Uni-editの多くのお客様は、日本語や中国語を母国語とされています。それらのお客様が「一方」または「一方面」を英語に翻訳するとき、"on the other hand"と"besides"を同義的に使用することがときどきあります。しかし、これらの語句は英語では非常に異なる意味を持ちます。
On the other hand
"On the other hand" は、対立する要因や、対立する意見を支持する要因を示すために用います。それは、著者が慎重に論議しているか、または判断を下す過程であることを示唆します。"On one hand ... On the other hand..." が英語でよくみられる自然な構造です。
(正)Some researchers have suggested metallic carbon nanotubes as a potential material for the construction electrical circuits like those in computer chips. Metallic carbon nanotubes possess high thermal stability, thermal conductivity, and current carrying capacity. On the other hand, their fabrication is a challenging and time-consuming process, and there is no suitable mass production method at present.
"Besides" は、別の概念または説明を導入するのに用いられます。それは、著者がすでに意志を決定していることを示唆し、"besides" 以下の理由は、すでに最善であるとわかっている決定の根拠をさらに加えているにすぎません。
(正)Based on this evidence, we did not employ metallic carbon nanotubes to construct our chips. Besides, the speed of existing technology is suitable for our purposes.
"besides" 以下は、ある知見の事後理由を示すので、拒否的であるか、偏見があるような印象さえ与えることがあります。実際に、慎重な学術論文の著者は、"besides" をめったに使用しません。余分の、不必要な理由を挿入することが本来の理由を弱めてしまうからです。
"moreover" や "in addition" は、正当化するような意味合いを含まないので、代わりに用いるには賢明な選択肢です。これらの語は、さらなる事実が前文の主な論拠や推論の流れを支持することを示します。
(正)Based on this evidence, we did not employ metallic carbon nanotubes to construct our chips. Moreover, the speed of existing technology is suitable for our purposes.
“On the other hand” と “Besides”
Uni-edit English Writing Tip 010
“On the other hand” vs. “Besides”
Difficult: Easy
Many Uni-edit customers are from Chinese & Japanese language backgrounds. Our customers sometimes translate the characters “一方” or “一方面” into English as “on the other hand” and “besides” synonymously. However, these words have quite different meanings in English.
On the other hand
“On the other hand” is used to present factors that are opposed, or that support opposing opinions. It suggests the author is deliberating, or in the process of making a decision. "On one hand ... On the other hand..." is a commonly used and natural structure.
Correct: Some researchers have suggested metallic carbon nanotubes as a potential material for the construction electrical circuits like those in computer chips. Metallic carbon nanotubes possess high thermal stability, thermal conductivity, and current carrying capacity. On the other hand, their fabrication is a challenging and time-consuming process, and there is no suitable mass production method at present.
“Besides” is used to introduce an additional idea or explanation. It suggests the author has already made his decision; reasons with “besides” are just more evidence for a decision that is already known to be optimal.
Correct: Based on this evidence, we did not employ metallic carbon nanotubes to construct our chips. Besides, the speed of existing technology is suitable for our purposes.
Because “besides” gives an after-the-fact reason for a finding, it can sound dismissive or even prejudiced. In fact, careful academic writers rarely use “besides”, because inserting extra, unnecessary reasons dilutes the original argument.
Saying “moreover” or “in addition” is a sensible alternative that does not imply rationalizing. That implies the additional fact supports the main argument or line of reasoning.
Correct: Based on this evidence, we did not employ metallic carbon nanotubes to construct our chips. Moreover, the speed of existing technology is suitable for our purposes.