는 Uni-edit을 다른 모든 교수들과 학자들에게 기꺼이 추천합니다.

- 대만 국립 대학, 토목 공학과, Keh-Chyuan Tsai 교수

鹿児島大学 理学部 吉田拓真

まず、私は学術論文作成のためにUni-edtiの校正サービスを利用していることを述べておきます。 そのような立場でこの推薦メッセージを書いていることにご注意いただければ嬉しく思います。

私は研究論文執筆の際に、Uni-editの校正サービスを利用しています。 仕上がりを見ると、自分の書いた英文のどこがおかしいのか詳しくわかるようになっており、勉強になっています。 そして、何よりUni-editスタッフの丁寧な対応に大変満足しています。

私は特に、初めて英文校正サービスを利用する人にUni-editをお勧めしたいと思います。 そのような人にとって英文校正サービスを依頼するというのはかなり不安なことではないでしょうか。 何が必要で、どう依頼すればいいのかわからない状況だと思います。

拙い経験ではありますが、とりあえずUni-editに頼めば間違いはないと確信しています。 その確信に至る理由は、自明であるほどの初歩的な質問にも丁寧に応えてくださるスタッフの対応に安心感を覚えるためです。
私自身多くの会社を利用したわけではないので、Uni-editが一番良い会社かどうかはわかりません。 しかし確実に、間違いではありません。

安心してサービスを依頼でき、仕上がりのクオリティにも満足できる会社だと思います。 とりあえずUni-editを利用してみてください。 もしくは、とりあえずサービスの概要、プロセス等を聞いてみてください。 きっとその選択は間違いではなかったなと思えるはずです。


I always ask Uni-edit to edit my paper. Uni-edit staffs are eager and deliver jobs very quickly. They understand our intended meanings , and fix the English so that it will look natural and easy to understand. I also recommend their TUTOR service. When fixing grammatical and word-choice mistakes, they will show us appropriate examples and explain to us. Their advices for figures and tables are also helpful. Even after English editing is completed, they will answer to our questions politely and quickly. I recommend Uni-edit to other professors, with confidence.

- Masato Watanabe
Kyorin University part time instructor

Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya menggunakan jasa pengeditan Ozy untuk memperbaiki naskah jurnal saya. Saya sungguh merasa puas dengan hasil pengeditannya. Saya menerima dokumen yang telah diedit tepat pada waktunya dan menggunakannya untuk menyelesaikan naskah jurnal saya. Saya terkesan dengan komentar yang diberikan untuk menyarankan bagaimana kalimatnya bisa menjadi lebih efisien dan profesional. Dan saya bisa merevisi kalimatnya berdasarkan komentarnya. Ozy telah memperbaiki tata bahasa dan tanda baca tanpa merubah artinya. Bagi saya, ini merupakan peningkatan dan pengalaman belajar yang baik dalam bahasa Inggris. Saya sungguh menghargai sikap profesionalnya untuk membangun hubungan jangka panjang dengan klien. Karena saya mengakui keahliannya dalam pengeditan, saya akan memanfaatkan jasanya untuk masa yang akan datang.

- Budi Suswanto, kandidat Doktor
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

屏东科技大学, 休闲运动保健系, 马上闵

本人目前任教于国立屏东科技大学休闲运动保健系,每年平均发表约4篇SSCI等级论文,经常需要专业英语编辑服务,以便加快发表文章的速度并且提高论文水平。在与Uni-edit合作的过程中,我觉得Uni-edit相当了解学术界严谨的审稿制度和交稿日期,所以每次交稿都十分准时,值得信赖。总编辑Ozy和Uni-edit团队重视每位研究人员的作品并尽心尽力地协助将研究人员稿件的英文修改到准确无误、流畅专业。例如,在我请Uni-edit编辑并且已在Leisure Sciences期刊刊登的论文,三位论文审查委员特别提到此论文“文笔流畅、文法无误”。值得一提的是,Uni-edit的专业编辑是英文为母语的专家,而且与作者有相关学术背景的专业人士,这点让我很放心地将论文交给征文。我已经长期与总编辑Ozy和Uni-edit团队合作将近两年,Uni-edit已经为我编辑了超过8篇的SSCI等级论文,Ozy及其专业团队永远以最快的速度回复疑问或解决问题,服务计价的方式也非常合理。最后,在合作过程中,令我印象最深刻的一件事是Ozy总编辑总是在24小之内以最专业的方式回复我所有的问题。为此,我会将Uni-edit团队的专业服务推荐给其他教授和研究人员。

- 马上闵

National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai

Our team has been working with Uni-edit in English editing for a long time. We are very pleased and satisfied with the results of the work. We are happy to recommend Uni-edit to all other professors and scholars.

- Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Anderson S. Cabral PhD

We recently used Uni-edit editing and translation services and we were very satisfied. The review met our expectations and the service was very cordial and professional, with clear and fast answers. After Uni-edit review, our manuscript was accepted without restrictions for publication.

Best Regards, 

- Dr Anderson S. Cabral. 
Laboratório de Hidrobiologia 
Instituto de Biologia - UFRJ

저는 북경 청화대학교 전자공학과 박사과정 4 년차 연구생입니다. 저는 지금까지 IEEE ICC와 Globecom 회의에 학술논문을 발표해 왔습니다. 이렇게 영향력 있는 세계 정상급 학술잡지에 논문을 등재하기 위해 저는 Uni-edit을 통한 학술 영어 편집 서비스를 이용하였고, 이를 통해 또한 한 단계 더 나은 고급 영어실력을 갖출 수 있게 되었습니다.

Uni-edit은 저의 선배들이 소개해 주었는데, 소개를 받을 때에 “Uni-edit은 학술계의 엄격한 심사제도와 마감일을 잘 이해하고 있고, 시한을 꼭 엄수하기 때문에 신뢰할 수 있는 곳이다” 라는 말을 들었습니다. 바로 이런 부분을, 이번 원고 편집과정을 통해 제가 직접 확인할 수 있었습니다.

이번 원고의 경우, 본래 7일 안에 편집된 원고를 되돌려 받게 되어 있었는데, Uni-edit이 5일째 되는 날 오후에 편집 완료된 원고를 제게 보내주어서 저는 매우 만족하였습니다. 이러한 서비스는 고객들에게 Uni-edit에 대한 확고한 신뢰를 심어 준다고 생각합니다. 또한 편집된 원고를 읽어 보니, 원문의 주요 의미를 전혀 바꾸지 않으면서도 영어 문장의 수준을 훨씬 향상시켰으며, 그 격상된 영어의 차이를 제가 직접 느낄 수 있었습니다.

- 허능치앙 (북경 청화대학 전자공학과)

Associate Technologist, Kung-Juin, Wang

嗨 Ozy, 謝謝您專業的編修服務,上次請您幫忙編修,要投到 EESD 的 "ISEE: Internet-Based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering Part II: The Application Approach" 已經順利地被接受了。我很喜歡您提供的專業服務,尤其是 target tutor 這部份。在以英語表達上,它不僅開了我的眼界,讓我發現了原本許多我不知道的細微的差異與用法,也幫助我學到更多新的東西。未來若有需要時,我一定會與您聯絡。謝謝。

- Kung-Juin, Wang
Associate Technologist

National Taiwan University, ​Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology Dr. Shou-Zen Fan

My name is Shouzen Fan, associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology in College of Medicine, NTU and Director of Anesthesiology of NTUH. Writing papers occupied most of my time, except hospital work and teaching. Even though I was trained well on medical research and English writing, I can’t squeeze extra time for polish English better. It could save my time and increase the chance to get paper published., if I can get help from a professional English editing company to express my meaning clearly. Why I chose Uni-edit?

1. They use 2 medical background editors work on my paper
2. CHECK comments help me to make sure the meaning correctly
3. I could learn better on academic English writing from their editing
4. With their knowledgeable customer service, I could get clear Chinese explanation to meet my needs. I can feel they give a strict training on their staff.
5. The turnaround time and fee are clear and reasonable.
6. Help me to apply funding reimbursement with quotation and local invoice which is fa-piao.

I strongly recommend you should give Uni-edit a try. At least call them to ask the service, workflow. Then you will understand you are making a right decision of choosing an English editing service.

- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital

Associate Technologist Kung-Juin Wang

Ozyさんこんにちは。前回英文校閲をお願いした、EESDに投稿した論文 "ISEE: Internet-Based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering Part II: The Application Approach" はおかげさまで無事アクセプトされました。私は貴社のサービスをとても気に入っております。特にオプションのTarget Tutor(個人指導)は、英語の表現において私が今まで知らなかった細かな違いや用法を教えてくれました。また将来英文校閲が必要な際は必ず貴社に連絡いたします。どうもありがとうございました。

Kung-Juin, Wang
Associate Technologist

I have used several English editing services but Uni-edit provides very fine and delicate service ‘for Japanese customers’ (We can communicate about deadline,price,content of the English paper, payment method etc.. in Japanese) which is very helpful for me.

- Makoto Hashimoto (Research Faculty of Agriculture,Hokkaido University)

名古屋大学, 环境学研究生院,Ippei Maruyama教授

I have used 8 different English editing companies for submitting my manuscripts to journals, but I feel Uni-edit's English editing is the most suitable one for my fields of study. So far they have edited my manuscript of 3 different academic fields and all of their work have satisfied me. I appreciate Uni-edit's support very much.

Their services are really flexible. For example, after having journal reviewers review your manuscript,you can ask Uni-edit to edit just certain parts of it. Also, you can use public expense for payment. I think their services are very helpful for profesors and researchers of universities in Japan.

- Professor  Ippei Maruyama
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University

国立中興大学 材料工程学系 洪銘聰

私は、英語の投稿論文執筆で苦労されている方々に、University English Editing and Translation Service (Uni-edit)をお勧めしたいと思っています。編集長のOzyさんは、とてもプロフェッショナルな校閲チームを組んで、私の英語論文の問題点を取り除くのに協力してくれました。Ozyさんと彼の校閲チームのおかげで、私の最初のIEEE論文が今月出版されます。もしあなたが、英語論文の品質を向上させてくれるサービスを探しているならば、Ozyさんに連絡してください。彼らがすばらしいサービスを提供してくれることを保証します。 


VIDEO 臺灣大學, 生命科學系, 阮雪芬教授


影片連結 :

- 阮雪芬教授, 生命科學系, 臺灣大學

I had never used any English editing service when I wrote papers. Recently I started to use Uni-edit and I was very impressed because the editors edited my paper very thoroughly and well. Since then, I made it a habit to ask Uni-edit to check my English. Sometimes I even try to see the native English editor's reactions by using some new expressions which I want to use (even though I think those expressions are little strange). In most cases, these expressions are fixed by the editors.However, to be honest, I enjoy it very much because usually the edited sentences(expressions) are little different from what I want to express, and I can think (imagine) what made these differences.

- Nobuo Ishizawa
Nagoya Institute of Technology

I had never used any English editing service when I wrote papers. Recently I started to use Uni-edit and I was very impressed because the editors edited my paper very thoroughly and well. Since then, I made it a habit to ask Uni-edit to check my English. Sometimes I even try to see the native English editor's reactions by using some new expressions which I want to use (even though I think those expressions are little strange). In most cases, these expressions are fixed by the editors.However, to be honest, I enjoy it very much because usually the edited sentences(expressions) are little different from what I want to express, and I can think (imagine) what made these differences.

