Specialist language services for eBooks and related online content and marketing materials that will help increase sales of your eBook.
Copyediting of English
An expert writer will edit your eBook to make it easier for readers to understand your ideas. Your eBook will have greater appeal to readers because it will read well. Also, by using Uni-edit’s copyediting service, you can avoid negative reviews and comments about language problems.
Complete – grammar, spelling, punctuation and stylistics problems are fixed for your eBook.
Knowledge – based on the style of writing and topic, an expert editor is matched to the subject of your book.
Thorough - all errors are removed from beginning to end.
Improve - we can also provide deeper insight on your eBook to help you achieve your publication goals.
Translation into other languages
An expert translator translates your eBook into any other language. Your eBook will be able to reach a wider audience because it is published in another language.
We specialize in translations with English, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and Spanish.
A professionally trained and qualified translator will translate your eBook. Uni-edit has access to a large pool of talented and trained translators who are experienced in translating eBooks. Additionally, a native speaker for your target language will improve the fluency of the final translation of your eBook.
Get a quotation and turnaround times
Please contact Daniel Boles at or via Skype: daniel.uniedit.