- Nobuo Ishizawa
Nagoya Institute of Technology

臺北護理健康大學, 資訊管理系, 祝國忠副教授


- 祝國忠副教授

名古屋工业大学, 石沢伸夫



- 石沢伸夫

National Taiwan University, ​Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology Dr. Shou-Zen Fan

My name is Shouzen Fan, associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology in College of Medicine, NTU and Director of Anesthesiology of NTUH. Writing papers occupied most of my time, except hospital work and teaching. Even though I was trained well on medical research and English writing, I can’t squeeze extra time for polish English better. It could save my time and increase the chance to get paper published., if I can get help from a professional English editing company to express my meaning clearly. Why I chose Uni-edit?

1. They use 2 medical background editors work on my paper
2. CHECK comments help me to make sure the meaning correctly
3. I could learn better on academic English writing from their editing
4. With their knowledgeable customer service, I could get clear Chinese explanation to meet my needs. I can feel they give a strict training on their staff.
5. The turnaround time and fee are clear and reasonable.
6. Help me to apply funding reimbursement with quotation and local invoice which is fa-piao.

I strongly recommend you should give Uni-edit a try. At least call them to ask the service, workflow. Then you will understand you are making a right decision of choosing an English editing service.

- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

My name is Hsueh-Fen Juan, a professor of Life Science in National Taiwan University.  The reason I have asked Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service) edit 11 papers for me in just half a year is Uni-edit team really understand the rigorousness of academic and the importance of submitting deadline so Uni-edit always deliver files on time or earlier.  The chief-editor Ozy and Uni-edit team cares of each work from researchers and take care of them to problem free as well as fluently sincerely.  They will communicate with us if they encounter any difficulties or answer properly if we have any questions.  I would like to recommend the Uni-the edit team of professional services to other professors and researchers from the reasons I mentioned above.

- Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan, National Taiwan University

国立台湾大学 一般麻酔科 准教授 范守仁

私は国立台湾大学 一般麻酔科准教授の范守仁です。

1. 医学のバックグラウンドを持った2人の校正者が英文校正を行う
2. CHECKコメントが私の意図を明確に表現することを助けてくれる
3. 英文校正内容から、学術英文について学べる
4. 知識豊富なカスタマーサービスのおかげで、中国語で正確な説明を受けることができた。カスタマーサービススタッフはしっかりとしたトレーニングを受けていると感じた
5. 納期と料金が明確でリーズナブルだった
6. 見積もりと請求書の発行


国立台湾大学 一般麻酔科 准教授 范守仁

中山医学大学, 公衛系, 楊浩然副教授,



名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科 コンクリート工学、セメント化学、応用地質学、原子力工学分野 丸山一平

これまで、論文投稿に際して国内外の8社を利用しましたが、Uni-Edit社の英語 校閲がもっとも自分の分野でしっくりくるものでした。3分野での論文を校閲い ただきましたが、いずれも満足行くもので、論文の議論のみに集中できる Uni-Edit社のサポートは非常にありがたいです。

査読後の対応では必要部位のみの対応や大学における公費支払いへの対応も、実 にフレキシブルなので日本の大学所属の研究者としては、非常に助かると思いま す。


Da-Yeh University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee 

A colleague recommended Uni-edit English editing to me while one of my papers almost got accepted by an international journal if the paper proofread by native editors for US spelling and grammar in 2 weeks.  The Uni-edit team worked hard to complete the editorial work in a week and issued a certificate to prove the work done by native speakers.  I believe all the Academic scholars ever work with Uni-edit will recommend it certainly.

- Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University

I am very much pleased with Ozy's English editing services becen-ause his service feels like coming from a friend rather than an agent. No matter whether the articles I gave him are beyond his knowledge domains or not, he always tries his best to comprehend the contents of the articles and provides his professional editing advices of high quality. Moreover, he raises questions and provides suggestions, comments, and encouragement from the viewpoints of a reader and a good friend . I really appreciate very much his help on editing my English articles and am glad to recommend his services to you without reservation. ”

- Shang-Hsien “Patrick” Hsieh, Professor
National Taiwan University

저는 북경 청화대학교 전자공정과의 임 용 교수입니다. 매년 약20편의 논문을 발표하고 있고, 논문발표의 속도와 품질에 도움이 되고자 전문적인 영어 교정 서비스를 필요로 합니다. Uni-edit은 학술계의 엄격한 논문 심사제도와 일정을 충분히 이해하여, 반드시 기한 내에 송부해주었고 이는 신뢰로 연결되었습니다. 편집장 Ozy와 Uni-edit팀은 연구자의 매 건의 작품을 진심으로 소중히 여기고 전력으로 협력하여, 연구자의 원고 영문이 결점이 없으면서, 전문적인 유창한 과학 영어의 수준까지 되도록 수정해줍니다.

편집 과정 중에 어떤 질문사항이 있을 경우, Uni-edit은 주동적으로 저희와 소통함으로써, 작자가 표현하고자 하는 의미를 정확히 전달하는데 최선의 노력을 다합니다. Uni-edit의 세심한 서비스 정신은 전문 학술문서에서 매우 중요합니다. Uni-edit의 전문편집은 영어를 모국어로 쓰면서 연구원 혹은 저작자의 학술배경과 관련 있는 편집자를 통해 이루어지기에, 편집 주제 영역에 대해 매우 깊은 이해를 하고 있습니다.

본인은 이미 편집장 Ozy와 Uni-edit팀과 이미 10개월 이상을 협력해왔습니다. Ozy와 그의 전문팀은 항상 가장 빠른 속도로 질문에 회신하고 문제를 해결해왔으며, 서비스 가격 책정방식도 매우 합리적입니다. Ozy는 저와 저의 연구팀을 직접 방문하여 우리들의 요구에 대해서 이해하였고, 전문적인 정보를 제공한 것 외에도 동시에 매우 우호적이고 따뜻한 서비스 정신을 보여주었습니다. 본인은 Uni-edit팀의 전문적인 서비스를 다른 교수님들과 연구자 분들께 추천합니다. 임 용, 교수

- 중국 청화대학 전자공정과

Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

I work as a writer/editor of books and magazines and I use Uni-edit English editing/translation services when I edit books published by foreign publishers.

When I saw Uni-edit website for the first time, it looked like they were more experienced with 'academic' manuscripts, so I hesitated a little before using their service, however,
I was very satisfied with their editing/translation quality. Their price is more reasonable than other editing companies. Your paper will be double checked by a second editor so that the quality of English will be very high. They will also listen to your request such as 'Please make the English less formal'.Native English speakers check your English thoroughly and they also answer your questions, which makes your paper high-quality. I also appreciate that I can choose an editing (translation) level and turnaround time.

- Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

When I write English manuscripts, I often use Uni-edit English editing service. I have used other English editing services before but compared to them, Uni-edit’s editing quality is higher and the price is also reasonable. Their customer service in Japanese is also reliable,and the follow-up service is great too. Also, Uni-edit often completes their job earlier than the deadline and it makes me feel happy (lucky) too. I recommend Uni-edit.

- Ryo Momosaki,, School of medicine,The Jikei university

Mr. Chief Editor Ozy Abram of Uni-edt,
I am the author Li Liqing of editing job code P043001HIT.  I have read the manuscript been edited through your company's service. Thanks editors for their help! I am sending a letter of recommendation; hope it can make more people to find Uni-edit, to help them submit the paper successfully.

Recommendation as follow:

Through my friend Wang Li introduced, I chose the Uni-edit for my English manuscript editing. In the past I wrote the manuscript and edited it by myself, always received the comments with “obscure English, do not understand the author's intention" from the reviewers, that feels very frustrated because I spent a lot of times and efforts to edit my paper. I decided to adopt Uni-edit’s help. After editing the manuscript, feel Uni-edit editors understand the author's ideas. Uni-edit understand the academic rigor of the review system, the manuscript on time delivery. Uni-edit customer service officers with the author's native language to communicate, this service is very convenient. In view of the Uni-edit of a good and robust service, I have already recommended a friend to use Uni-edit of editing services.


- Li Liqing
Harbin Institute of Technology

国立台湾海洋大学 商船学部 呉清慈


Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (呉清慈)
Department of Merchant Marine 商船學部
National Taiwan Ocean University 国立台湾海洋大学

VIDEO 臺灣大學, 生命科學系, 阮雪芬教授


影片连结 :

- 阮雪芬教授, 生命科學系, 臺灣大學

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Alvin Hung Email:

I would like to recommend University English Editing and Translation Service (Uni-edit) to people who encounter difficulties in their English journal paper writing. Ozy, the chief editor, has developed a very professional team to help me remove this kind of problems. Thanks to Ozy and his great team, my first IEEE article will be published this month. If you are looking for someone to help you improve the quality of your paper, don’t hesitate to call and ask Ozy. I can guarantee that you will receive outstanding services from this team.
- Alvin Hung (Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) Email:

佐賀大学 副島英伸

Uni-editの校正サービスは、二人のネイティブスピーカーがチェックするためクオリティが高く、 適切なアドバイスで細かいニュアンスも正確に伝えることができます。

様々なリクエストにも正確かつ誠実に対応してくれます。 また、納期も短く、値段もリーズナブルなのでたいへん助かります。 Uni-editをお薦めします。


คุณออสซี่ได้แก้ไขเรียบเรียงงานวิจัยของดิฉันมากกว่าสิบชิ้นงาน ดิฉันรู้สึกพึงพอใจในงานของเขามาก เขาส่งงานที่ได้แก้ไขแล้วให้ดิฉันตรงเวลาเสมอ และคุณภาพของงานก็ดีกว่าที่ดิฉันคิดไว้เสียอีก เนื่องจากเขาเป็นทั้งผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านวิศวกรรมศาสตร์และภาษาศาสตร์ ดังนั้นเขาจึงสามารถเข้าใจเนื้อหาของงานได้เป็นอย่างดี คำแนะนำของเขาช่วยได้มากไม่เฉพาะในด้านไวยากรณ์หรือการเลือกใช้คำศัพท์ แต่รวมไปถึงความชัดเจนของกรอบความคิดที่สำคัญที่ดิฉันต้องการจะสื่อลงไปในงาน ถ้าหากคุณต้องการผู้เรียบเรียงที่เอาจริงเอาจังสำหรับงานวิจัยหรือเอกสารด้านวิศวกรรม ดิฉันขอแนะนำผู้เรียบเรียงที่แม่นยำและน่าเชื่อถือคนนี้จากใจจริง”

- แผนกวิศวกรรมโยธา, มหาวิทยาลัยแห่งชาติไต้หวัน (National Taiwan University)

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

I am a PhD student currently in my fourth year studying in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing. I have so far published papers in conferences including IEEE ICC and Globecom. In order to further improve the English of my papers and thus help me publish in high impact international journals, I actively sought after Uni-edit’s professional English editing services. I was myself recommended Uni-edit’s services by other senior students, who told me that the Uni-edit team is familiar with the stringent review process and deadlines in the academic publishing world, they are very reliable and always deliver promptly. I can testify this statement having now worked with Uni-edit myself. The original promised delivery day was within 7 days, and I was pleasantly surprised when I received the edited work after only five days. Hence why I am confident of Uni-edit’s reliable services. In addition, the editors have improved my paper’s English whilst retaining my intended meanings, so now my paper flows much better.

- Nengqiang He (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China)

My name is Chen Yuan, a PhD student from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. In order to meet school requirements for graduation, annually publish 1-2 papers and need professional English editing services to accelerate the speed and reach the level of articles published. Uni-edit team was introduced from my teacher, working with the Chief Editor Ozy and Uni-edit team greatly improved my speed and level of published articles. I will recommend Uni-edit team professional services to professors and researchers of Environmental areas. The main reasons are the following: 1) Ozy came to visit me and my research team to discuss and understand our needs, providing not only professional, but also very friendly and personalized service; 2) Ozy and professional team are always fastest to respond or solve the problems, the service is also very reasonably priced way. Wish Uni-edit team better and better!

- Chen Yuan
Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Alvin Hung Email:

I would like to recommend University English Editing and Translation Service (Uni-edit) to people who encounter difficulties in their English journal paper writing. Ozy, the chief editor, has developed a very professional team to help me remove this kind of problems. Thanks to Ozy and his great team, my first IEEE article will be published this month. If you are looking for someone to help you improve the quality of your paper, don’t hesitate to call and ask Ozy. I can guarantee that you will receive outstanding services from this team.
- Alvin Hung (Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) Email:

I am Assistant Professor Wang Li from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology. I publish around 5 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional English editing service to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are very reliable and always deliver jobs on time.

So far, Uni-edit has edited 2 manuscripts for me; Ozy and the Uni-edit team always respond to any comments I have during the editing process promptly and provide great editing service. The fee charged for the service is very reasonable ; the services are provided based on trust and respect between Uni-edit and the client, which adds a human touch. I will definitely continue working with Uni-edit and recommend their services to other professors and researchers so they can benefit from Uni-edit’s services too!”

- Wang Li
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

AEI movie, Producer, Dorothy Chen

AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly.  I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit.  They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services.  When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native.  The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers.  Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.

- Dorothy Chen
AEI movie

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,  Professor Shang-min Ma 

I am currently teaching in the Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. I publish on average 4 SSCI journal papers a year and therefore require professional English editing services to help accelerate the publishing process as well as improve the quality of my papers. Uni-edit is always reliable and delivers promptly because they appreciate the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. Ozy and the Uni-edit team treat every piece of work as priority and help the authors achieve papers without mistakes, that are written in a professional manner, which also flow beautifully. For instance, one of the papers that I asked Uni-edit to edit subsequently received great praises from the reviewers at Leisure Sciences, who commented that the English is ‘very fluent with no grammatical mistake’. One of the reasons why I can confidently trust Uni-edit with my papers is that the English editors are professional native speakers who have specialist knowledge related to my field of research. I have now been collaborating with Uni-edit for almost two years and Uni-edit has edited over 8 SSCI papers for me. Ozy and his team always reply to my questions or try to resolve any issue quickly and efficiently, I’m particularly impressed by Chief Editor Ozy’s efficiency because he always thoroughly answers all my questions within 24 hours. Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable for the professional services they provide. I therefore recommend their services to other professors and researchers.

- Professor Shang-min Ma 
Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Scientific Research Division, Yu-Jong Wu

Uni-edit understands the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. They always reply promptly to my questions and resolve issues very efficiently. In addition, Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable.

- Yu-Jong Wu (Scientific Research Division, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan)

Uni-edit's English editing quality is very high because two native speaking editors check your manuscript. They also give us appropriate advices so that we can express our intended meaning clearly.They answer to your requests accurately and honestly.Their turnaround time is also quick and price reasonable, which is very helpful for me. I recommend Uni-edit.  

- Hidenobu Soejima (Saga University)

Chinese Culture University Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider. I recommend it sincerely.

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

国家同歩輻射研究中心 科学研究組 呉宇中 


科學研究組 Scientific Research Division
國家同步輻射研究中心 National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan

國立中央大學, 機械系博士生, 凌國夏(Kuo-Hsia Ling),


- 凌國夏(Kuo-Hsia Ling)
Mechanical engineering department, National Central University

National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Derick Kang, E-mail:

How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not.  After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar.  However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper.  Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more.  The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.

- Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

When I write English manuscripts, I often use Uni-edit English editing service. I have used other English editing services before but compared to them, Uni-edit’s editing quality is higher and the price is also reasonable. Their customer service in Japanese is also reliable,and the follow-up service is great too. Also, Uni-edit often completes their job earlier than the deadline and it makes me feel happy (lucky) too. I recommend Uni-edit.

- Ryo Momosaki,, School of medicine,The Jikei university

저는 항상 Uni-edit에 제 논문 편집을 부탁합니다. Uni-edit 직원들은 열성적이고 작업 속도가 빠릅니다. 그들은 우리의 의도된 의미를 이해하고 영어가 자연스럽고 이해하기 쉽도록 고칩니다. 저는 TUTOR 서비스도 추천합니다. 문법이나 단어 선택상의 실수를 교정할 때 적절한 예를 보여주고 설명해 줍니다. 그림 및 표에 대한 설명도 도움이 됩니다. 영어 편집이 끝난 후에도 그들은 우리의 질문에 예의바르고 빠르게 대답해 줍니다. 저는 Uni-edit을 다른 교수님들께 자신있게 추천합니다.

- Masato Watanabe
Kyorin University part time instructor

杏林大学 非常勤講師 渡辺雅人

私は論文を書くときには、必ずUni-editに英文校閲をお願いしています。Uni-editのスタッフは熱心で納期も早いです。我々の意図をくみ取り、より自然でわかりやすい英語に仕上げてくれます。TUTORサービスもお勧めです。文法やword choiceの間違いを校閲する際に、理由を理論的にかつ適切な例文をあげて説明してくれます。図表へのアドバイスも適切です。英文校閲が完成後も、こちらの質問に丁寧かつ迅速に答えてくれます。私は、自信をもって、他の研究者にUni-editのサービスをお勧めします。


Mr. Chief Editor Ozy Abram of Uni-edt,
I am the author Li Liqing of editing job code P043001HIT.  I have read the manuscript been edited through your company's service. Thanks editors for their help! I am sending a letter of recommendation; hope it can make more people to find Uni-edit, to help them submit the paper successfully.

Recommendation as follow:

Through my friend Wang Li introduced, I chose the Uni-edit for my English manuscript editing. In the past I wrote the manuscript and edited it by myself, always received the comments with “obscure English, do not understand the author's intention" from the reviewers, that feels very frustrated because I spent a lot of times and efforts to edit my paper. I decided to adopt Uni-edit’s help. After editing the manuscript, feel Uni-edit editors understand the author's ideas. Uni-edit understand the academic rigor of the review system, the manuscript on time delivery. Uni-edit customer service officers with the author's native language to communicate, this service is very convenient. In view of the Uni-edit of a good and robust service, I have already recommended a friend to use Uni-edit of editing services.


- Li Liqing
Harbin Institute of Technology

I am a PhD student of Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University.  English editing on a paper is a pretty professional work.  I have asked other English editing company to edit my papers.  But the result was paper got rejected and the reviewer comments mentioned that English needs to be improved.  Then one time, one of my classmate recommended Uni-edit to me.  After trying out their service, the edited paper with clear meaning expression and got accepted by journal smoothly.  I appreciate the Chief-editor Ozy and his professional team.  I would like to recommend Uni-edit team and its professional service to other professors and researchers.

- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chou Jui-Hung  周瑞宏

Da-Yeh University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee 

A colleague recommended Uni-edit English editing to me while one of my papers almost got accepted by an international journal if the paper proofread by native editors for US spelling and grammar in 2 weeks.  The Uni-edit team worked hard to complete the editorial work in a week and issued a certificate to prove the work done by native speakers.  I believe all the Academic scholars ever work with Uni-edit will recommend it certainly.

- Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Alvin Hung Email:

I would like to recommend University English Editing and Translation Service (Uni-edit) to people who encounter difficulties in their English journal paper writing. Ozy, the chief editor, has developed a very professional team to help me remove this kind of problems. Thanks to Ozy and his great team, my first IEEE article will be published this month. If you are looking for someone to help you improve the quality of your paper, don’t hesitate to call and ask Ozy. I can guarantee that you will receive outstanding services from this team.
- Alvin Hung (Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) Email:

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

淡江大學商管AACSB認證辦公室, 游雅婷


- 游雅婷

Mr. Chief Editor Ozy Abram of Uni-edt,
I am the author Li Liqing of editing job code P043001HIT.  I have read the manuscript been edited through your company's service. Thanks editors for their help! I am sending a letter of recommendation; hope it can make more people to find Uni-edit, to help them submit the paper successfully.

Recommendation as follow:

Through my friend Wang Li introduced, I chose the Uni-edit for my English manuscript editing. In the past I wrote the manuscript and edited it by myself, always received the comments with “obscure English, do not understand the author's intention" from the reviewers, that feels very frustrated because I spent a lot of times and efforts to edit my paper. I decided to adopt Uni-edit’s help. After editing the manuscript, feel Uni-edit editors understand the author's ideas. Uni-edit understand the academic rigor of the review system, the manuscript on time delivery. Uni-edit customer service officers with the author's native language to communicate, this service is very convenient. In view of the Uni-edit of a good and robust service, I have already recommended a friend to use Uni-edit of editing services.


- Li Liqing
Harbin Institute of Technology

My name is Ya-Wen Lee, a doctoral student of Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. I need to publish some papers with high standard, therefore I need a professional English editing service to speed up me to publish high standard articles. I have tired 3 different editing companies so far. I could feel that Uni-edit emphasis on each investigator works and dedication to help manuscript as fluent as a native English speaker with professional editing level and suggestions. Uni-edit will make sure to understand my paper well by communicate with me if there is any unclears. Also, Uni-edit understand academic rigorous peer review system and the deadline, therefore you could trust they always deliver files on time. It is very important that a team care service for professional academic manuscript. This is my second time to work with Chief editor Ozy and Uni-edit team, I sincerely recommend Uni-edit team of professional services to other researchers.

- Doctoral student, Ya-Wen Lee
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

NTT WEST Osaka Hospital, Manager, Mr. Kazuhiko Kotani,

I have used Uni-edit English editing service twice. What I like about Uni-edit is that their editors (subject matter experts) give me appropriate advice on the structure and the point of argument of my paper. English written by Japanese authors usually looks clumsy but after having my paper edited by Uni-edit, the English in my paper looks very natural. Thanks to Uni-edit, the journal reviewer told me my English is fluent.

The editing fee is also reasonable and the turnaround time is fast enough. I’m satisfied with Uni-edit’s service and I recommend their service to everyone.

- Kazuhiko Kotani
Manager, Department of psychosomatic medicine
NTT WEST Osaka Hospital,

I am a PhD student currently in my fourth year studying in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing. I have so far published papers in conferences including IEEE ICC and Globecom. In order to further improve the English of my papers and thus help me publish in high impact international journals, I actively sought after Uni-edit’s professional English editing services. I was myself recommended Uni-edit’s services by other senior students, who told me that the Uni-edit team is familiar with the stringent review process and deadlines in the academic publishing world, they are very reliable and always deliver promptly. I can testify this statement having now worked with Uni-edit myself. The original promised delivery day was within 7 days, and I was pleasantly surprised when I received the edited work after only five days. Hence why I am confident of Uni-edit’s reliable services. In addition, the editors have improved my paper’s English whilst retaining my intended meanings, so now my paper flows much better.

- Nengqiang He (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China)

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University

哈爾濱工業大學,市政環境工程學院,王立 副教授


- 王立 副教授

National Taiwan University, ​Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology Dr. Shou-Zen Fan

My name is Shouzen Fan, associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology in College of Medicine, NTU and Director of Anesthesiology of NTUH. Writing papers occupied most of my time, except hospital work and teaching. Even though I was trained well on medical research and English writing, I can’t squeeze extra time for polish English better. It could save my time and increase the chance to get paper published., if I can get help from a professional English editing company to express my meaning clearly. Why I chose Uni-edit?

1. They use 2 medical background editors work on my paper
2. CHECK comments help me to make sure the meaning correctly
3. I could learn better on academic English writing from their editing
4. With their knowledgeable customer service, I could get clear Chinese explanation to meet my needs. I can feel they give a strict training on their staff.
5. The turnaround time and fee are clear and reasonable.
6. Help me to apply funding reimbursement with quotation and local invoice which is fa-piao.

I strongly recommend you should give Uni-edit a try. At least call them to ask the service, workflow. Then you will understand you are making a right decision of choosing an English editing service.

- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital

I am Assistant Professor Wang Li from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology. I publish around 5 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional English editing service to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are very reliable and always deliver jobs on time.

So far, Uni-edit has edited 2 manuscripts for me; Ozy and the Uni-edit team always respond to any comments I have during the editing process promptly and provide great editing service. The fee charged for the service is very reasonable ; the services are provided based on trust and respect between Uni-edit and the client, which adds a human touch. I will definitely continue working with Uni-edit and recommend their services to other professors and researchers so they can benefit from Uni-edit’s services too!”

- Wang Li
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Associate Research Fellow, 楊元森


- 楊元森
Associate Research Fellow

국립 칩 연구소(National Chip Implementation Center, CIC) 국립 응용 연구 실험실, Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng,

Uni-edit 편집 서비스는 전문적이고 관리력이 좋습니다. 편집된 문서에 의문 사항이 있으면 이메일을 통해 원어민 편집자와 다시 상의할 수 있습니다. 그들은 원고를 맡길 수 있는 가장 신뢰할 수 있고 권위 있는 전문 영어 편집 서비스 제공자입니다.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, 국립 칩 연구소(National Chip Implementation Center, CIC) 국립 응용 연구 실험실,

大叶大学, 工业工程与管理学系, 叶子明

曾经尝试过多间论文编修公司,Uni-edit的编辑服务是个人认为很专业且迅速的,通常一周内就收到完整编辑后的论文。 我会持续将论文给征文团队编修,并推荐征文的编修服务给学校同事。

- 叶子明


- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吳清慈 )
Department of Merchant Marine
National Taiwan Ocean University


...任勇 (北京清華大學電子工程系教授)"

國立台灣大學, 光電所, 沈坤慶


- 沈坤慶

저는 National Taiwan University의 의과대학 간호학과 박사과정 학생인 Ya-Wen Lee입니다. 저는 수준이 높은 논문을 발표해야 하므로 제가 논문을 발표하는 속도를 높이기 위해 전문적인 영어 편집 서비스가 필요합니다. 지금까지 편집 회사 3곳을 사용해 보았습니다. Uni-edit은 그들의 전문적인 편집 수준과 제안으로 영어 원어민과 같은 수준의 유창한 원고를 준비하도록 도와야 한다는 것을 강조한다고 느낍니다. 확실치 않은 부분이 있을 때는 Uni-edit은 저와 커뮤니케이션을 하여 제 논문을 잘 이해하려고 합니다. 또한 Uni-edit은 학술 동료 평가 시스템의 엄격함과 마감일을 잘 이해하므로 파일을 늘 약속된 시간에 전달할 것이라고 믿을 수 있습니다. 전문적인 학술 원고를 한 팀이 맡는 것은 매우 중요합니다. 제가 편집장 Ozy와 Uni-edit 팀에 일을 맡긴 것은 이번이 두 번째인데, 저는 다른 연구자들에게도 전문적인 서비스를 제공하는 Uni-edit 팀을 진심으로 추천합니다.

- Doctoral student, Ya-Wen Lee
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

国立台湾大学, 一般麻醉, 范守仁副教授\主任

My name is Shouzen Fan, associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology in College of Medicine, NTU and Director of Anesthesiology of NTUH.  Writing papers occupied most of my time, except hospital work and teaching.  Even though I was trained well on medical research and English writing, I can’t squeeze extra time for polish English better.  It could save my time and increase the chance to get paper published., if I can get help from a professional English editing company to express my meaning clearly.  Why I chose Uni-edit?

1. They use 2 medical background editors work on my paper
2. CHECK comments help me to make sure the meaning correctly
3. I could learn better on academic English writing from their editing
4. With their knowledgeable customer service, I could get clear Chinese explanation to meet my needs.  I can feel they give a strict training on their staff.
5. The turnaround time and fee are clear and reasonable.
6. Help me to apply funding reimbursement with quotation and local invoice which is fa-piao.

I strongly recommend you should give Uni-edit a try.  At least call them to ask the service, workflow.  Then you will understand you are making a right decision of choosing an English editing service.

- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology  
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital

One of my most encountered difficulties when writing academic papers is how to clearly, yet concisely express my intended meanings. Uni-edit provides very professional advice and their services have helped me overcome this challenge. My English writing skill has also greatly benefited from Uni-edit’s services as a result. I therefore strongly recommend authors who encounter similar problems to consult Uni-edit for their professional services.

- K.C. Shen (Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University)

文化大学 国際企業管理学系 林郁翔



Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University

Uni-edit은 학술계의 엄격한 원고 심사제도와 마감일에 대해 잘 이해하고, 신속하게 질문에 답변하고 문제를 해결해 줍니다. 서비스 가격의 책정 방식도 매우 합리적입니다.

- 우위중(국가 방사능 연구센터 과학연구팀)

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Scientific Research Division, Yu-Jong Wu

Uni-edit understands the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. They always reply promptly to my questions and resolve issues very efficiently. In addition, Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable.

- Yu-Jong Wu (Scientific Research Division, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan)

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

I am the doctoral candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is almost a necessary to ask a professional English editing service when submitting papers to journal for a non-English speaker.   This is the first time I asked Uni-edit to edit my paper.  I am grateful Uni-edit professional team with friendly and professional service.  Uni-edit team not just correct grammar and sentences, also will share their suggestions when they feel unclear or to verify meanings.  It helps me to express my points more clearly and precisely, and increasing acceptance by journal.  Thanks again for the excellent job from Uni-edit.

- Vodka Chao-Min SU  Doctoral Candidate of Department of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University



- 黃仲偉副教授

The Association To Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, Tamkang University, Gia Yu

Uni-edit provides fast and sophisticated translation service.  First of all, they answered my questions about translation topics very fast.  Second, the quality of translation is professional.  They help reading flow smoothly by not using vulgar words.  The price and payment instructions are exactly same and clear as they express on the website.  It is quite a good company which will take care customers in details.  Thanks Uni-edit and we look forward to the next cooperation.

- Gia Yu
The Association To Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, Tamkang University

When I write English manuscripts, I often use Uni-edit English editing service. I have used other English editing services before but compared to them, Uni-edit’s editing quality is higher and the price is also reasonable. Their customer service in Japanese is also reliable,and the follow-up service is great too. Also, Uni-edit often completes their job earlier than the deadline and it makes me feel happy (lucky) too. I recommend Uni-edit.

- Ryo Momosaki,, School of medicine,The Jikei university

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

National Taiwan University, ​Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology Dr. Shou-Zen Fan

My name is Shouzen Fan, associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology in College of Medicine, NTU and Director of Anesthesiology of NTUH. Writing papers occupied most of my time, except hospital work and teaching. Even though I was trained well on medical research and English writing, I can’t squeeze extra time for polish English better. It could save my time and increase the chance to get paper published., if I can get help from a professional English editing company to express my meaning clearly. Why I chose Uni-edit?

1. They use 2 medical background editors work on my paper
2. CHECK comments help me to make sure the meaning correctly
3. I could learn better on academic English writing from their editing
4. With their knowledgeable customer service, I could get clear Chinese explanation to meet my needs. I can feel they give a strict training on their staff.
5. The turnaround time and fee are clear and reasonable.
6. Help me to apply funding reimbursement with quotation and local invoice which is fa-piao.

I strongly recommend you should give Uni-edit a try. At least call them to ask the service, workflow. Then you will understand you are making a right decision of choosing an English editing service.

- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital

I have used several English editing services but Uni-edit provides very fine and delicate service ‘for Japanese customers’ (We can communicate about deadline,price,content of the English paper, payment method etc.. in Japanese) which is very helpful for me.

- Makoto Hashimoto (Research Faculty of Agriculture,Hokkaido University)

台湾大学 生命科学系 阮雪芬教授



VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

두 명의 원어민 편집자들이 귀하의 원고를 점검하기 때문에 Uni-edit의 영어 편집 품질은 매우 높습니다. 또 의도한 의미를 명확하게 표현할 수 있도록 적절한 조언도 제공해 줍니다. 그들은 귀하의 요구사항에 대해 정확하고 정직하게 답변을 합니다. 작업 완료 시간도 매우 빠르고 가격은 합리적이어서 제게 매우 도움이 됩니다. 저는 Uni-edit을 추천합니다.

- Hidenobu Soejima (Saga University)

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,  Professor Shang-min Ma 

I am currently teaching in the Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. I publish on average 4 SSCI journal papers a year and therefore require professional English editing services to help accelerate the publishing process as well as improve the quality of my papers. Uni-edit is always reliable and delivers promptly because they appreciate the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. Ozy and the Uni-edit team treat every piece of work as priority and help the authors achieve papers without mistakes, that are written in a professional manner, which also flow beautifully. For instance, one of the papers that I asked Uni-edit to edit subsequently received great praises from the reviewers at Leisure Sciences, who commented that the English is ‘very fluent with no grammatical mistake’. One of the reasons why I can confidently trust Uni-edit with my papers is that the English editors are professional native speakers who have specialist knowledge related to my field of research. I have now been collaborating with Uni-edit for almost two years and Uni-edit has edited over 8 SSCI papers for me. Ozy and his team always reply to my questions or try to resolve any issue quickly and efficiently, I’m particularly impressed by Chief Editor Ozy’s efficiency because he always thoroughly answers all my questions within 24 hours. Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable for the professional services they provide. I therefore recommend their services to other professors and researchers.

- Professor Shang-min Ma 
Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

I am a PhD student of Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University.  English editing on a paper is a pretty professional work.  I have asked other English editing company to edit my papers.  But the result was paper got rejected and the reviewer comments mentioned that English needs to be improved.  Then one time, one of my classmate recommended Uni-edit to me.  After trying out their service, the edited paper with clear meaning expression and got accepted by journal smoothly.  I appreciate the Chief-editor Ozy and his professional team.  I would like to recommend Uni-edit team and its professional service to other professors and researchers.

- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chou Jui-Hung  周瑞宏

I am a PhD student currently in my fourth year studying in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing. I have so far published papers in conferences including IEEE ICC and Globecom. In order to further improve the English of my papers and thus help me publish in high impact international journals, I actively sought after Uni-edit’s professional English editing services. I was myself recommended Uni-edit’s services by other senior students, who told me that the Uni-edit team is familiar with the stringent review process and deadlines in the academic publishing world, they are very reliable and always deliver promptly. I can testify this statement having now worked with Uni-edit myself. The original promised delivery day was within 7 days, and I was pleasantly surprised when I received the edited work after only five days. Hence why I am confident of Uni-edit’s reliable services. In addition, the editors have improved my paper’s English whilst retaining my intended meanings, so now my paper flows much better.

- Nengqiang He (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China)

One of my most encountered difficulties when writing academic papers is how to clearly, yet concisely express my intended meanings. Uni-edit provides very professional advice and their services have helped me overcome this challenge. My English writing skill has also greatly benefited from Uni-edit’s services as a result. I therefore strongly recommend authors who encounter similar problems to consult Uni-edit for their professional services.

- K.C. Shen (Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University)

National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Derick Kang, E-mail:

How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not.  After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar.  However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper.  Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more.  The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.

- Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

国立台湾大学 光電所 沈坤慶



Uni-edit's English editing quality is very high because two native speaking editors check your manuscript. They also give us appropriate advices so that we can express our intended meaning clearly.They answer to your requests accurately and honestly.Their turnaround time is also quick and price reasonable, which is very helpful for me. I recommend Uni-edit.  

- Hidenobu Soejima (Saga University)

작가/편집인, Sawako Akune,

저는 서적 및 잡지의 작가/편집자로 일하며, 외국 출판사가 출판한 책을 편집할 때는 Uni-edit의 영어 편집/번역 서비스를 이용합니다.

하지만 제가 Uni-edit의 웹 사이트를 처음 보았을 때, Uni-edit은 "학술적" 원고 쪽에 경험이 더 많은 것처럼 보였으므로 서비스 사용을 조금 망설였습니다.

저는 편집/번역 품질에 매우 만족했습니다. Uni-edit의 가격은 다른 편집 회사보다 저렴합니다. 귀하의 논문은 두 번째 편집자가 한 번 더 체크하기 때문에 영어의 질이 매우 높아집니다. 그들은 또한 '덜 딱딱한 영어를 사용하십시오'와 같은 요청에 귀를 기울입니다.영어 원어민이 귀하의 영어를 철저히 점검하고 귀하의 질문에 답해주기 때문에, 귀하의 논문이 매우 고품질이 됩니다. 또한 편집(번역) 수준과 소요 시간을 선택할 수 있다는 것도 매우 좋은 점입니다.

- 작가/편집인 Sawako Akune

國立台北科技大學, 工程科技研究所, 康德龍老師, E-mail:

「精準」的英文用字,是一篇論文是否可以被國際期刊接受與否,不容忽視的重要因素之一。在曾與國內多家知名學術論文翻譯公司配合的經驗說明,這些公司都可在文法無誤下,編修出道地母語般的美式或英式風格的論文。然而,能否「精準」且「正確」的用字,表達作者原始論文的真實意涵,就必須靠「專業」且「細心」的編修能力始能達到。自從使用征文有限公司(Uni-edit, University English Editing and Translation Service)英文編修服務以來,尚未有因英文用字不當而敗筆的情事發生。所以,Uni-edit的英文編修能力,是值得被信賴與肯定的。

- 康德龍老師
國立台北科技大學 工程科技研究所

里約熱內盧聯邦大學,水生生物研究所實驗室,安德森S.卡布拉爾(Anderson S. Cabral)博士


- 安德森S.卡布拉爾 (Anderson S. Cabral) PhD

台湾大学 大学院看護学研究科 博士課程 李雅文


博士課程 李雅文


Ozy 已經幫我修改過十餘篇工程類的論文,他最讓我滿意的地方就是可信賴的交件速度,且其成果符合我預期中的品質。他的工程與語文雙專長,可以真正瞭解我文章的內容,提供正確的修改及建議。若您需要嚴謹的學術或工程類之文件編修,我誠摯推薦這位雙專長且可信賴的編修者。

- 康仕仲教授

When I write English manuscripts, I often use Uni-edit English editing service. I have used other English editing services before but compared to them, Uni-edit’s editing quality is higher and the price is also reasonable. Their customer service in Japanese is also reliable,and the follow-up service is great too. Also, Uni-edit often completes their job earlier than the deadline and it makes me feel happy (lucky) too. I recommend Uni-edit.

- Ryo Momosaki,, School of medicine,The Jikei university

Da-Yeh University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee 

A colleague recommended Uni-edit English editing to me while one of my papers almost got accepted by an international journal if the paper proofread by native editors for US spelling and grammar in 2 weeks.  The Uni-edit team worked hard to complete the editorial work in a week and issued a certificate to prove the work done by native speakers.  I believe all the Academic scholars ever work with Uni-edit will recommend it certainly.

- Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University

财团法人国家实验研究院国家晶片系统设计中心, 曾圣翔 ,


- 曾圣翔, 财团法人国家实验研究院国家晶片系统设计中心,

I am Assistant Professor Wang Li from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology. I publish around 5 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional English editing service to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are very reliable and always deliver jobs on time.

So far, Uni-edit has edited 2 manuscripts for me; Ozy and the Uni-edit team always respond to any comments I have during the editing process promptly and provide great editing service. The fee charged for the service is very reasonable ; the services are provided based on trust and respect between Uni-edit and the client, which adds a human touch. I will definitely continue working with Uni-edit and recommend their services to other professors and researchers so they can benefit from Uni-edit’s services too!”

- Wang Li
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

Chung Yuan Christian University, The Department of Civil Engineering, Chang-Wei Huang

Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published.  The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.

- Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University

杏林大学外聘讲师, 渡辺雅人


- 渡辺雅人

My name is Chen Yuan, a PhD student from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. In order to meet school requirements for graduation, annually publish 1-2 papers and need professional English editing services to accelerate the speed and reach the level of articles published. Uni-edit team was introduced from my teacher, working with the Chief Editor Ozy and Uni-edit team greatly improved my speed and level of published articles. I will recommend Uni-edit team professional services to professors and researchers of Environmental areas. The main reasons are the following: 1) Ozy came to visit me and my research team to discuss and understand our needs, providing not only professional, but also very friendly and personalized service; 2) Ozy and professional team are always fastest to respond or solve the problems, the service is also very reasonably priced way. Wish Uni-edit team better and better!

- Chen Yuan
Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

I had never used any English editing service when I wrote papers. Recently I started to use Uni-edit and I was very impressed because the editors edited my paper very thoroughly and well. Since then, I made it a habit to ask Uni-edit to check my English. Sometimes I even try to see the native English editor's reactions by using some new expressions which I want to use (even though I think those expressions are little strange). In most cases, these expressions are fixed by the editors.However, to be honest, I enjoy it very much because usually the edited sentences(expressions) are little different from what I want to express, and I can think (imagine) what made these differences.

- Nobuo Ishizawa
Nagoya Institute of Technology

中山醫學大學, 公衛系, 楊浩然副教授,

Ozy 以及Uni-edit團隊編修的文章符合專業的需要,服務計價的方式也非常合理,我會推薦Uni-edit 團隊的專業服務給其他教授和研究者。

PS. 經過貴公司編修之文章是被Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior期刊接受刊登。

- 楊浩然副教授

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

저는 논문을 쓸 때 영어 편집 서비스를 이용한 적이 없었습니다. 최근에 Uni-edit을 이용하기 시작했는데 아주 인상깊었습니다. 편집자들이 제 논문을 아주 철저히 잘 편집했기 때문입니다. 그 후로 저는 꼭 Uni-edit에 제 영어를 확인하도록 하고 있습니다. 때로는 제가 사용하고 싶은 새로운 표현(제 생각에 약간 이상하다고 느껴지는)을 사용해 봄으로써 원어민 편집자의 반응을 살펴보기도 합니다. 대부분의 경우 그런 표현들은 교정이 됩니다. 그러나 교정된 문장(표현)은 제가 표현하고자 했던 것과 약간 다른데 왜 그런 차이가 생겼는지 제가 알 수 있게 되기 때문에 그 과정을 매우 즐깁니다.

- Nobuo Ishizawa
Nagoya Institute of Technology

National Chiao Tung University, Kevin Chiang

I am a PhD candidate of College of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University.  It is over 3 years now since the first paper asked Uni-edit for English editing. Uni-edit is a very important language partner  for a non-native speaker researcher like me.  Uni-edit team helps me to improve my paper in Egnlsih and then get published to other researchers.  I also got feedbacks from all over the world.  It makes my academic study gradually broaden horizons.  Usually I planned to write one or 2 academic papers for publishing in one year.  Before asking Uni-edit’s service, I have tried out other English editing companies and I feel more confidence to send my paper to Uni-edit.  Because the quality and speed from Uni-edit is better than others.  Uni-edit’s team could understand the expressed meaning and give comments quite fast.  This is a trustable partner and I recommend you to try.

- Kevin Chiang
PhD candidate,
College of Computer Science
National Chiao Tung University

I had never used any English editing service when I wrote papers. Recently I started to use Uni-edit and I was very impressed because the editors edited my paper very thoroughly and well. Since then, I made it a habit to ask Uni-edit to check my English. Sometimes I even try to see the native English editor's reactions by using some new expressions which I want to use (even though I think those expressions are little strange). In most cases, these expressions are fixed by the editors.However, to be honest, I enjoy it very much because usually the edited sentences(expressions) are little different from what I want to express, and I can think (imagine) what made these differences.

- Nobuo Ishizawa
Nagoya Institute of Technology

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

لقد قام أوزي بتحرير أكثر من عشرة أبحاث لي، وإنني في غاية السعادة والامتنان لخدماته، فدائماً ما كان يعيد لي أبحاثي بعد التحرير في الموعد المتفق عليه دون أي تأخير وبدرجة عالية من الجودة فاقت توقعاتي. ولأنه خبير بامتياز في مجالات الهندسة واللغة الإنجليزية، فقد كان قادراً دائمًا على فهم محتوى أبحاثي. كما كانت اقتراحاته مفيدة للغاية لا فيما يخص تدقيق النصوص وفق القواعد الإنجليزية أو اختيار الكلمات المناسبة فحسب، بل وعلى مستوى توضيح المفاهيم أيضًا توضيحًا مميزًا على الوجه الذي أتمناه لأبحاثي. فإذا كنت تبحث عن محررين أكفاء لأبحاثك أو غيرها من الوثائق ذات الطابع الهندسي، فإنني أزكّي هذا المحرر الكفء القدير لتستعين بخدماته المتميزة.

شيه-تشونغ "جيسي" كانغ، أستاذ مساعد
قسم الهندسة المدنية، جامعة تايوان الوطنية



- 蔡克銓教授

Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

I work as a writer/editor of books and magazines and I use Uni-edit English editing/translation services when I edit books published by foreign publishers.

When I saw Uni-edit website for the first time, it looked like they were more experienced with 'academic' manuscripts, so I hesitated a little before using their service, however,
I was very satisfied with their editing/translation quality. Their price is more reasonable than other editing companies. Your paper will be double checked by a second editor so that the quality of English will be very high. They will also listen to your request such as 'Please make the English less formal'.Native English speakers check your English thoroughly and they also answer your questions, which makes your paper high-quality. I also appreciate that I can choose an editing (translation) level and turnaround time.

- Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

My name is Professor Ren Yong from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China. I publish around 20 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional help with writing English fluently to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are undoubtedly reliable and always deliver completed jobs on time.

Chief Editor Ozy and the Uni-edit team respect the work of every author and sincerely wish to help researchers correct the English of their manuscripts and ensure their intended meaning is expressed clearly and professionally. During the process of translation and editing if questions or issues arise, Uni-edit always contacts me to ensure the author’s meaning is preserved. Such attention to detail is critical for professional academic manuscripts. Furthermore, Uni-edit has a team of native-speaker editors and assigns editors who have a related academic background to the researcher or author for each manuscript; they therefore have a good grasp of the subject matter.

I have now been working with Ozy and his team for over 10 months. They always reply promptly and resolve problems quickly, and the fee is also calculated in a very reasonable way. Ozy came to meet me and my team to understand our requirements. This adds the human touch to the relationship, so the service is not only professional but also friendly. I definitely recommend the Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.”

- Ren Yong, Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

Uni-edit's English editing quality is very high because two native speaking editors check your manuscript. They also give us appropriate advices so that we can express our intended meaning clearly.They answer to your requests accurately and honestly.Their turnaround time is also quick and price reasonable, which is very helpful for me. I recommend Uni-edit.  

- Hidenobu Soejima (Saga University)

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

Chung Yuan Christian University, The Department of Civil Engineering, Chang-Wei Huang

Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published.  The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.

- Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University

Da-Yeh University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee 

A colleague recommended Uni-edit English editing to me while one of my papers almost got accepted by an international journal if the paper proofread by native editors for US spelling and grammar in 2 weeks.  The Uni-edit team worked hard to complete the editorial work in a week and issued a certificate to prove the work done by native speakers.  I believe all the Academic scholars ever work with Uni-edit will recommend it certainly.

- Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University

National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering,  Associate Technologist Kung- Juin Wang

รายงาน "ISEE Part II. .. " ของผมผ่านอย่างราบรื่น ขอบคุณมากๆสำหรับงานเรียบเรียงอย่างมืออาชีพ ผมชอบการบริการ ของคุณมากๆโดยเฉพาะการบริการติวตรงเป้าหมาย (Target Tutor) นอกจากจะทำให้ผมได้เห็นอะไรๆมากขึ้น ยังช่วยให้ผมได้เรียนรู้สิ่งใหม่ๆเพิ่มขึ้นด้วย ถ้าหากผมต้องการใช้บริการผมจะติดต่อคุณอีกครั้งอย่างแน่นอน...”

- Kung- Juin Wang, ผู้เชี่ยวชาญทางเทคโนโลยี, National Centre for Research on Earthquake Engineering,

杏林大学非常勤講師, 渡辺雅人


- 渡辺雅人

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

広島大学 大学院 工学研究院 社会環境部門 助教 寺本篤史



大学院 工学研究院 社会環境部門

VIDEO 國立台灣大學,電機系,周瑞宏


影片連結 :

- 周瑞宏, 電機系, 國立台灣大學

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Alvin Hung Email:

I would like to recommend University English Editing and Translation Service (Uni-edit) to people who encounter difficulties in their English journal paper writing. Ozy, the chief editor, has developed a very professional team to help me remove this kind of problems. Thanks to Ozy and his great team, my first IEEE article will be published this month. If you are looking for someone to help you improve the quality of your paper, don’t hesitate to call and ask Ozy. I can guarantee that you will receive outstanding services from this team.
- Alvin Hung (Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) Email:

My name is Hsueh-Fen Juan, a professor of Life Science in National Taiwan University.  The reason I have asked Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service) edit 11 papers for me in just half a year is Uni-edit team really understand the rigorousness of academic and the importance of submitting deadline so Uni-edit always deliver files on time or earlier.  The chief-editor Ozy and Uni-edit team cares of each work from researchers and take care of them to problem free as well as fluently sincerely.  They will communicate with us if they encounter any difficulties or answer properly if we have any questions.  I would like to recommend the Uni-the edit team of professional services to other professors and researchers from the reasons I mentioned above.

- Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan, National Taiwan University

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,  Professor Shang-min Ma 

I am currently teaching in the Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. I publish on average 4 SSCI journal papers a year and therefore require professional English editing services to help accelerate the publishing process as well as improve the quality of my papers. Uni-edit is always reliable and delivers promptly because they appreciate the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. Ozy and the Uni-edit team treat every piece of work as priority and help the authors achieve papers without mistakes, that are written in a professional manner, which also flow beautifully. For instance, one of the papers that I asked Uni-edit to edit subsequently received great praises from the reviewers at Leisure Sciences, who commented that the English is ‘very fluent with no grammatical mistake’. One of the reasons why I can confidently trust Uni-edit with my papers is that the English editors are professional native speakers who have specialist knowledge related to my field of research. I have now been collaborating with Uni-edit for almost two years and Uni-edit has edited over 8 SSCI papers for me. Ozy and his team always reply to my questions or try to resolve any issue quickly and efficiently, I’m particularly impressed by Chief Editor Ozy’s efficiency because he always thoroughly answers all my questions within 24 hours. Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable for the professional services they provide. I therefore recommend their services to other professors and researchers.

- Professor Shang-min Ma 
Department of Recreation Sport & Health Promotion,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

屏東科技大学 休閒運動保健系 馬上閔

私は現在、国立屏東科技大学の休閒保健学部で教鞭をとっています。毎年、SSCIの論文を平均4本発表している関係で、プロの英文校閲サービスを利用し、論文の質を向上させるのみならず、論文の投稿プロセスをスムーズなものにする必要があります。Uni-editは信頼のおける会社で、論文投稿における厳しい査読プロセスや締切についてよく理解してくれています。OzyとUni-editのチームは、論文1本1本を大切に取り扱ってくれると同時に、流暢でミスのないプロフェッショナルな論文に仕立て上げてくれます。例えば、私が以前Uni-editに校閲をお願いした論文のうちの1本は、Leisure Sciences詩のレビュアーより「英文法のミスが全くなく、とても流暢である」とのすばらしいコメントをいただきました。私がUni-editを信頼している理由のひとつは、英文校閲者たちが全員英語ネイティブスピーカーであり、また彼らの私の研究分野に関する知識が非常に豊富だからです。



屏東科技大學, 休閒運動保健系, 馬上閔

個人目前任教於國立屏東科技大學休閒運動保健系,每年平均約發表4篇SSCI等級論文,需要專業英語編輯服務以利加速和協助發表文章的速度和水準。在與Uni-edit合作過程中,個人覺得Uni-edit相當了解學術界嚴謹的審稿制度和截止日,所以稿件每次皆準時交件,值得信賴。總編輯Ozy和Uni-edit團隊重視每位研究者作品並盡心協助將研究者稿件的英文修正到無錯誤並且流暢且專業的程度。例如,在個人請Uni-edit編輯且已被Leisure Sciences期刊接受刊登的論文,三位論文審查委員特別提到此論文”文筆流暢、文法無誤”。值得一提的是,Uni-edit的專業編輯是英文母語人士而且與作者有相關學術背景的專業人士,這點讓我很放心將論文交給征文。個人已經長期與總編輯Ozy和Uni-edit團隊合作將近兩年,Uni-edit已經編輯超過8篇SSCI等級論文,Ozy以及專業團隊永遠以最快的速度回覆疑問或解決問題,服務計價的方式也非常合理。最後,在合作過程中,令我印象最深刻的一件事是Ozy總編輯總是於24小之內以最專業的方式回覆我所有的問題。在此,我會推薦Uni-edit團隊的專業服務給其他教授和研究者。

- 馬上閔

대만 연구원에게 있어 아마도 문법적으로 맞는 문장들을 구사한다는 것은 어려운 일 같습니다. 그러나, 유창하게 글을 쓴다는 것과 글을 읽기 쉬운 것은 별개의 일 일겁니다. 제 경험으로 Uni-Edit의 교정을 보는 이들은 제가 쓴 문장들과 문단들의 논지를 이해하고 단순히 문법적 관점이 아닌 요지에 근거한 글로 세련미를 가함으로써 글을 보다 읽기 쉽게 하려고 노력을 했습니다. 귀하의 훌륭한 영어 수정 작업에 매우 감사 드립니다. 특별히 좋았던 부분은 귀하가 논문에 삽입한 TUTOR 부분이었는데 제게 있어서는 여태 한번도 경험해보지 못한 또 다른 수준의 영어 레슨 같았습니다. 감사합니다.

- Yuan- Sen (Vincent) Yang, 부 선임 연구원, NCREE

Chung Yuan Christian University, The Department of Civil Engineering, Chang-Wei Huang

Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published.  The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.

- Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University



- 助理教授篤木本(Atsushi Teramoto)

The English service from Uni-edit is full of the spirit of first-class as well as professional.  They will listen to your needs and try their best to meet your needs as soon as possible.  I have taught in Department of Merchant Marine, National Taiwan Ocean University over 20 years with years experiences in journal publishing.  Thanks Uni-edit team’s great help on such arduous task.

- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吳清慈 )
Department of Merchant Marine
National Taiwan Ocean University

大葉大学 材料科學與工程學系,李弘彬

私の論文が国際ジャーナル誌に、「2週間以内にアメリカ英語の文法に直す」条件でアクセプトされた際 Uni-editのサービスを同僚に紹介されました。Uni-editのチームは力を尽くして1週間以内で校正作業を完了させてくれました。また、英文校正証明書も発行してくれました。Uni-editを利用したことのある方は必ず彼らのサービスを推薦するでしょう。


I have used several English editing services but Uni-edit provides very fine and delicate service ‘for Japanese customers’ (We can communicate about deadline,price,content of the English paper, payment method etc.. in Japanese) which is very helpful for me.

- Makoto Hashimoto (Research Faculty of Agriculture,Hokkaido University)

The English service from Uni-edit is full of the spirit of first-class as well as professional.  They will listen to your needs and try their best to meet your needs as soon as possible.  I have taught in Department of Merchant Marine, National Taiwan Ocean University over 20 years with years experiences in journal publishing.  Thanks Uni-edit team’s great help on such arduous task.

- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吳清慈 )
Department of Merchant Marine
National Taiwan Ocean University

Uni-edit's English editing quality is very high because two native speaking editors check your manuscript. They also give us appropriate advices so that we can express our intended meaning clearly.They answer to your requests accurately and honestly.Their turnaround time is also quick and price reasonable, which is very helpful for me. I recommend Uni-edit.  

- Hidenobu Soejima (Saga University)

I have used several English editing services but Uni-edit provides very fine and delicate service ‘for Japanese customers’ (We can communicate about deadline,price,content of the English paper, payment method etc.. in Japanese) which is very helpful for me.

- Makoto Hashimoto (Research Faculty of Agriculture,Hokkaido University)

佐贺大学, 荣信副岛

Uni-edit的英文编辑质量是非常高的,因为两位母语编辑会审核您的稿件,他们也会给您适当的建议,以便我们清楚地表达本意。 他们会准确如实的回答您的要求、周转时间很快、价格公道,这对我来说是非常有帮助的。我推荐Uni-edit 

- 荣信副岛

People often say: "A proper packaging is a great way to highlight the values of good works”, especially for a manuscript paper.  Ozy, the chief-editor of the Uni-edit team is exactly the packaging to me.  There was one time a comment from journal reviewers has been returned to me and pointed out directly my English grammar need to be improved.  Fortunately, several doctoral in senior recommended me Ozy and his editing team.  My paper has been accepted since Ozy’s sincerity and strictness with professional services.  Nevertheless, I believe you will appreciate the professional services from Ozy and his team once you have collaborations with them.  It is such a reliable editing team with strictness, carefulness, punctuality.  Here again, I strongly recommend the Ozy its Uni-edit team.

- Hsian-Cheng Chou, National Taiwan University

Uni-edit's English editing quality is very high because two native speaking editors check your manuscript. They also give us appropriate advices so that we can express our intended meaning clearly.They answer to your requests accurately and honestly.Their turnaround time is also quick and price reasonable, which is very helpful for me. I recommend Uni-edit.  

- Hidenobu Soejima (Saga University)

National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering,

Naskah " ISEE Bagian II. .. " telah diterima dengan lancar. Terima kasih banyak atas bantuan pengeditan profesional Anda. Saya sangat suka dengan layanan Anda, khususnya layanan “Target Tutor”. Ini bukan hanya membuka mata saya, tetapi juga membantu saya mempelajari sesuatu yang baru. Saya pasti akan menghubungi Anda lagi apabila saya membutuhkan layanan Anda.

- Kung-Juin Wang, Ahli Teknologi Madya

National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering,  Associate Technologist Kung- Juin Wang

嗨 Ozy, 謝謝您專業的編修服務,上次請您幫忙編修,要投到 EESD 的 "ISEE: Internet-Based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering Part II: The Application Approach" 已經順利地被接受了。我很喜歡您提供的專業服務,尤其是 target tutor 這部份。在以英語表達上,它不僅開了我的眼界,讓我發現了原本許多我不知道的細微的差異與用法,也幫助我學到更多新的東西。未來若有需要時,我一定會與您聯絡。謝謝。

- Kung- Juin Wang, Associate Technologist, NCREE

Da-Yeh University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee 

A colleague recommended Uni-edit English editing to me while one of my papers almost got accepted by an international journal if the paper proofread by native editors for US spelling and grammar in 2 weeks.  The Uni-edit team worked hard to complete the editorial work in a week and issued a certificate to prove the work done by native speakers.  I believe all the Academic scholars ever work with Uni-edit will recommend it certainly.

- Associate Professor Hung-Bin Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University

I am Assistant Professor Wang Li from the School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology. I publish around 5 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional English editing service to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are very reliable and always deliver jobs on time.

So far, Uni-edit has edited 2 manuscripts for me; Ozy and the Uni-edit team always respond to any comments I have during the editing process promptly and provide great editing service. The fee charged for the service is very reasonable ; the services are provided based on trust and respect between Uni-edit and the client, which adds a human touch. I will definitely continue working with Uni-edit and recommend their services to other professors and researchers so they can benefit from Uni-edit’s services too!”

- Wang Li
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

I am a PhD student currently in my fourth year studying in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing. I have so far published papers in conferences including IEEE ICC and Globecom. In order to further improve the English of my papers and thus help me publish in high impact international journals, I actively sought after Uni-edit’s professional English editing services. I was myself recommended Uni-edit’s services by other senior students, who told me that the Uni-edit team is familiar with the stringent review process and deadlines in the academic publishing world, they are very reliable and always deliver promptly. I can testify this statement having now worked with Uni-edit myself. The original promised delivery day was within 7 days, and I was pleasantly surprised when I received the edited work after only five days. Hence why I am confident of Uni-edit’s reliable services. In addition, the editors have improved my paper’s English whilst retaining my intended meanings, so now my paper flows much better.

- Nengqiang He (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China)

台北海洋技術學院, 輪機工程系, 歐陽寬副教授



- 歐陽寬副教授

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han,
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University,

National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai

Our team has been working with Uni-edit in English editing for a long time. We are very pleased and satisfied with the results of the work. We are happy to recommend Uni-edit to all other professors and scholars.

- Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Derick Kang, E-mail:

How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not.  After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar.  However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper.  Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more.  The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.

- Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

哈尔滨工业大学,市政环境工程学院,王立 副教授


- 王立 副教授

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

国立交通大学, 信息所, 博士候选人苏钊民


- 苏钊民

AEI Movie プロデューサー 陳玉珊

AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly.  I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit.  They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services.  When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native.  The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers.  Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.

Dorothy Chen
AEI movie

Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

I work as a writer/editor of books and magazines and I use Uni-edit English editing/translation services when I edit books published by foreign publishers.

When I saw Uni-edit website for the first time, it looked like they were more experienced with 'academic' manuscripts, so I hesitated a little before using their service, however,
I was very satisfied with their editing/translation quality. Their price is more reasonable than other editing companies. Your paper will be double checked by a second editor so that the quality of English will be very high. They will also listen to your request such as 'Please make the English less formal'.Native English speakers check your English thoroughly and they also answer your questions, which makes your paper high-quality. I also appreciate that I can choose an editing (translation) level and turnaround time.

- Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

저는 Ozy의 영어 논문 교정 서비스에 대만족입니다. 이곳의 서비스는 대행사라기 보다는 오히려 친구 같은 느낌이 들기 때문이죠. 그에게 보낸 자료가 상당한 전문 분야의 것이라도 그는 늘 최선을 다해 전체 자료의 내용을 이해하고 자신의 전문적인 고품질의 교정자문을 아끼지 않습니다. 더욱이 그는 글을 읽는 이와 좋은 친구의 관점에서 질문을 하고 제안과 논평 그리고 격려를 아끼지 않죠. 그가 영어 보고서 원문 교정에 도움을 준 것에 정말 감사하고 또한 여러분에게도 그의 서비스를 기꺼이 추천합니다.

- Shang-Hsien “Patrick” Hsieh, Professor
National Taiwan University

I have used several English editing services but Uni-edit provides very fine and delicate service ‘for Japanese customers’ (We can communicate about deadline,price,content of the English paper, payment method etc.. in Japanese) which is very helpful for me.

- Makoto Hashimoto (Research Faculty of Agriculture,Hokkaido University)

My name is Hsueh-Fen Juan, a professor of Life Science in National Taiwan University.  The reason I have asked Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service) edit 11 papers for me in just half a year is Uni-edit team really understand the rigorousness of academic and the importance of submitting deadline so Uni-edit always deliver files on time or earlier.  The chief-editor Ozy and Uni-edit team cares of each work from researchers and take care of them to problem free as well as fluently sincerely.  They will communicate with us if they encounter any difficulties or answer properly if we have any questions.  I would like to recommend the Uni-the edit team of professional services to other professors and researchers from the reasons I mentioned above.

- Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan, National Taiwan University

أنا سعيد جدًا لاستعانتي بخدمات أوزي للتحرير باللغة الإنجليزية، ذلك بأن خدماته جعلتني أشعر وكأنني أتعامل مع صديق لا مع موفّر لخدمة. وبغض النظر عن نوعية الوثائق التي أرسلتها إليه، فقد كان يحاول دومًا بذل قصارى جهده لفهم محتويات الوثائق وتقديم خدمات التحرير ذات المهنية الراقية. علاوة على ذلك، يطرح أوزي الأسئلة ويقدم المقترحات والتعقيبات، مع توجيه المتعامل معه من وجهة نظر قارئ دقيق وصديق مخلص. إنني في غاية الامتنان للخدمات التي تلقيتها منه في تحرير وثائقي باللغة الإنجليزية، وإنه لمن دواعي سروري أن أنصح الجميع بالاستعانة بخدماته دون أي تحفظات.

شانغ-شيان "باتريك" شياه، نائب رئيس القسم
قسم الهندسة المدنية، جامعة تايوان الوطنية

中原大学, 土木工程系, Chang-Wei Huang

Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published.  The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.

- Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University

National ChiaoTung University, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, Professor Anthony F. Han

Each time when I encountered the complex issue of NP hard high in my papers, which is using heuristics to solve vehicle routing and crew scheduling, I would request Uni-edit to edit my papers.  Because it is a difficult question that can’t be solved by traditional mathematics rules.  It is an algorithm for solving a problem based on its characteristics.  The algorithm concept is very specific.  It needs to be written correctly, fluently and consistently in every sentences.  Uni-edit English editing service is the only service I trust and could help me a lot in English.  The editors would edit any words that not fluent first, then insert a balloon comment to ask me to check is it meeting my original meaning.  Usually, it takes 3 or 4 rounds of communication between authors and editors.  The turnaround time for 2nd or 3rd round is efficient.  Sometimes, it took 2 days only.  I appreciate their kind help and service on my papers. @-@

- Professor Anthony F. Han, 
Department of Transportation & Logistics Management,
National ChiaoTung University, 

Ozy has edited more than ten research papers for me. I am very satisfied with his work. He always returned the revised papers on schedule and with the quality better than my expectation. Becen-ause he has both engineering and language specialties, he is capable of understanding the content of the papers. His suggestions are very helpful not only for the grammar or word choice, but also for the clarity of the important concepts I would like deliver in the paper. If you need serious editors for the research papers or other engineering documents, I sincerely recommend this rigorous and reliable editor to you. ”

- Shih-Chung “Jessy” Kang, Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Scientific Research Division, Yu-Jong Wu

Uni-edit understands the stringent review process and deadlines in journal publishing. They always reply promptly to my questions and resolve issues very efficiently. In addition, Uni-edit’s pricing is also very reasonable.

- Yu-Jong Wu (Scientific Research Division, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan)

National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai

Our team has been working with Uni-edit in English editing for a long time. We are very pleased and satisfied with the results of the work. We are happy to recommend Uni-edit to all other professors and scholars.

- Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

名古屋大学 環境学研究科 丸山 一平 教授

I have used 8 different English editing companies for submitting my manuscripts to journals, but I feel Uni-edit's English editing is the most suitable one for my fields of study. So far they have edited my manuscript of 3 different academic fields and all of their work have satisfied me. I appreciate Uni-edit's support very much.

Their services are really flexible. For example, after having journal reviewers review your manuscript,you can ask Uni-edit to edit just certain parts of it. Also, you can use public expense for payment. I think their services are very helpful for profesors and researchers of universities in Japan.

- 丸山 一平 教授

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Alex Chou

Hello everyone, I am Alex Chou and I am currently employed at Auden Techno Corp. I was referred to Uni-edit by my peer at the famous Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. The reason I needed Uni-edit's service was to help with publishing at least one paper in an international journal. Uni-edit was careful and thorough in assisting me with my research text and the correctness of the grammar and language.This help made me successful in the paper submission stage to the journal as well as the response letter. The main reason I like Uni-edit is they only assign English native-speaker editors who related background related to my research to each of my papers. I am glad to introduce and recommend the Uni-edit English Editing Service to all authors

Film URL :

- Alex Chou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University


- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吳清慈 )
Department of Merchant Marine
National Taiwan Ocean University

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division Assistant professor, Atsushi Teramoto

I've always been using Uni-edit English editing service since my former professor recommended their services to me. They helped me to write Reports, Conference papers and journal papers and their editing was detailed and satisfying. Uni-edit offers flexible Turnaround Time, reasonable price and easy-to-use service.

- Assistant professor Atsushi Teramoto
Graduate School of Engineering,Social Environmental and Space Division
Hiroshima University

National Applied Research Laboratories, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng , 

I must say that Uni-edit editing services are good in their professional and coordination. You can discuss it again with native editors through emails, if you have doubts about the edited document.  They and the most trustworthy and recommended professional English editing service provider for manuscripts.

- Mr. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng, National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Applied Research Laboratories,

National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Derick Kang, E-mail:

어떻게 하면 영어 논문에 “정확한” 단어를 쓸 수 있을까 하는 것은 국제 저널에 논문이 받아들여질지 여부를 결정하는 가장 중요한 요인 중 하나입니다. 잘 알려진 학술 논문 영어 편집 및 번역 회사들 여러 곳에 의뢰해 본 결과, 그들이 미국 혹은 영국 스타일의 논문 형식으로 정확한 문법으로 원어민처럼 편집할 수 있다는 것을 압니다. 그러나 논문에 있는 저자의 원래 의미를 “정확하고” “옳은” 용어를 사용하는 것은 편집자의 “전문적이고” “세심한” 편집 능력에 달려 있습니다. Uni-edit(대학 영어 편집 및 번역 서비스)에 영어 편집 서비스를 요청하기 시작한 이후, 제 논문에서 용어를 잘못 사용한 적은 한 번도 없었습니다. Uni-edit의 품질은 모든 학술 저자들에게 신뢰를 받을 만 합니다.

- Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

台灣大學, 護理系, 博士班學生李雅文


- 博士班學生李雅文

National Taiwan University, ​Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology Dr. Shou-Zen Fan

My name is Shouzen Fan, associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology in College of Medicine, NTU and Director of Anesthesiology of NTUH. Writing papers occupied most of my time, except hospital work and teaching. Even though I was trained well on medical research and English writing, I can’t squeeze extra time for polish English better. It could save my time and increase the chance to get paper published., if I can get help from a professional English editing company to express my meaning clearly. Why I chose Uni-edit?

1. They use 2 medical background editors work on my paper
2. CHECK comments help me to make sure the meaning correctly
3. I could learn better on academic English writing from their editing
4. With their knowledgeable customer service, I could get clear Chinese explanation to meet my needs. I can feel they give a strict training on their staff.
5. The turnaround time and fee are clear and reasonable.
6. Help me to apply funding reimbursement with quotation and local invoice which is fa-piao.

I strongly recommend you should give Uni-edit a try. At least call them to ask the service, workflow. Then you will understand you are making a right decision of choosing an English editing service.

- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital

Uni-edit의 영어 서비스는 최상을 추구하는 전문가 정신으로 충만합니다. 그들은 당신의 필요를 듣고 그 필요를 최대한 빨리 충족시키기 위해 최선을 다합니다. 저는 National Taiwan Ocean University의 Department of Merchant Marine에서 20년 넘게 가르치고 있고 저널 출판에 오랜 경험이 있습니다. 그런 어려운 일에 Uni-edit이 큰 힘이 되었습니다.

- Dr. Ching-Tsyr Wu (吳清慈 )
Department of Merchant Marine
National Taiwan Ocean University

My name is Professor Ren Yong from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China. I publish around 20 manuscripts each year and therefore require professional help with writing English fluently to speed up the publication process and ensure the quality of the manuscripts. Uni-edit understands the strict submission deadlines imposed on academics; they are undoubtedly reliable and always deliver completed jobs on time.

Chief Editor Ozy and the Uni-edit team respect the work of every author and sincerely wish to help researchers correct the English of their manuscripts and ensure their intended meaning is expressed clearly and professionally. During the process of translation and editing if questions or issues arise, Uni-edit always contacts me to ensure the author’s meaning is preserved. Such attention to detail is critical for professional academic manuscripts. Furthermore, Uni-edit has a team of native-speaker editors and assigns editors who have a related academic background to the researcher or author for each manuscript; they therefore have a good grasp of the subject matter.

I have now been working with Ozy and his team for over 10 months. They always reply promptly and resolve problems quickly, and the fee is also calculated in a very reasonable way. Ozy came to meet me and my team to understand our requirements. This adds the human touch to the relationship, so the service is not only professional but also friendly. I definitely recommend the Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.”

- Ren Yong, Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University in China

台湾大学, 护理系, 博士班学生李雅文

我是台大护理系博士班学生李雅文, 需发表具水平的文章,因此需要专业英语编辑服务以利加速和协助发表文章的速度和水平。我试过三家以上的英文编修,相较之下,Uni-edit重视每位研究者作品并尽心协助将研究者稿件的英文修正到无错误并且流畅且专业的程度,同时会给予专业的建议,过程中有任何疑问Uni-edit也会跟我做沟通以确保我要表达的意思。Uni-edit了解学术界严谨的审稿制度和截止日,所以稿件会准时交件,值得信赖。Uni-edit服务的细心程度对于专业学术稿件非常的重要。这是我第二次与总编辑Ozy和Uni-edit团队合作,我诚挚推荐Uni-edit 团队的专业服务给其他的研究者。

- 博士班学生李雅文
护理系 台湾大学

VIDEO National Taiwan University, Departement of Life Sciences, Professor Juan

Hello everyone, I am Professor Hsueh-Fen Juan from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University. I remember the first time I asked Ozy to edit my paper; he came to my lab to discuss with me first.. Uni-edit is a very professional editing company from my point of view. Ozy is also a kind and friendly person. Until now, we have asked Uni-edit to edit over 50 papers covering the fields of bioinformatics, drug development research, proteomics, and cancer-related research. The species covered include bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Uni-edit always assigns the most suitable professional experts to edit our papers, which is the reason I'm confident to keep sending papers to them. I recommend Uni-edit to my friends and students for English editing and with this video I recommend them to you too.

Film URL :

- Professor Juan, Departement of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University

Chinese Culture University  Department of International Business Administration Associate Professor Kyle Lin

I have asked for Uni-edit English editing team to help my several marketing articles until now. Their editors can not only understand the research content and provide appropriate suggestions for revision, but also the turnaround times and results of their works are conformed to my expectations. I believe strongly Uni-edit team is a trustworthy and affirmative English editing service provider.  I recommend it sincerely. 

- Associate Professor Kyle Lin, Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University 

Ozy 已經幫我修改過十餘篇工程類的論文,他最讓我滿意的地方就是可信賴的交件速度,且其成果符合我預期中的品質。他的工程與語文雙專長,可以真正瞭解我文章的內容,提供正確的修改及建議。若您需要嚴謹的學術或工程檔編修,我誠摯推薦這位雙專長且可信賴的編修者。

... 康仕仲 (台大土木系 助理教授)

National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Derick Kang, E-mail:

How to use "Precise" words in English papers is one of the most important factors as well as whether the international journal papers can be accepted or not.  After working with several well-known academic paper English editing and translation companies, I know they can edit native-like in American or British style papers with correct grammar.  However, it depends on editor’s "professional" and "careful" editing capabilities to use "precise" and "right" terms to express theauthor’s original meaning in the paper.  Since starting to request English editing service from Uni-edit (University English Editing and Translation Service), the terms used failurely had never occurred to my any more.  The quality of Uni-edit certainly deserves to be trusted to all academic authors.

- Professor Derick Kang
National Taipei University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering


我請Uni-edit編修的文章,主要是在用啟發式(heuristics)方法求解vehicle routing與 crew scheduling這些NP hard高複雜度的問題。這些問題通常無法由傳統數學規劃求解,而是依問題特性構建求解的演算法。撰文說明這些演算法設計的概念時,英文寫作除了單句表達必須正確,也必須要前後文的銜接流暢。Uni-edit的編修在這方面給我很大的幫助,他們會在文意銜接欠流暢處,先主動提出建議修定,再以註解(remark)請我確定是否符合原意。同一篇文章,經常需要三至四回合的互動溝通,直至我完全滿意為止; 而且在第二回合以後的回覆通常非常迅速(有時只要兩天)。我真的很感謝他們專業熱忱的服務。@-@@-@

- 韓復華教授



- 百崎良

国立台湾大学 土木工学部 謝尚賢教授

Ozyの校閲サービスには大変満足しています。彼はまるで親友のような感覚でサービスを提供してくれます。どのような文章でも彼は内容の理解にベストを尽 くし、ライティングの優れたアドバイスをしてくれます。そしてまた、読み手と親友の角度から提案やコメントをし、励ましてくれます。彼に大変感謝すると共 に、彼のサービスを心から推薦します。


Chung Yuan Christian University, The Department of Civil Engineering, Chang-Wei Huang

Over the past few years, I have sent my manuscripts to Uni-edit for English editing several times. After their editors edited on my papers, I got my papers published.  The main reason I would keep sending my papers to Uni-edit and recommend Uni-edit to other professors is they allow me to focus on improving the research content and do not need to worry about the language writing in English.

- Chang-Wei Huang
The Department of Civil Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University

慈恵会医科大学 医学部 百崎良



Mr. Chief Editor Ozy Abram of Uni-edt,
I am the author Li Liqing of editing job code P043001HIT.  I have read the manuscript been edited through your company's service. Thanks editors for their help! I am sending a letter of recommendation; hope it can make more people to find Uni-edit, to help them submit the paper successfully.

Recommendation as follow:

Through my friend Wang Li introduced, I chose the Uni-edit for my English manuscript editing. In the past I wrote the manuscript and edited it by myself, always received the comments with “obscure English, do not understand the author's intention" from the reviewers, that feels very frustrated because I spent a lot of times and efforts to edit my paper. I decided to adopt Uni-edit’s help. After editing the manuscript, feel Uni-edit editors understand the author's ideas. Uni-edit understand the academic rigor of the review system, the manuscript on time delivery. Uni-edit customer service officers with the author's native language to communicate, this service is very convenient. In view of the Uni-edit of a good and robust service, I have already recommended a friend to use Uni-edit of editing services.


- Li Liqing
Harbin Institute of Technology

台北海洋技术学院, 轮机工程系, 欧阳宽副教授



- 欧阳宽副教授

Chung Shan Medical University, School of Public Health, Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然

Ozy and Uni-edit team can provide professional English editing that meets my need.  They charge reasonable rate for their service.  I would like to recommend the professional service of Uni-edit team to other professors and researchers.

- Associate Professor, Hao-Jan Yang  楊浩然
School of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University

PS.  The paper edited by Uni-edit was accepted by the journal “Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior”.

Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

I work as a writer/editor of books and magazines and I use Uni-edit English editing/translation services when I edit books published by foreign publishers.

When I saw Uni-edit website for the first time, it looked like they were more experienced with 'academic' manuscripts, so I hesitated a little before using their service, however,
I was very satisfied with their editing/translation quality. Their price is more reasonable than other editing companies. Your paper will be double checked by a second editor so that the quality of English will be very high. They will also listen to your request such as 'Please make the English less formal'.Native English speakers check your English thoroughly and they also answer your questions, which makes your paper high-quality. I also appreciate that I can choose an editing (translation) level and turnaround time.

- Writer / Editor, Sawako Akune

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,  Associate Research Fellow,  Yuan- Sen "Vincent" Yang

For a Taiwanese researcher, it is perhaps not difficult to write grammatically correct English sentences. However, to write a fluent and easy to read article is another thing. In my experience, Uni-Edit editors tried to get the point of my sentences and paragraphs, and polish the article based on the point, instead of just from a grammatical view, improving the article readability.”

- Yuan- Sen "Vincent" Yang, Associate Research Fellow, NCREE

AEI movie, Producer, Dorothy Chen

AEI movie is a young film production company, has committed to funding and creation for youth directors. A couple of years ago, in order to make the movie subtitles in Chinese is readable for Chinese speaking audiences, we have found Uni-edit and it helped to translate movie subtitles perfectly.  I believe most of new opened companies or individual studios will need the services from Uni-edit.  They could help to translate and edit the requests with international business strategies and thinking to help their consumers with fast and accurate services.  When I received the translated file, I found they made the clear CHECKs for me to explain why they translated a little bit different from my original Chinese to make it more native.  The most important thing is the customer service agent Leigh who can provide fast and professional service to solve problems for customers.  Highly recommend you to contact Uni-eidt.

- Dorothy Chen
AEI movie